
Chapter 672

Chapter 672

TENKEN 672 The Power of Appetite

After leaving the royal capital of the Kingdom of Belios, we returned to the Kingdom of Kranzel a few days later.

It took us a few days to finish the confirmation of the request from the Kingdom of Belios and do some shopping in the royal capital.

Thanks to that, we were able to replenish some of the potions we had run out of and stock up on ingredients. I will be able to make a lot of Mapo Curry which Fran likes later.

Spending some time touring the capital was worth it.

Well, what took most of the time was Fran and Urushi’s buying and eating though. We probably visited most of the famous stores in between the shopping sprees.

『It’s been a while since we’ve been to the Kingdom of Kranzel』


『Even though we just crossed the border, I feel strangely nostalgic』

Maybe it’s because this place is where I first come to my senses in this world. This country has somewhat become a special space for me as well.

But Fran pays no heed about my sentiment and climbs up on Urushi’s back and pointed her hand to the south.

「Urushi, quick! We don’t have much time」


At Fran’s words, Urushi start to run at full speed.

Not only Fran, but also Urushi has a serious expression on his face. They’re somewhat seemed to be in a hurry.

As if to express their impatience, Fran and Urushi continued on their nonstop march. They didn’t take a break even when they normally would have, but instead, they kept going in a straight line while using magic to recover their strength.

They even ate while running. When Urushi gets tired, Fran will keep running on her feet.

We’re currently on our way to Alessa

Since we’re nearby, we should say hello to Klimut and Amanda.

But our true destination is Barbra.

If we hurried, we could make it in time for the cooking contest. I don’t think we would be in time to participate, but since Fran and Urushi’s goal was the food stall, we should be able to make it in time during the festival.

That’s the reason why they are so determined to push themselves to the limit.

「Even if I break my leg, I’ll make it to the stall!」



Five hours later.

「Are you leaving already?」


「Amanda will be back in half a month, you know?」

「We’ll be late if we wait that long for her」

「You were in the middle of a request, huh? It can’t be helped then」

We arrived safely in Alessa, and after making a quick round of greetings to Donadrond and others who had helped us before, we exchanged information with Klimut at the Adventurer’s Guild.

Amanda seemed to have left Alessa to scout the northern border in the meantime.

It seems that the vicious magic power released by the great magic beast had reached many places, and could even be observed in the Kingdom of Kranzel. As a result, many adventurers were asked to scout the border.

The information we gave them about the great magic beast incident was very much appreciated. Oh, I’m not telling them anything that needs to be kept secret, okay?

On the other hand, we managed to get some information about spirit magic and Dimitris from Klimut. There wasn’t any new information about spirit magic, but we did hear a lot of interesting things about Dimitris.

There was the story of how he single-handedly quelled a goblin stampede, and the story of how he rammed into an enemy castle in a war and took the king’s head by himself. There’s also a story about how he defended a bridge against an invading army for three days and three nights by standing in the middle of the bridge alone, which gave him the nickname "Immovable".

He’s not doing anything flashy these days, but he is said to be still in training and hunts magic beasts in various places.

We heard a lot of interesting information, and even if was only for a short time, I’m glad we came back to this town.

「I’ll be going then」

「Haa~h... I can imagine Amanda complaining when she finds out that I’m the only one who met Fran...」

I felt sorry for Klimut. But we’ll have him to give our regards to Amanda.

『We’re getting close to Barbra, it seems. That was quick』

「Nn. We’ve done our best」


Thanks to the two’s obsession for food, we managed to traverse the Kingdom of Kranzel surprisingly quickly.

Even though we had to avoid the town and snake our way through as Urushi running by the town might alarm them, it took us four days to reach Barbra from the northern border.

How terrifying their appetite power is!

I didn’t expect that we could traverse the rugged mountainous region in the center of the country in just one day.

There was probably a range of mountains higher and steeper than Mt. Fuji, and possibly even higher than the Himalayas maybe?

But Fran defied the cold and low oxygen by using Aerial Jump to climb up cliffs, crawl out of crevasses, and traverse the mountain range in a straight line.

Even when it was snowing so hard that she couldn’t use her Aerial Jump, she didn’t take a break and tried to climb up the mountain while putting up barriers. I felt a chill just by looking at her revealing outfit.

If I were to compare her to the people of Earth, it makes me once again realize how strong the people in this world are.

We also encountered some rather strong magic beasts, but they could not stop Fran and Urushi’s momentum. In fact, they were still able to enjoy a short break and a delicious meal.

I also get a little carried away because of this snowy mountain and made a lot of other new dishes.

The one that was particularly well-liked was the smoothie made from snow strawberries and glaciers found on this snowy mountain. They looked so delighted when they drunk the snow strawberry smoothie inside a simple snow hut that I build and was heated by magic.

It’s been a while since they’ve eaten that much of anything other than curry, isn’t it? We even stopped for a few hours to pick up a bunch of snow strawberries. We also have a lot of glaciers in storage so we can make smoothies whenever we want.

Other than that, I also managed to get a few new skills.

They are snow-running, snow-diving, and snow-swimming. All of them are skills that assist the user in their activities in the snow. Although they can only be used in limited places, they are skills that should be useful in times of need.

My favorite skill is the Snow-Swimming. I can swim in the snow as if I were underwater. When Fran does this, her body would get cold quickly, but it was nothing for me, I’m not a living being after all.

『When we get into Barbra, should we head to the cooking guild first?』


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