
Chapter 869: stunned

At this moment, there are still many seats in the auditorium hall that are still empty, and a large number of students huddled at the door to find Krum\'s signature. Mr. Star was also very depressed, because he found that the Hogwarts students seemed to know that they would come, and they had prepared a quill and parchment for him to sign in advance.

Krum actually wanted to refuse, but in the end he still signed the enthusiastic girls one by one. Until Durmstrand finally chose to sit down at the Slytherin table, he finally got rid of the enthusiastic fans. NS.

Boothbatten does not have this problem. They chose to sit down at the Ravenclaw table. Albert thinks this may be related to the corresponding banner on the Ravenclaw long table. There is no doubt that Boothbatten I prefer blue, which is not difficult to see from their carriage and school badge.

"Look at Professor McGonagall\'s expression!" Shanna motioned to Albert to look at the teacher\'s seat.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall\'s face was gloomy, and the Hogwarts students\' approach to asking Krum for an autograph embarrassed her, and the faces of other professors were also unnatural.

Only Dumbledore was unaffected, still smiling and chatting with Mrs. Maxim on the left.

"I got Krum\'s autograph." After Lee Jordan sat down beside Albert, he excitedly announced the good news to everyone.

"It\'s very annoying that you can get Krum\'s autograph. The girls are crowded over there. It\'s really annoying." Fred was a little upset. Both he and George were blocked by the girls and couldn\'t get it. Krum\'s signature.

"Don\'t worry, Krum will need to stay at Hogwarts for a long time. You will always have the opportunity to get his autograph." Albert casually comforted.

After all the students were seated, the welcome banquet officially began. As usual, Dumbledore would give a short speech.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and-distinguished guests," Dumbledore stood up from his seat in the teacher\'s bench, and the auditorium gradually became quiet. "Welcome to Hogwarts, I hope and believe that you can feel comfortable and happy here."

"The Triwizard Tournament will officially begin at the end of the banquet." Dumbledore raised his glass to everyone and said, "Now let\'s eat and drink as much as we can in our own home!"

As soon as the words fell, the plates in front of them were filled with food as usual. There were more types of food. There were many delicacies from other countries, mainly from France and Italy. The Hogwarts recipe was because of Albert. The relationship between the house elves has increased a lot.

"If I were you, I would try those new dishes." Albert pointed to the new dishes.

"Is it tasty?"

Fred learned that Albert had made himself a bowl of French-style mixed fish soup, and most people were a little reluctant to eat foods they had never eaten before.

"The new dishes are undoubtedly prepared for our foreign friends. I dare say they are definitely not used to the dishes of Hogwarts." Albert is actually right, especially to the students of Busbarton. In fact, some of Hogwarts\' dishes are hard to describe in one word.

"Why?" Alia asked puzzledly.

"There are several major gourmet countries in the world, and France is one of them. Staying in such a country will naturally have higher requirements for food."

"Actually, I\'m even more curious that the house elves at Hogwarts can make pizza?" After Sanna wiped out her bowl of French fish soup, she picked up a piece of Italian pizza overflowing with cheese.

"Well, I sent some recipes to the house elves in the kitchen last time."

There is absolutely no pizza at Hogwarts, and Albert is very suspicious that the house elf Bit has taught the recipes he has learned to the house elf at Hogwarts.

"I think it\'s because you want to eat, so you will give recipes to the house elves in the kitchen on Christmas." George couldn\'t help but vomit. In fact, they had eaten pizza made by house elves a long time ago, and they had also eaten seafood noodles. They all took advantage of Albert\'s supper, and everyone\'s weight increased a little.

"It\'s like what you would do." Shanna didn\'t think it was weird, probably because they also came from a Muggle family, and their views were different from wizards born in the magic world.

"I agree with you, these foreign dishes taste really good."

After a while, several dishes of foreign dishes were emptied, and even the last piece of pizza went into Lee Jordan\'s belly. On the contrary, there were still a lot of ordinary dishes at Hogwarts.

