
Chapter 404: Meaning of the Message

Chapter 404: Meaning of the Message

We reconfirm the text hidden in the bid winning scabbard.

『A mansion with a war maiden glared at by a scorpion lion……』

I'm sorry Gallus, i disassembled the scabbard as much as possible to see if there were any other hidden cipher. I loosen all the parts that could be loosen, and tried to remove all the parts that could be removed…but, no more hidden ciphers left were found.

In other words, are you trapped in the mansion in this ciphers?

『Fran, can you understand what it means?』


『Eh? Seriously!?』

「Find a mansion with a valkyrie glared at by a manticore! If it's a demon beast, we can find it with Urushi's nose」

Yeah, it's not like i didn't know. As Fran says, the scorpion lion is a Manticore. The war maiden is definitely Valkyrie. We have fought both in the Beastman Country. Well, i don't think it points to the real thing. In the first place, there is no reason for such a high-ranked demon beast is in the royal capital. It's going to be a big fuss. When it comes to that, i think that was a metaphor…

If it's a hint to get us looking for it, it's likely to be surprisingly easy to understand. No, why did he make it a cipher in the first place?

『That may be true…but why did he entrust us with such a roundabout cipher』

It should be fine if he write more specific, maybe about the mansion of Marquis Asthner or more concretly. Or maybe this is already specific?

Are manticore and valkyrie really somewhere in the royal capital? No, it shouldn't be. When it comes to it, maybe it's a statue or a painting of a scorpion lion. Or is it a home ornament?

Maybe when he were confined somewhere, on the outside he can see a valkyrie glared at by a scorpion lion. Or an noble mansion with such anecdotes?

Note: They sometimes changes between using "sasori shishi" (scorpion lion) and "mantikoa" (manticore). "sen'otome" (war maiden) and "baarukiri-" (valkyrie)

If that's the case, this may not be a cipher or metaphor, but simply a hint of where he were being confined.

『For the time being, lets look for a war maiden who were glared at by a scorpion lion』


『If we go near Gallus, he might get caught in Urushi's nose, can we count on you?』


On the night of the day when we received hint from Gallus.

We came to the Adventurer's Guild. To talk to guild master Eliante, our only acquintance in the royal capital. It's easier to move after gathering information first rather than blindly looking for a scorpion lion without any information.

「Welcome. do you need something?」

When we sent to the officem Eliante was looking tired while being burried in a pile of documents. It's not a lie when she said she wasn't free the other day. She call us out without raising her face, maybe she know it was Fran without even looking.

「I have something to ask」

「Something to ask?」

「Nn, looking for a war maiden glared at by a scorpion lion」


So Eliante looked at us for the first time. There is confused expression on that face.

「Scorpion lion and…what is it the other thing?」

「A mansion with a valkyrie glared at by a scorpion lion. You didn't know?」

「What do you mean? I don't think there's anyone in the royal capital who has manticore」

Eliante tilt her head at Fran's word that it seems doesn't make sense. It would be quick if i could speak, but it's impossible. But somehow, i managed to get Fran to explain it over time. Of course, without bringing up Gallus name.

Eliante was irritated at first, but she managed to listen to the end.

「In other words, there is an acquintance you were looking for in that mansion. And you are worried because you can't get in touch with him?」


「But isn't it just a hint……」

「Don't know?」

「I'm sorry, i'll let you know if i can find anything」


It can not be helped. Lets steadily look for him at the royal capital…But, Eliante was strangely hostile to the Marquis Asthner. Maybe we can work together?

「Hey, does Eliante dislike Marquis Asthner?」

「Suddenly asking that, but yeah…if you ask me if i don't like them, I hate them」

「What would you do if I could make a blow to Marquis Ashtner?」

「Hoho? If there is really such a way to do that, I'll definitely cooperate, right?」

It seems what she said is true that she dislike Marquis Ashtner. For going that far, is it okay to declare you hate them?

「Even if they becomes hostile?」

「Hmmh. At this stage. how much do you think they're abusing their power under their political hat. I'm against them, it's like they're already hostile to begin with」

It seems to be a deeper problem than we thought. The Adventurer's Guild is not under national control, but it can't be independent and ignored the ruler of each region. Especially in the royal capital where the power of aristocrats is strong.

「If you really can blow that idiot of marquis……No, it's enough to be able to harass them! I'll help you with anything!」

Said Eliante venting her excess stress with a Bang of her fist on the table.

「Ah! it's not like it」

The momentum destroyed the pile of documents. Is it our fault? No, it destroyed it self.

However, if that is the case, it wouldn't be a problem to talk about our own purpose.

Therefore, it's very likely that Gallus was confined by Marquis Ashtner. We told Eliante that this was a message from Gallus. Then she squints her black eyes and grins a ferocious smile. **

「In other words, if we can find a place that mathces this riddled sentence, we might uncover the wrongdoing of Marquis Ashtner, right?」


「I get it, I'll do my best to help. You can also find that place from here as well. And of course, all information about Fran will be hidden so rest assured.」

All right, with this we now have the Adventurer's Guild on our back. We'll get far more information than we can look for alone.

Later, Eliante was able to tell us some mansion locations associated with Marquis Ashtner. First of all, Let's go to check there.

「Thank you」

「Not a problem」

「Then, i'm going」

As Fran, who was about to leave the room and thanked her, Eliante remembered something.

「Oh yes, one piece of advice i want you to listen」

「What is it?」

「Recently, the security in the royal capital is not good. Many people are gathering because of the auction, including bandits, murderer, and criminal organisation」

The rich are gathering for the auctions, and cause of it, criminals are increasing.

「I understand. I'll crush them when i find it」

「No don't! rather the opposite!」


Eliante denied Fran's words. with her head down.

「If you go on rampage, the damage will be enormous. If you're not good at it, it's better to overlook them」

I see, she said someting similar to Kalk, the guy we met in the back alley. In the case for Eliante, she has information about Fran too, and she knows that Fran has her battle junkie like personality. So i think she is worried.

「I understand」

「As long as you understand」

「I'll blow them away without destroying the surroundings」

「You don't have to blow them away! Can you seize them more peacefully?」

「I understand」



She looked at Fran with a lot of doubt

「…can i count on you?」


「Can I really really count on you?」

I'll be more careful too. I'm sorry if this only increased the work of Eliante who is looks tired already.

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