
Chapter 340 Epilogue

Chapter 340 Epilogue

?Chapter 340 – Epilogue



Leo returned to Mu-Nyang\'s planet. He stood on the wasteland, where a lonely cabin stood out like a sore thumb.


<Warning. Your lifespan has exceeded the limit of this universe. The excess life force will be stored in the time dimension.>

<Your current lifespan: 340 Undecillion.>

<Current stored lifespan: 763 Undecillion.>

Leo swiped his hand across the floating screens and closed them as he no longer regarded his life force as important. After all, his business thrived in multiple universes. This didn\'t include the destroyed universes which provoked him first.

With such an abundant system currency, Leo came here to ensure Mu-Nyang\'s safety and smooth cultivation life.

As soon as Leo arrived, he noticed that Cat\'s life signature was still in the cabin. He gently touched the doorknob, and the house\'s defensive mechanism was activated.


<Welcome back, Administrator Leonardo.>

<Current Yin and Yang energy in the cabin: 35%>

"It\'s that time of the year again, right?"

Leo flickered his finger and ejected a singularity stone, which was the highest grade of currency that the higher dimensions commonly used. It contained enough Qi to improve a mortal\'s cultivation base to the karmic sovereign realm. However, Leo opened the electric battery console outside the house and replaced the old singularity stone with the bead in his hand. Afterward, he consumed the remaining Qi in the used stone and turned it into ash.

<Your lifespan has increased by 35,111 years.>

Leo ignored the information and entered the cabin. Entering the humble resident, Leo found Mu-Nyang curling into a ball on the spring bed.

Mu-Nyang was asleep. His consciousness still wandered in his dantian universe as always.

Looking at Mu-Nyang\'s smiling face, he gently stroked the cat\'s fur and grinned.

"Xiaomao is coming out soon, I see."

Mu-Nyang purred in his sleep and licked his lips. He sleep-talked.

"Xiaomao, how did you get so strong, munya?"

"Oh?" Leo was curious about what the cat was talking about. He peeked into Mu-Nyang\'s dantian universe to snoop on the local trend.

In Mu-Nyang\'s dantian universe, Xiaomao, Lucky, Meowmeow, and their comrades already vanquished their adversaries and become the final rules of Mu-Nyang\'s dantian universe. The cat\'s consciousness was also there, celebrating with the gang.

Funnily enough, Xiaomao and Lucky (Leo\'s minion) had become husband and wife. Meowmeow turned Dr. Mao Miaomiao into a woman and made the doctor his wife, making the situation complicated and hilarious to Leo. As for Kishin Douji, it seemed that Dr. Mao Miaomiao already killed the guy.

Moreover, Xiaomao and Lucky seemed to regain their past life\'s memory. Leo wondered how they would react when they came out from Mu-Nyang\'s universe.

"I guess I have to prepare for a welcome banquet soon. Also, I should start terraforming this planet. It\'s too gloomy for a home world."

Leo stood up and turned around, preparing to leave. When he exited the house, two small cathulhus floated there and gazed at Leo in shock.

"L-Lord Florida Man, munya?"

Leo recognized the two. They were the two Cathulhus that Leo had met at the Fate Stadium. The male one was Miao Damao and the other was Katerina.

"Oh, I didn\'t know you two have returned here first. I assume y\'all regain your past memories already?"

Miao Damao laughed, "Yes, munya. We\'re greatly indebted to you. Without your fate crystals and your karma rivers, we would have forgotten about this universe."

"How\'s Mu-Nyang and Xiaomao?" Leo changed the subject as he was bad at getting praise these days.

Katerina giggled, "Our sons should be coming out soon. Probably tomorrow at the latest. One day over here is several years in there after all."

"Yeah, they probably need to settle a few things after those big fights… But wait a minute. Did you say… SONS?"

Leo forgot about their relationship. He knew that Xiaomao was the mentor of these Cathulhus, and he adopted Mu-Nyang. However, the couple mentioned that Xiaomao was THEIR son.

"Oh, I think you didn\'t know," Miao Damao laughed. "When we reincarnated into Mu-Nyang\'s universe, we were Xiaomao\'s parents. Xiaomao then proceeded to adopt Mu-Nyang\'s avatar as his pet, and the situation got really funny."

The couple narrated their adventure in Mu-Nyang\'s universe to Leo, who grinned from ear to ear.