"Look over there, the girl seems to be coming over here." Lee Jordan touched Albert with his elbow, motioning him to look up at the beauty.

"It\'s really coming over here, I think she must know Albert." Fred and George stared in surprise.

When Albert looked up, he saw a beautiful silver-haired girl coming from not far away, stood in front of him, and said to Albert in fluent French: "Do you still eat this plate of mixed fish soup? "

Albert looked around and pushed the plate to the other person: "You take it, and welcome to Hogwarts."

"She is so beautiful."

"There is no such beautiful girl in Hogwarts!"

The girls were obviously annoyed by the words just now, and they sneered unceremoniously: "You just stare at others like this, it\'s like a bunch of idiots."

When the silver-haired girl passed by, there were indeed many boys who turned their heads and looked at her innocently. However, the girls were relieved that Albert was not influenced by the other party and was not attracted by the other\'s looks at all.

"You know her." Alia asked curiously.

"I\'ve seen it before, but I\'m not familiar with it." Albert added a tone of voice, "Her name is Fleur Delacour, and she is said to be a very good wizard. I think Boothbarton\'s warrior should be her. ."

"I didn\'t expect you to rate her so highly." Angelina was a little unhappy. The girls don\'t like that woman.

"I think she just wanted to seduce you." Shanna said suddenly.

"She met Isabel and knew that I had a girlfriend." Albert shrugged and said, "Besides, it\'s useless for her to seduce me."

"You have a wide range of friends." Fred said bitterly: "The two American girls in the last World Cup were also very beautiful."

"The two met at the Potions Championship, and one of them is Isobel\'s pen pal, the kind that has a very good relationship." Albert noticed the desserts after dinner.

"What\'s this again?" George asked, pointing to a white custard, helping Albert by the way to change the subject.

"It should be panna cotta." Albert noticed a lot of sweets on the table.

"Which one is better?" Shanna asked.

"I personally recommend French baked brulees." Albert pointed to a dessert and said, "It tastes a bit like caramel pudding, but it will have a richer texture, and the flavour of panna cotta is also very good."

Albert got himself a French baked brulee and began to taste it slowly.

After eating the sweets, everyone looked at Dumbledore, and an excited and nervous mood gradually filled the auditorium.

After the food on the golden plate completely disappeared, the banquet officially ended.

Dumbledore stood up again in the eyes of everyone’s expectations, first introduced to everyone Barty Crouch, Director of the Department of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Magic and Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Sports at the Ministry of Magic, and announced The two of them and the three principals formed the judging panel for the Triwizard Tournament.

Barty Crouch\'s situation is not very good, he looks very tired, there is no doubt that it is a sequelae of being controlled by the Imperius for a long time. Ludo Bagman also smiled reluctantly. He didn\'t pay the money as scheduled last month, resulting in the temporary residence being found by the goblin, and the goblin snatched his salary within a few days of getting it.

"I think this referee team is very unreliable. Dumbledore may be able to be fair, but the principals of other schools will definitely favor their own players." Shanna doubted whether the referee team can maintain fairness.

"This is also part of the Triwizard Tournament tradition." Albert was not surprised by this result.

While the two were chatting, Filch, who had never known where he was hiding, placed a large wooden box inlaid with jewels in front of Dumbledore.

Everyone\'s eyes fell on the rough wooden goblet that Dumbledore took out of the wooden box, and they held their breath for fear of missing every word that Dumbledore said next.

"Every student who wants to run for the warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet of fire." Dumbledore introduced the method of becoming a warrior.

Looking at the wooden cup with blue and white flames burning in front of them, the students began to whisper.

"Tonight, I will put the Goblet of Fire in the foyer, and all students who are willing to participate in the campaign can put their names in it. Remember, students who want to become warriors must sign up within 24 hours." Lido raised his hand and pressed down, beckoning everyone to keep quiet: "Tomorrow night, that is, Halloween night, the Goblet of Fire will select the warriors from three schools."

