
Chapter 343 Return

It hadn't even been an hour since Minuha parted with Seth, yet as she turned around, she was greeted by the sight of him already making himself comfortable on the back of her mount, Irene standing beside him and looking at the beast warily.

"What are you doing here," Minuha asked, walking across the neck of the beast and getting close to Seth.

"Well we were minding our business and on our merry way when I noticed a beast in the distance and I decided I might as well pitch a ride, who would have known it was you"

The bright smile on Seth's face and joviality in his tone was a clear sign that he was lying and had known all along that Minuha was the one riding the beast.

"Liar, you knew it was me, why are you still following after me, I thought I was free."

"You are free. Though I did know you were the one ridding the beast, I wasn't lying about pitching a ride, you are heading in the same direction as us."

Minuha's face twisted at Seth's words, though she had mixed feeling about him, the one feeling she was sure of was that she was happy to have been away from him for at least the meantime.

"So where are you headed" the question sounded and this time it wasn't Seth that asked it but rather Irene.

Identifying Irene as the one who asked the question Minuha kept mum and instead began staring at Irene, Irene not backing down.

"Minuha just answer her."

With Seth's words, Minuha snorted, and then looking away from Irene she answered.

"I'm heading to Monwoc city, so unless you're also heading there, then your story of both of us going the same way is a lie" Minuha turn to the duo and said.

"Oh" was Seth's only reply, he looked to a stunned Irene implicatively, and then with a groan lay down on the back of the beast they were on.

"Monwac City isn't bad, I haven't had a proper meal in days, let's go to Monwac City," Seth said going silent.

"Okay" was all Minuha, could say, after all, Seth was the boss.

With this reply, Minuha threw Irene a nasty look and then turned and return to the top of the beast's head where she rested her butt.

Irene waited for Minuha to move away, and when the woman returned to the beast's head, she sat down beside Seth.

"Could Aimy be in maniac city?" Irene asked with uncertainty.

"Maybe, are you worried.,"

"Of course, I'm worried about our notoriety, if she is found to have any connection with us, she'll be in trouble."

"No, she won't, Unless Edwin has become retarded, she'll be well taken care of, besides, there is also the possibility that she isn't in Monwac city, she could just be in a location ahead of it."

Irene's face scrunched at Seth's words, but she ended up nodding her head in agreement with his thoughts.


It was Midday, and the sun was at its peak, cruelly making a waste of workers as it bombarded the ground.

In the room of a tall building, a man sat behind a desk, shifting through various documents on his desk, a tight expression on his face, his forehead filled with relatively more wrinkles than there were two weeks ago.

"You should have some rest, Monwac city won't end if you do," Someone to the side said, but minutes later got no answer.


"Edwin"I think you should take a look at

Dilise called but got no answer.

"I'll tell Flora that you're working yourself to death."

At this the man who had been hard at work lifted his head, revealing tired eyes, and looked at the woman opposite him with a bit of frustration.

"We are already in a lot of problems at the moment, the last thing we need is another campaign, who knows how Minuha would react."

At the mention of Minuha, Dilise flinched, a bit of fear going through her.

"Still you need to rest if you want to stay healthy, if you break down, the consequences will be far worse than if you take a few hours of rest.

There was a bit of silence for some seconds and then a "Fine"

"But first let me finish this paper, it concerns more detailed reports on Zurocs' army."

"Oh, even I still find it hard to believe" Dilise muttered.

"Yeah, looking at Zuroc's army we we're really lucky with him," Edwin said, but before any more words could be exchanged between the two of them, a Scream sounded, one which reached the ears of the two rooms occupants.

"Minuha is back," they both thought at the same time.


With their previous position, after a few hours of travel, the group of Seth, Irene, and Minuha could finally see Monwac City, and soon they were soaring above it.

Throughout all this, neither of the figures on the beast moved, their soulsense blasting out and doing the seeing for them.

"They've retaken the outer city, they even have their barriers back on" Irene commented.

"Nothing surprising" Seth grumbled," they probably got some reinforcements, and beside there is Minuha, who knows what underhanded trick she played."

Seth wasn't particularly being secretive with his words so Minuha heard him.

"Just a few assassinations" Minuha replied.

"Oh we're being received, did you bully Edwin and take over Monwac City," Seth asked noticing that people were gathering in a spot in the inner city where the descending beast was meant to land.

"Something like that."

"The poor man, before he could celebrate escaping the terror of my presence, he fell into your tyrannical leadership.

"I'm not a bad leader, and Monwac City's rapid recovery proves that," Minuha said as she floated from the top of the beast to the ground.


"Welcome back lady Minuha"

Though he doubted Minuha would care, Edwin had no wish to trigger Minuha, so after greeting her he was about to follow up with some flattery and concern-filled speech but then someone else descended from atop the beast and the man felt his heart stop 


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