Their relationship was indeed hilarious. These cathulhus were reincarnated into Mu-Nyang\'s universe without their former memory. They lived as humans at the beginning. Mu-Nyang appeared before them and they served the cat as their master. After they gained their past life memory, they remembered that Mu-Nyang was supposed to be their son while Xiaomao was their mentor. However, an incident occurred, which broke their family apart. Xiaomao, Mu-Nyang, and everybody began their adventure from there.

But in the end, they reunited. A happy ending route was guaranteed.

Leo was satisfied with their stories. He promised the couple that he would take everybody as his disciples.

Both Miao Damao and Katerina rejoiced. However, they glanced at each other, and their expressions suddenly changed.

"What?" Leo noticed their pale faces. He didn\'t understand what made them worry.

"Umm, the thing is…" Katerina lowered her head.

Miao Damao confessed, "We have several concerns about Mao Miaomiao, munya."

Leo narrowed his eyes. He wondered if that stupid doctor regained his memory like the others.

"What\'s wrong with him?"

Miao Damao sensed Leo\'s killing intent and trembled. He stuttered.

"W-W-We believe that he is a loose cannon, munya. That man has been ravishing women left and right. He even fornicated with centipedes!"


"H-He\'s very powerful, munya. He brainwashed Devil, Lilith, Eve, and other top experts there. The Olympus was destroyed because of him. The other fate crystal bearers all fell whenever they fought with him."

"Hold it a second." Leo frowned as he was confused. "If I remember correctly, Devil\'s real identity was Doctor Mao Miaomiao, right? And Meowmeow stole that man\'s name. Which Mao Miaomiao are you talking about here?"

"…It\'s Meowmeow, munya."


Leo smacked his forehead. He recalled the pervert golem who turned every elf woman into his sex toy. He wondered if that guy was the embodiment of his hidden desire.

"What about Devil? Is he… I mean, is she showing any sign of regaining this universe\'s memory?"

Miao Damao brightly grinned, "That won\'t be an issue, munya. Mu-Nyang trapped that guy in there for billions of years. That guy\'s mind was already broken when Meowmeow stole his identity and gender-swapped him. She is very feminine and submissive, munya."

Leo swiped his sweat and let out a long sigh.

"Good grief. For a moment, I almost had a heart attack."

The couple tilted their heads, puzzled why Leo was nervous about Devil\'s memory when Leo was already the strongest person in the multiverse.

"Alright. I\'ll help you prepare a welcoming party. I\'ll rejuvenate this planet now."

"Really, munya?!" the two cathulhus were overjoyed.

"Let\'s make a castle and a new home for Xiaomao. Oh, we need to expand Mu-Nyang\'s house too. I saw him flirting with a black cathulhu in his universe. He might have a new family soon."


The two cathulhus jumped up and down, proud of their son\'s rizzing skills. They hoped to see their grandchildren soon.

Leo laughed and left Mu-Nyang\'s house. He spread his arms and a thousand system screens manifested around him. As if he had a thousand hands, all screens moved according to Leo\'s wish.


The brown planet turned green. Grasses budded from the ground while the dark sky condensed white clouds. Natural springs gushed out, forming countless fountains in the middle of the wasteland world.


Several moon-sized anglerfish in the area were attracted to the source of water. Their jaws detached and they swam the void toward the planet, attempting to devour it whole.

Without looking at them, Leo clicked his tongue. Instantly, all the ugly fish monsters stopped moving. Their brains and souls were destroyed from the inside.

Miao Damao and Katerina looked up and noticed the corpses of a dozen anglerfish in space. Their tentacles straightened in astonishment.

"P-Planet Eaters, munya?!"

Leo laughed, "More like eatery planets. It\'s a free buffet. Go and collect those free sashimi for tomorrow\'s banquet."


Both cathulhus reverted to their original forms and charged toward the floating dead fish. As for Leo, he calmly spent a billion years of lifespan renovating and repopulating lifeforms in this world.

Half a day later, freshwater, sea, and land were filled with life. Trees matured, and small creatures opened their eyes to see the new world. The sky turned blue as the ozone and atmosphere were formed, degrading the sun\'s death rays into warm light.

A castle was erected on top of the previously ruined capital city. Leo designated this place as the new headquarters of this world and left behind a true karmic fate crystal underneath the castle, serving as the safeguard of this world in case of emergency.