Dumbledore waited for everyone in the hall to calm down before continuing to say: "Finally, everyone pays attention to two things: First, I will set an age line-underage wizards cannot cross this line."

"Second, once you are selected as a Warrior by the Goblet of Fire, you must stick to the game to the end." Dumbledore\'s expression became very serious. "You can think that even if you lose a leg in the game, you must finish it with a cane. All competitions. You should know why the Triwizard Tournament was closed. Although we have taken sufficient safety measures, the competitions are difficult and injuries are sometimes unavoidable."

After Dumbledore said these words, Professor McGonagall gave him a sharp look.

"This is not a child\'s play. Everyone must consider it carefully. Don\'t participate rashly. Because when you throw yourself into the Goblet of Fire, you will form a magic contract that must be followed, and violating the magic contract requires a price. , Don’t ask me what the price is, I can only say that no warrior can afford the price of violating the magic contract."

In fact, these words were inspired by Dumbledore\'s previous words from Albert. He knew very well that sometimes the less you let them participate, the more other students racked their brains to participate.

His remarks are indeed cruel to the students, but sometimes these things should be explained so that there will not be so much trouble.

"Well, good night everyone."

Everyone stared at Dumbledore dumbfounded, and it was hard to imagine that the words just came from the headmaster.

The buzzing of discussion sounded in the auditorium instantly, and Dumbledore\'s words made many eager students give up.

"Are you going to register now?"

Fred took a quill and parchment from his pocket and handed it to Albert.

"Don\'t worry." Albert glanced at Moody, and said with a smile, "It\'s fine to sign up for breakfast tomorrow."

He actually wanted to throw his name into the Goblet of Fire now, making Barty\'s previous preparations a joke, but it was really boring to do so.

Professor Moody was really taken aback just now. If Albert signed up on the spot, their plans would be completely turned into a laughing stock.

When Albert and his three roommates left the auditorium, he saw Katrina standing at the door.

"Something?" Albert asked.

"Well, can you come with me, Isobel has something for me to pass it on to you." Katrina said and turned and walked towards the place where no one was there.

"You go back first, I have something to deal with." Albert said to his roommate. Of course he knew that this was a trap that Peter and Barty had set for himself, but he would not just let Katrina be controlled by the Imperius Curse, and he was actually curious what the trap they left for himself would be?

Albert followed Katrina to a place where there was no one. Katrina took out a long small box from her pocket and handed it to Albert.

"What is this?" Albert asked suspiciously.

"I don\'t know." Katrina shook her head. "Isabel asked me to give it to you, saying that he was going to surprise you."

"Surprise, is there anything else?" Albert raised his head and looked at Katrina, who was held down by the Binding Curse. "Is this trying to use the Imperius Curse on me?"

Albert ignored Katrina and glanced at the box in his hand. There was a small bottle in the package. After Albert opened it, he found black tea in the bottle, but..."

"Is this going to use the Imperius Curse to control me, and then let me drink black tea mixed with ecstasy?" Albert thinks Peter\'s idea is good. If the effect of the ecstasy is strong enough, it can completely make him disappear for a day. , Perfect miss the Warriors selection.

"What should I do next?" Albert suddenly had a headache. How to end it, now he must pretend to be missing, but where is Peter intending to hide them?

So he thought of a bad idea and used a spell to modify Katrina\'s memory, making her think that he had succeeded in getting Albert to drink the ecstasy.

In order to prevent accidents, Albert also secretly confiscated Katrina\'s wand, playing with a fake wand in her hand.

Then, he unlocked his whole body restraint curse.

"I like you, let\'s go on a date, okay?" After recovering, Katrina reached out and put her arms around Albert\'s arm and leaned her head up.

"Okay, where do you want to go." Albert said gently.

"There is a place on the eighth floor that is very suitable for dating." Katrina took Albert directly to the eighth floor, and went straight to the room where he needed it.

"Peter took a peek at Katrina\'s memory?" Albert frowned. He was a little worried that Peter was hiding in the responsive house.

