
Chapter 192 NetFlex Announced New Hangover Movie Would Be Based on True Story of Florida Man Waking Up to the Aftermath of Alien War.

Chapter 192 NetFlex Announced New Hangover Movie Would Be Based on True Story of Florida Man Waking Up to the Aftermath of Alien War.

"Why are the mannequins so weak, munya? I thought they were stronger than trashy immortals, munya." Complained Mu-Nyang.

Meowmeow also had the same thoughts. But after taking a better look, he realized something.

"Our lord is too far away from us. The mannequins exert their fullest potential. They are strongest when our master is around."

"But haven't mastered built us a pylon tower for us, munya?"

Mu-Nyang referred to the crystal tower with the spirit stone heart. It had been supplying this domain with abundant yin-yang Qi. However, compared to Leo's presence, its energy supply was negligible.

The angel deeply sighed, "It's still not enough. The energy consumption of "Purgatory Flame" is too great. Think of a battery. When many electrical appliances are active at once, the battery will be rapidly drained. Also…"

Meowmeow opened his eyes and stood up. Then, he walked toward the edge of the platform.

"Have you felt it?"

"Feel what, munya?"

The angel gazed toward the stars. His expression turned dark.

"The eyes that are watching us from above."


The Fenrir and Cathulhu statues widened their eyes. Then, they looked up. Then, they noticed the anomaly. Although the night sky was full of stars, the three detected faint killing intent from far away directed at them.

The Fenrir statue instantly recognized the stare. The pair of eyes came from someone from his race.

The Fenrir statue bore fangs. He lowered his stance and prepared to shuttle to space. However, the Cathulhu statue jumped and body-pressed the wolf as if a professional wrestler delivering a finishing move.

The wolf was stunned and dizzy. His eyes spun.

The Cathulhu comically flipped the wolf statue over and pinned him. Then, one of his tentacles counted the fall.


The Fenrir statue came back to his senses. He glared at the cat and barked, "What are you doing, woof?!"

"Our master aren't here, munya. Until he's back, no big fight, munya."


The angel nodded in approval, "He's right, doggy. We're running on a reserve battery right now. Look at my girl. Even though she got an upgrade from me, she can't use her full strength.

While they chatted, a barrage of fireballs, fire lances, flame wheels, and fire hurricanes descended upon Qinag Qiang. She endured the random attacks and came out with a slight crack in her chest.

Noticing the damage to his subordinate, Meowmeow let out a long sigh.

"We're running low on energy. We have to assume that our master won't return any time soon. Let's help them and finish this quickly."

The angel vanished. He reappeared in the middle of Qiang Baidu's army.


The appearance of the giant statue surprised the soul transformation mutants. They shouted and summoned their dao avatars.

Meowmeow unsheathed a long katana, and a dark dome emerged, covering everybody within Leo's domain. He then swung it once and sheathed the katana.


The dome of darkness vanished, revealing the result of the attack.



2,000 soul transformation mutants and 30 quasi-immortal elites were cleaved in half. They widened their eyes as their bodies split vertically. Moreover, their souls got stuck inside their dying physiques.

In one attack, the angel statue cut down 25% of Qiang Baidu's troops!

The angel returned to the platform. He let out a long sigh and threw his butt on his throne. He then complained.

"I'm out of energy. You two are next."

"Okay, munya…"


The two beast statues seemed hesitant as they didn't want to run out of energy. Still, for the sake of protecting Leo's place, they took action. Both wolf and cat jumped out of the mystic portal platform.



Qiang Baidu glanced at the battlefield while he parried Marc's strikes. The battle did not go well for his side.

The horned men teamed up and isolated his quasi-immortal elites to a 3v1 or 2v1 combat. They also used long-ranged weapons, which always erased one or two elite bodyguards per shot.

It had been 10 minutes into the fight, but their number was reduced by half. As for the other party's casualty, only the wooden golems were destroyed. Still, every time they were destroyed, they self-exploded, killing a dozen soul-transformation mutants at once.

As for the property damage, it was hopeless. The shopping mall building remained intact while the recycling center only suffered from slight burn damage.

At this rate, his forces would be wiped out. The humiliation of losing to a tiny force with less than 200 combatants angered him.