A day later, Xiaomao emerged from Mu-Nyang\'s dantian universe as Leo had predicted. Previously, he was a haggard old man who looked like he could wither and die at any moment. However, his fleshly body was youthful and handsome. His glossy black hair and flawless jade-like skin resembled a Korean idol, and his beach-body muscles were lean and well-shaped.

Xiaomao gazed at the stars and saw the partially desolated land, where Leo had stood there for too long. The soil was contaminated with his weird aura. When Xiaomao sensed a trace of nostalgic karma string, he gazed at the sky and cupped his fist.

"Thank you for everything, Lord Florida Man."

Xiaomao didn\'t ascend alone. He also brought his wives along. Surprisingly, this former fisherman overlord managed to score seven wives.

Leo held a banquet in the castle as promised and invited Xiaomao\'s family over. As the party was held in a hurry, there were only a few participants.

Xiaomao\'s wives gathered around Miao Damao and Katerina to get to know each other better. The girls introduced themselves to their in-laws and fought to become Xiaomao\'s mistress.

Meanwhile, Xiaomao and Leo drank alone in the empty castle. The former fisherman was so excited that he told Leo about his adventure and the deeds of Pangu.

Although Leo didn\'t pay attention to the details, he was happy for Xiaomao. He told the fisherman overlord about the hidden karmic fate crystal underneath the castle and gave him another true entity fate crystal as a backup. Afterward, he warned Xiaomao.

"Don\'t get complacent because of your previous success. You might be lucky yesterday, but tomorrow might be different."

Xiaomao solemnly nodded and bowed, "I\'ll keep that in mind."


Leo looked around, but he didn\'t see Mu-Nyang and his wife there. He asked Xiaomao.

"What happened to Mu-Nyang? Why doesn\'t he come with you?"

"Oh, him?" Xiaomao giggled, "There\'s some unfinished business in his universe. Father… I mean, Mao Miaomiao needs to redeem his negative karma and work for Mu-Nyang for a while. He won\'t come out anytime soon."

"…Father? Did you call Mao Miaomiao as your father?"

"Truth be told, I was reincarnated as an orc once. Coincidentally, that orc was Mao Miaomiao and Wei Yuan\'s son. I died again and reincarnated as a human."


Leo scratched his head. He didn\'t expect their relationship to be so complicated.

"What is the PREVIOUS Mao Miaomiao doing now? Of course, I\'m referring to DEVIL."

"Oh, her?" Xiaomao cackled, "She\'s a role model seedbed. The NEW Mao Miaomiao always filled her belly whenever he had a chance, and that woman never uttered a word of complaint. Actually, I think she\'s addicted to it."


Leo wondered if his petty revenge turned into rewards for Dr. Mao Miaomiao. He hoped that Devil wouldn\'t become a thorn to him in the future.

Worrying about the Devil\'s fate, Leo snooped on the future timelines.

First timeline – Happy wife ending + 29 babies.

Second timeline – Happy wife ending + 52 babies.

Third timeline – Happy wife ending + 74 babies.

Fifth timeline – Happy wife ending + 108 babies.

Tenth timeline – Happy wife ending + 256 babies. 100 of which became Mao Miaomiao\'s concubines.

Leo stopped looking ahead and smacked his forehead. He regretted checking hentai scenario endings, and he wanted to wash his eyes with bleach.

"Whatever. Keep pumping babies, you sick fuck! And what the hell is wrong with you Meowmeow?! A HUNDRED OF YOUR DAUGHTERS END UP AS YOUR WIVES?! You depraved maniac need to be castrated! Don\'t let me see you here again!"

Leo bellowed while Xiaomao burst into laughter.

Although there were uncertainties and potential threats in the following years, Leo, Xiaomao, and their comrades lived their lives to the fullest.

Mao Miaomiao and Devil left Mu-Nyang\'s dantian universe in the following years, but they never disrupted the universe\'s peace. On the contrary, Mao Miaomiao contributed to the restoration of multiple lower universes by collecting new wives and leftover fate crystals.

As for Devil, aka Dr. Mao Miaomiao, she forgot about her past crime and spent the rest of her life bearing the imposter\'s children. She was later nicknamed as Baby Factory.

Mu-Nyang got married as planned. He continued living in the same hut, but Leo secretly expanded its size for the cat.

Xiaomao became the overlord of the new Cathulhu Galaxy. He brought out the population from his universe and restored the Cathulhu\'s glory days. As for Lucky, she supported Xiaomao as his main mistress and bore him a dozen cute puppies.