"I know how to use this place, let me do it." Albert said that he took the initiative to try to get a room, and he didn\'t need to breathe a sigh of relief when he found that there was no one in the room.

As soon as the two of them entered the room of responsiveness, Katrina began to lean on Albert again, not knowing that she was in the fascination agent, not Albert.

However, one thing is certain, Peter not only used the Imperius Curse to control Katrina, but also modified part of her memory to make her completely obsessed with herself, otherwise Katrina would definitely not be like this.

"If you let Isabel know, you won\'t be mad." Albert just raised his wand and was about to try to help Katrina take control of the Imperius Curse, but the girl had already threw her down on the sofa and rode her. On Albert, "Will you break up with Isabel, I can be your girlfriend, Isabel can do it for you, and I can do the same."

Albert hurriedly used the whole body restraint to hold Katrina in order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, and then looked for the powerful restorative made a while ago. After the body restraint was released, he directly poured a large cup of powerful restorative to the opponent, and then She used several powerful curse-releasing magics for her.

Albert saw Katrina shaking her head questioningly, she seemed to be trying to get rid of the control of the Imperius Curse.

"Are you okay." Albert poured her a cup of powerful restorative, poured her down, and tested a few more powerful cracking spells, Katrina finally broke free from the control of the Imperius Curse, and re-started. Back to normal.

"I... how could I be here." Katrina was a little stunned when she first recovered, but she seemed to think of something, her ears were red, and she suddenly shrank into a ball, burying her head in her knees, ashamed that she didn\'t dare to straighten it. See Albert.

"It seems that you have gotten rid of the control of the Imperius." Albert sighed. It seemed that Peter hadn\'t planned to use the Imperius to control Katrina, or it was absolutely impossible for Katrina to break free so easily.

"That\'s not your fault, I should be the one to be sorry." Albert reached out and touched Katrina\'s head.

"Don\'t talk to Isobel." Katrina suddenly raised her head and said, with a few tears in her flushed eyes.

"I will keep it secret, I promise." Albert said seriously, "I caused you to use the Imperius Curse. That person just wanted you to hold me back and not let me participate in the Triwizard Tournament. "

"Hold you." Katrina was a little puzzled.

"Use ecstasy." Albert explained patiently, "then no one will find something wrong, and he doesn\'t want to disturb Dumbledore. For this reason, I suspect that he also modified part of your memory to make you crazy like it. Fuck me, so it makes sense to use ecstasy on me."

"But... why stop you from participating in the game, and..." Katrina asked after taking Albert\'s handkerchief and wiping her tears, "Do you know who used the Imperius Curse on me?"

"Professor Moody, although there is no evidence, I think it should be him."

"Professor Moody, why did he do this? Doesn\'t he really want you to win Hogwarts the Triwizard Cup?"

"His goal is definitely not me, probably to get someone to win the championship, I suspect it is Harry, and I will know tomorrow, if Harry really becomes a warrior." Albert poured a cup of magic for Katrina. medicine.

"what is this?"

"Tranquilizer, can make you emotionally stable." Albert explained, "I need to check your memory and restore those modified memories to normal. This should have made Isobel Come, she is an expert in this area. But I think you probably don\'t want her to know about this!"

"Is there really a way to make one person like another person more?" Katrina was a little confused.

"It can be done by implanting false memories," Albert said, "I will teach you Occlumency again when that time comes."

"If Professor Moody does it, what are you going to do?" Katrina asked through gritted teeth

"First figure out what that guy\'s purpose is. Honestly, I suspect that guy may be a fake, maybe even a Death Eater. The purpose of sneaking into Hogwarts is to disadvantage Harry." Albert said directly. Make your own guess, "If you want, we can modify his memory, or turn him into an idiot like Lockhart."

"I think a permanent bed in the St. Mungo Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries is more suitable for him than Azkaban\'s prison." Katrina\'s eyes flashed with hatred. She almost...if Albert...she really didn\'t know how it would end.

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