Mistaking Marc for Leo, Qiang Baidu roared and used his trump card. He pulled out a black pill from his spatial ring and ate it.

As soon as the pill entered his stomach, his skin turned black. His physique grew larger while all of his bodily hair fell.

Marc backed away from Qiang Baidu as he sensed something amiss. From his point of view, Qiang Baidu gave an air of a demonic creature from another world.

Two black horns grew from Qiang Baidu's temples. His jaws extended forward like a savage beast. All his muscles bulged while his blood vessels expanded and lengthened. Two demonic wings emerged from his back. As for his legs, the bones and joints transformed, turning into massive goat legs.

It took Qiang Baidu only two seconds to transform from a four-armed mutant into a 10-meter-tall four-armed demon with a dog face.

The consciousness of Qiang Baidu faded, replaced with pure primal instinct. He howled and charged at Marc.

Marc's main head left behind an afterimage and teleported two meters behind the demonic werewolf. His red lightning arm pierced through Qiang Baidu's back and unleashed the red tribulation lightning upon him.


An explosion occurred. However, it was Marc's arm that exploded. As for Qiang Baidu, he was unharmed.

The headless body carried Marc's bastard sword. He hacked down, aiming at Qiang Baidu's neck.


Instead of lopping off the demon's neck, Marc's precious artifact was broken in half. Moreover, the body flinched

Marc frowned as he suspected something. While clenching his lost arm, he fired a transparent thunderbolt at Qiang Baidu.


The electricity hit the demon, but it was Marc who took the damage.

"I see. An attack reflection domain ability, this is troublesome."

Marc regenerated his lost arm and put his head back to his physical body. Then, he flew toward the inverted flying island, heading to the Dullahan statue in the cemetery.

The statue reacted. It moved and jumped out of the cemetery, flying toward its master. Then, the two extended their index finger and gently touched each other's fingertips.


The horseman statue merged with Marc. The flying island hummed and generated a gravity force, pulling everybody in the sky toward the cemetery. At the same time, Marc emerged as a black knight riding on an armored war horse.

When the transformation finished, Marc didn't pursue Qiang Baidu. He threw away his precious bastard sword and pulled out a long scythe from the saddle's weapon holder. He rotated it over his head to warm up.


The gravity force of the inverted island had a mind of its own. It directly pulled Qiang Baidu toward the cemetery.

Marc chased after the demonic werewolf. Even though he couldn't harm the demon, he could isolate the Earth Celestial demon and protect his weaker allies on the battlefield.


Esen still rested on a beach bed, observing the chaotic battlefield next to the white tree array.

Although Esen seemed lazy, she worked harder than anybody. She had been maintaining a transparent dome, covering the farms and the white tree array.

This domain made everything inside invisible. Moreover, it generated an illusion of a burning farmland, tricking the invaders.

In addition to the farmland protection, she kept an eye on the unicorns and nightmares on the battlefield. Whenever they got critically injured by the mutants, she secretly dragged them inside the domain and transferred some yin essence to the beasts, healing them in the process. Then, she kicked them out.

While monitoring the battlefield, she glanced at Marc to see how the boy fared against an earth immortal.

She was slightly disappointed. She thought that Marc would defeat Qiang Baidu easily, but the latter was abnormal.

'Which overlord is backing that guy? A demon? A Fenrir? Or both?'

Several names came to Esen's mind, such as Overlord Lucky, Overlord Hein, and Overlord Anuboque. Although she had never met them in the past, she was aware of their existence as her former mentor was one of the overlords as well.

Because of the complications and the involvement of galactic entities, Esen figured that Marc might not be Qiang Baidu's opponent this time. She stood up and stretched. Then, she rubbed her throat, sending voice transmission to another subordinate.

"Beatrice, how's it going?"

The death knightress Beatrice instantly replied, 'I'm observing the Magpie City at the moment, Your Majesty.'

"What about the humans?"

'No danger.'

"Good. Come back and help your brother. He is fighting an incarnation of an overlord or an entity at the moment. He knows how to kill souls, but he doesn't know how to kill an apostle."

'Understood, Your Majesty. Heading back now.'

Esen let out a sigh of relief. She looked up, watching over Marc.

