
Chapter 62 At Hoon-suk’s wedding

Like that two months have been passed. One day while he was working in his office his secretary Jaemin gave him the registered post which was sent by his best friend Hoon-suk. Young-soo asked Jaemin to open the post and gave it to him. Young-soo was surprised to see the wedding invitation card of his friend. He was so happy that his best friend was going to get married soon. He made a phone call to his friend to wish him luck.

As soon as Hoon-suk answered his call Young-soo wished him, "congratulations my friend, finally you guys are going to get married, I’m feeling so happy for you guys."

Hoon-suk was delighted to hear Young-soo’s happy voices; he thanked him for his wish and asked him, "How are you doing?"

Young-soo: "Yeah, I’m doing well, you?"

Hoon-suk: "I’m doing well too."

Young-soo again expressed that he was so happy to hear the unexpected marriage news from him.

Hoon-suk: "Actually, to tell you the truth we are not planning to get married now, after finding that So-hee was one month pregnant we decided to get married and we are so excited to the baby to be born."

Young-soo: "My hearty congratulations once again for becoming a father and I’m so proud of you my friend. How So-hee is doing now?"

Hoon-suk: "At first she was shocked to know that she was pregnant and worried about her future in the modeling industry was almost going to be an end. It was my mistake for being careless. Therefore, I promised her that I’ll support her no matter what, and consoled her by saying; life is all about the way you think, and with what perspective you see it. If you wanted to achieve in your modeling industry you can achieve it even after giving birth to our baby, all you need to do is work hard with perseverance. After listening to my advice she said that as long I’m with her she will achieve anything in this world, and she promised me she’ll be a good mother to our baby."

Young-soo: "You guys are such a sweet couple, and I like the way you support each-other in need."

Hoon-suk: "Yeah, stop congratulating me too much and attend my wedding without fail. Don’t make any appointment on that day; come earlier as possible as you could because you are my best man, and I hope you’ll not disappointment me."

Before Young-soo hung-up the call he assured him that, he’ll come to his wedding, and do his best as his best man.

As Young-soo assured his friend he went to Seoul a few days before Hoon-suk wedding, and as a best man he organized a bachelor party at one of the private villa to celebrate it with the some of their close friends. Young-soo just forgot everything and enjoyed his moments with his friends happily.

On the day of the wedding Young-soo was in a white shirt with suspenders and navy blue bow tie attire which was similar with the fellow groomsmen, and the groom was in navy blue wedding tuxedos with matching bow tie with his groomsmen.

Park Inha took charge as a chief bridesmaid for the bride. Their wedding ceremony took place at one of the famous church at the Seoul, and only the few of their close friends and family members are invited, hence it was a simple wedding ceremony.

However, their official colleagues including Eunbi and Min-suk were also invited to the grand wedding reception, which was held at Young-soo’s luxury hotel at Seoul in the evening.

As Young-soo was busy being Hoon-suk’s right hand he didn’t notice Eunbi’s presence.

During the cake cutting ceremony Young-soo saw Eunbi was sitting along with Min-suk in the hall. In addition they were happened to stare at each other and Young-soo just gave her a gentle smile. As the presented guests clapped their hands he changed his gaze to the just now married couple, and clapped his hands with a smile as the couple cut the cake and fed it to each-other.

Inha grabbed his hand and took him onto the stage to sing some songs. They sang some romantic duet songs together, while they were singing the songs they often hold each-other hands, and sometimes they stare at each other eyes. The presented guests were mesmerized with their singing skills, only Eunbi couldn’t able to enjoy the way they sing the songs together, she felt like she wanted go upon to the stage and gave a tight slap over Inha’s face.

Some of the presented guests commented to one-another that, ’Young-soo and Inha are looking so good together’. By hearing their comments Eunbi flushed with anger, Min-suk held her hand and asked her, as she looked so disturbed, "are you alright, Eunbi?"

She nodded her head, excused herself, and went to the restroom. There she stood in front of the mirror and tried to calm herself by taking a few deep breaths. Then she looked at her reflection on the mirror and asked herself, ’you got divorced already, why did you care if he holds her hand and sing the songs with her. You saw that how he was enjoying his moments with her, just forget about him and enjoy you moment with Min-suk.’

When she returned back to the reception hall, she saw a few of the couples were standing on the dance floor for the slow dance, to dance along with the just now married couple.

Min-suk outstretched his hand to Eunbi and asked her to dance with him. As she saw Young-soo and Inha on the dance floor she gave her hand to Min-suk in acceptance. The couples started to dance once the music started to play; Eunbi couldn’t able to match the dance moves with Min-suk as she was looking at Young-soo and Inha’s dance moves on the dance floor. In a while the couples change their dance partners to give a last celebration dance on the wedding ceremony. Young-soo and Eunbi was happened to be a dance partner. As she was about to hold his hands Young-soo took a step back, "I’m sorry I can’t do this," he apologized and walked out of the dance floor. Hence, Eunbi doesn’t have a dance partner she was also moved out of the dance floor with humiliation.

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