Meanwhile, Aslan also got himself a happy family. He and Sierra were a match in heaven as both needed each other. The man milked her every day while the woman also MILKed the man for vitamins. In the end, Aslan forsook his dream of ascending to the higher universe as he managed to reach the Singularity Realm on his own.

Simba stood tall as the guardian of the universe. He and Ester had three more children, who later grew up and followed their father\'s path. Simba\'s first son also grew up and was promoted to captain of another dragon dreadnaught fleet.

Priscilla was revered as the Holy Mother because of her vague relationship with Leo. She later migrated her people to the Prismatic Void Tree Galaxy and became the protectors of the Great Tree. Priscilla later received Leo\'s guidance and reached the Singularity Realm like the others.

Ellen managed to restore her divine elf clan and establish her new kingdom. Unlike her mother, she formed an alliance with Xiaomao and Leo and then established a trade agreement. Because of Leo\'s endless cultivation resources and food supplies, they reclaimed the powerhouse title with their effort. Ellen was later respected as the Great Queen of Elves.

Gao Yan quit his job when he was 3,000 years old to travel across the universe. During his adventure, he met Ellen and fell in love with her at first sight. He assisted her in overcoming the food shortage issues and defeated a pirate band from a higher dimension. After 100 years of hard work, Ellen succumbed to her feelings and agreed to marry him. Gao Yan ended up becoming the Divine Elf\'s King.

Jin Yong also quit his job and traveled the universe like Gao Yan. However, he met the remnant of fenrir werewolves and got into trouble with them. He eventually committed genocide, which erased all fenrir werewolves from the universe, except Lucky. He gained fame as Canine Killer, and Cathulhus worshiped him. He eventually met the daughter of Xiaomao and Lucky, who was a humanoid furry dog woman. Surrendering to his karma and his feelings, he pursued the Halfling and managed to win her heart. They got married and received her parents\' blessings.

Tang San remained the guardian of Florida Galaxy and left behind the FUTA legacy to the later generations. He was symbolized as the neutral gender icon and was recorded in textbooks. However, in reality, he was still a straight man. He married his colleague and protected the universe together.

Yao Qiqi stayed behind as the guardian of Florida Galaxy as Tang San. She was worshiped as the goddess of Florida whose beauty was only second to Cat\'s. Many men pursued her, but she rejected them all. After she reached the Singularity Realm, she was bored of the mundane cultivation life and gave up cultivating further. She later married Tang San and gave birth to two sons and two daughters. Her husband was forced to bear the fifth baby though.

Taxi cultivated hard enough and evolved into a mystic nightmare, equivalent to a singularity-realm cultivator. He solved Leo\'s problems by capturing mutated succubi and using them as their baby factories. Countless unicorns inherited Taxi\'s bloodline and migrated to the Divine Elf Kingdom\'s territory where their race and elves were most compatible.

Ricardo and his nightmare race joined forces with Priscilla and became the guardians of the Prismatic Void Tree. As the nightmares were rich in vitality, they were usually in charge of feeding the Alraunes with their bodily fluid. Ricardo eventually married one of them, and they lived happily after inside the giant void tree. Nobody ever saw them again, but reports from Priscilla\'s troops claimed that they heard Ricardo\'s sultry warcry from the tree every day.

Wu Buyi and Beatrice got married. However, after marrying for 5,000 years, Wu Buyi died in bed. Investigations showed that he died from excessive pain from his broken pelvis bones and the lack of water. Beatrice was arrested for murdering her husband by snu-snu, but she was later pardoned after Wu Buyi was reincarnated as Leo\'s second son. When Wu Buyi grew up, Beatrice married him again.

Ivy and Marc also enjoyed their lover\'s life and careers. Marc was later promoted as the Florida Galaxy\'s third guardian. Years later, he managed to save up and purchased a colony from Leo. Ivy, Marc, and the molgs moved there and populated their colony with their descendants. The couple was revered as the Parents of Molg.

Hua Taixu and his clone merged when Leo decided to relocate his headquarters. His sword skills improved by leaps and bounds, which enabled him to use a dimensional sword dao. He became the first karmic sovereign cultivator who was skilled enough to kill singularities. After 50,000 years of hard work, he earned Leo\'s trust and his secret cultivation method. 10,000 years later, he became another singularity and was promoted as the fourth guardian.