But as Esen looked up, someone accidentally stepped into her domain again. The next thing she heard was a buzzing hum of a lightsaber cutting through a person's limb.


A soul transformation mutant collapsed on his butt after losing two of his arms to Gao Yan. The latter leisurely walked toward his opponent while commanding his flying lightsaber to deflect a fireball from above. He pointed his gun's muzzle at the mutant's head and pulled the trigger.


Another mutant went down.

Gao Yan turned around and walked out of the invisible domain as if he didn't sense the changes. When he left, Taxi rushed to Gao Yan's side and supplied him with a barrel of unorganized 9mm bullets.

"Smash!" (There you go, boy. Have fun smashing!)

Gao Yan nodded at Taxi, "Many thanks, senior."

Although Gao Yan got more ammo, he still needed to put them in empty magazines first. Without looking at the barrel of ammunition, Gao Yan flickered seven empty magazines over the barrel.

Using only his Qi, he commanded the ammo to fill the magazines. In 10 seconds, 105 bullets were ready to use. He took the mags and started blasting holes while he completely left the domain.

Esen looked at Gao Yan and noticed Thora, who followed Gao Yan around as usual. She turned toward her and deeply bowed. Then, she awkwardly chased after her boyfriend.

Looking at Gao Yan, Esen felt like she had seen him somewhere before, but she couldn't remember.

"Where have I seen that guy? I kinda remember someone with a similar fighting style, but I can't remember…"

Esen tilted her head and fell into deep thought for a long time.



Beatrice returned to the domain an hour later. However, by the time she arrived, the fight was almost over.

The Cathulhu statue and Fenrir statue briefly joined the battlefield and killed 3,000 soul transformation cultivators instantly. Then, they left. As for the quasi-immortals, Taxi, Ricardo, Qiang Qiang, and 98 Pony Legion crushed them with Esen's support.

The remaining soul transformation mutants were either devoured by random bullets from Taxi's subordinates or mannequin musketeers. As for Gao Yan, he loitered in front of his house and shopping mall, picking off stray mutants in the area.

The remaining fight was located on the inverted island above Leo's domain. On the cemetery island, a demonic werewolf continued chasing after Marc in his knight appearance.

Beatrice flew to the cemetery and landed behind the demonic wolf. She pulled out a 1.5-meter-long blade from her chest. The purple blade emitted a black aura of death and extreme yin essence, which no living being could use.

It was the aura of death itself.

Beatrice slowly took off her blindfold. She calmly opened her eyelids, revealing her pitch-black eyeballs.

As soon as Beatrice revealed her eyes, the demon werewolf flinched as if he regained sanity. Qiang Baidu turned around to see the Grim Reaper.


A purple horizontal light flashed and vanished. Beatrice swung her blade the same way Meowmeow did, minus the domain of darkness. Then, the purple blade receded into her chest.


Qiang Baidu didn't feel anything. But a second later, his body collapsed on the ground lifelessly. Transparent purple particles flew out from his physique as if his soul had disintegrated.

His attack reflection ability was ineffective against Beatrice's mysterious blade. Only Esen, Ivy, and Marc were aware of the true terror of this death knight.

Marc, who was still in his knight armor, lowered his scythe. He didn't do anything fancy other than running around on his war horse, dodging Qinag Baidu's random attacks. He canceled his transformation and smiled at his sister.

"Sister Bea, you're back!"

Beatrice silently nodded. She revealed a faint smile for a moment before she resumed her usual pokerface. She put back her blindfold clothes and closed her eyes.

"You lack training."

Marc slouched his shoulders, "But I fought hard."

"You lack training."


Marc wanted to cry, but he had no tears. He deactivated his domain ability, and the inverted cemetery island vanished.

Sounds of combat ceased, and the night regained its tranquility. No cheer or celebration was heard from the winner's side even though they just defeated an overwhelming army of an immortal.





Leo finally returned to the bedroom of his battle bus. He deeply inhaled and treasured the stale air of the master bedroom. As he missed his domain and people, he stepped out of the bus to tell everybody that the daddy was home.

As soon as Leo got out of the parking lot building, he found a trace of carnage last night. He also found Esen and her two minions, dragging corpses of weird humanoid creatures toward the junkyard.

"Wut da hail happened here?"

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