Hua Jiashan and Dongfang Mei stopped cultivating when they reached the karmic sovereign realm. They continued managing Leo\'s hotels and trained over 100,000 aspiring cultivators in hotel businesses.

Tiger Swordsman attempted to follow the sword saint\'s path. He traveled the universe and encountered the orc race. He exchanged pointers with the warriors there and earned their respect. In 6500FC, he managed to reach the karmic sovereign realm, but he was tired of walking the sword path. In the end, he married a local orc lady and settled down.

Han Hao reopened the Life Sword School as one of the local tutoring stores while he secretly cultivated. Like the others, he eventually reached the karmic sovereign realm, earning the local people\'s respect. The Life Sword School flourished under his lead, and he later opened 10,000 school branches across the universe. His sword style became the golden standard of all swordsmen.

Han Meng chose not to continue walking the sword path but another career. He stopped cultivating when he reached the entity realm and joined a space racer team as the first driver. With his outdated Truno AC86 Model, he defeated all space racers across the universe and earned the title of Void Devil. He later scored two sexy elves who worked as a race model and became an internet influencer.

Xu Nuan found her hotel career boring. She returned to the farm, where her taming skills suited her best. When Leo started a zoo & animal sanctuary project, Xu Nuan immediately accepted the managing role. Under her lead, rare animals and beasts were rescued and protected from hungry cathulhus. Later on, she awakened the dao of Mother Earth, which slingshot her cultivation base to the karmic sovereign realm without even trying. After regaining her youth, she married Tang Tian.

Tang Tian reopened the Sixth Element Sect within Leo\'s shopping complex and became the greatest rival of Han Hao. Fortunately, the sect focused on alchemy, medicine, and poison arts. Thus, they never fought each other. Because of Leo\'s bookstores and support, Tang Tian awakened the dao of medicines, which enabled him to increase his patient\'s life force through his dao and medicines. Historians recorded him as the first Doctor of the Florida Galaxy.

Tang Xuan remained in the political career. He served Leo as his adviser without asking for remuneration or cultivation resources in return. Yet, Leo helped Tang Xuan cultivate and eventually reached the karmic sovereign standard. While he was serving Leo, Tang Xuan established seven space logistic routes, which enabled Leo to expand his store branches in faraway galaxies. Scholars and cultivators respected and nicknamed his deed as the Seven Paths of Peace Era. He later ascended to the higher dimension to study their universe, but he came home disappointed.

Cat never left Leo and forever remained as his precious daughter. Many men proposed to her, but nobody succeeded. Esen always reprimanded her for not searching for a partner and spread her wings. But in the end, she lost to Cat\'s innocent charm and allowed her to be with them forever… even if Cat sometimes tried to extract Leo\'s seed and blood. Cat managed to extract a drop of Leo\'s blood essence and used it to fertilize her eggs. She gave birth to a healthy dryad girl, which almost broke Leo\'s family apart. Fortunately, when Esen realized that Leo never did anything to Cat, she forgave everybody.

Esen rarely showed her face in public, but everybody in Florida Galaxy respected her as the Queen of Florida. She managed to catch up with Leo\'s strength and entered the time lord realm. Abusing the time dao, she investigated what Leo had been doing in the past for fun and discovered how Cat was born. The event traumatized her and stopped her from using the time power again. She later bore three more children for Leo.

As the time emperor, Leo governed the fourth dimension and all higher realms without stepping out of his universe. When the Void Principality migrated his people to his universe, he stood tall and prevented all mishaps from happening. Despite possessing absolute wealth, immortality, authority, and the most beautiful wife, he continued to protect his precious friends, family, employees, and the people of this universe.

Whenever he was bored, he sometimes messed around and caused mayhem. Newspapers and news stations made funny headlines out of his actions. People laughed at him and made several memes out of the scoops. Eventually, everybody realized what the "FLORIDA MAN" nickname was for.

But in the end, Leo is content. He has a family and friends that he wishes for.

Will he be lonely at the top of the universe?

Probably. Probably not.

Is the universe boring since he knows all past, present, and future?

Yes. That\'s why he can never stop acting like an idiot and make his life a bit more interesting.

What is his next goal?

Protect what he has and savor every bit of happiness and memory.

What kind of life advice would he give to us, mortals?

If you are lucky enough to find him somewhere in this universe. He will probably answer with a wide grin before he does something stupid again:

"Enjoying life. YOLO IT, BITCH! YEEHAW!"

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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