
Chapter 1095: brutal truth

They are not the main force in this battle, they just need to help contain the energy of one or two Death Eaters and create a greater advantage for other members of the Order of the Phoenix.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that he had taken the Fuling potion beforehand, and the whole thing went smoother than expected. The members of the Order of the Phoenix succeeded in a sneak attack, brought down several Death Eaters, and evened the gap between the numbers of the two sides. Currently, they have an absolute advantage, successfully suppressing the Death Eaters and controlling the situation.

Of course, this is to a large extent the advantage brought by the Fuling Potion. Although the legendary luck potion did not bring true luck to everyone, it greatly increased the combat effectiveness of the members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"The prophecy ball must be obtained, and they must not be allowed to slip away."

Lucius Malfoy was almost in despair. He really couldn\'t bear the consequences of the failure of his plan. Only by getting the prophecy ball could he escape the punishment of the Dark Lord.

"How dare he..." Bella screamed incoherently, "I\'m going to kill that dirty bastard..."

The next moment, the mad woman was knocked out by a force and knocked over the shelf behind her.

"What a crazy woman."

"I dare say that being in Azkaban prison for a long time has made her brain a little abnormal."

"The wand is flying."

Hermione ignored Harry and Ron and tried to **** Bella\'s wand.

For a wizard who loses his wand, the level of danger will be greatly reduced. There is no doubt that the mad woman who has been subjected to the Three Obstruction Curse cannot stop the Flying Curse from taking away her wand.


Lucius Malfoy obviously didn\'t expect Potter to be so despicable. When he reacted and tried to stop Hermione from taking Bella\'s wand, it was too late, not to mention that Harry and Ron could not let each other They succeeded and used magic spells to block Lucius Malfoy.

After grabbing the wand, Hermione twisted it immediately, and Harry grabbed the broken wand and threw it out, not forgetting to continue to stimulate Lucius Malfoy.

"You\'re done, I think Voldemort wouldn\'t mind taking special care of you with the Cruciatus."

"I don\'t think it is very likely. He will probably be imprisoned in Azkaban, and maybe he will be able to escape."

"Maybe Malfoy should thank us for sending him to Azkaban."

The three of them threw spells at Lucius Malfoy while stimulating Lucius Malfoy\'s state of mind. Due to the relationship between the Flux, they were able to use the spells fluently.

"Give me the Prophecy Ball, Potter!" Lucius Malfoy roared in Harry\'s ears, as Harry said, he couldn\'t bear the terrible consequences of failure.

Never allow failure!

"I\'m afraid you\'re going to be disappointed. The prophecy ball was shattered by me."

Harry said that he picked up the fragments of the prophecy ball on the ground, threw them in the direction of Lucius Malfoy\'s voice, and continued to laugh and joke, "Your dear old friend Voldemort, if you knew that the prophecy ball was broken , will definitely be very dissatisfied!"

"No, it\'s impossible, the prophecy ball is coming! The prophecy ball is coming!"

Malfoy frantically tried to summon the Prophecy Ball, but to no avail, fear and anger almost engulfed him.

"Nothing is impossible. When I know that Voldemort\'s goal is the Prophecy Ball, do you think I will let him get his wish?"

Harry glanced at the prophecy ball in his hand, and raised his wand lightly on it, destroying it completely. Intuition told Harry that it was better not to let Voldemort get the prophecy ball.


Ron and Hermione were both surprised, unable to understand why Harry wanted to destroy the prophecy ball he had obtained.

"It\'s more important that Voldemort doesn\'t get the Prophecy Ball, and he\'s good at Legilimency, so I better not know the content."

After the prophecy sphere was destroyed, a pearly white figure slowly rose into the air, and Harry directly used a spell to dispel the figure. He would never allow Death Eaters or Voldemort to know the secrets in the prophecy sphere.

As for the prophecy in the prophecy sphere, intuition tells Harry that Dumbledore must know it, and that magical Albert may know it too.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for him to take risks.

"I lied to you just now, this one is."

Harry still gave Malfoy the fragments of the Prophecy Ball, or used the Shatter Charm to completely turn those fragments into powder.

"From the time you started plotting against me, you should have realized that one day, maybe you have to thank me for sending you to Azkaban prison." Harry continued to use words to stimulate Malfoy, he felt that the other party was about to be completely Lost my mind.

A crazy person, although dangerous, is also better to deal with.

"Just because..."

Malfoy stared at the bunker in front of him, just when he was about to rush up, kill someone first, and then force Harry to hand over the prophecy ball. Harry, Hermione, and Ron swooped out of cover and took turns attacking Malfoy.

Malfoy easily fended off Ron\'s Disarming Charm, but did not have time to evade Hermione\'s Obstruction Charm. His entire body froze suddenly, and was knocked to the ground by Harry\'s Stunning Charm.

With the help of the Flux, the three cooperated very well and easily defeated the famous Lucius Malfoy.

Hermione immediately waved her wand and conjured up a rope, tying Lucius Malfoy tightly.

"I really want to see what Draco Malfoy will look like when he finds out that we sent his father to Azkaban with our own hands." Ron happily summoned Lucius Malfoy\'s wand, thoroughly Cut off the possibility of opposition from all sides.

"You did a good job!"

Sirius removed the Illusory Body Charm from his body, reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, complimenting him without hesitation.

Relying on the huge boost brought by the Flux, the members of the Order of the Phoenix knocked down all the Death Eaters almost unscathed in a short period of time.

However, most of the Hall of Prophecy was also destroyed by the battle just now.

"what should I do now?"

Tonks looked at the stunned and tightly bound Death Eaters, frowned and asked, "Give them to the Ministry of Magic?"

"I always feel that Fudge is very unreliable, and he might treat us as enemies and let the Aurors come to arrest us. He can do this kind of thing."

"Anyway, I don\'t believe in the Ministry of Magic. If I kill a few first, they are all fugitives anyway, and it is normal for a few to die." Sirius suggested murderously, "Azkaban prison is not reliable, those Dementors could betray the Ministry of Magic at any time and join Voldemort."

Harry also felt that what Sirius said was right. The Ministry of Magic was unreliable. Even if the Death Eaters were locked up, they might still be able to escape. The possibility of Voldemort was too high.

At that time, if you want to catch them, you will have to pay a higher price.

"You said, if we catch these fugitives, will the Ministry of Magic offer a bounty?" Ron asked coldly.

The three of them worked together to defeat Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. Although Lucius Malfoy had no bounty, Bellatrix Lestrange\'s The bounty was not low, and if the Ministry of Magic offered a bounty, it would undoubtedly be a lot of money.

"I don\'t know, there may be a bounty, but I don\'t think the Ministry of Magic can afford that much bounty." Kingsley glanced at the subdued Death Eaters, most of whom were on the bounty list. .

"Oh, the Ministry of Magic\'s bounty really is a joke."

"Ron." Arthur frowned and looked at his son.

"There is precedent for this." Ron pouted and stopped discussing the matter.

"I think Dumbledore will be here soon, let him decide what to do with these guys!" Lupin suggested.

He actually felt that Sirius\' proposal was right, but he still felt that these scumbags should be tried by the law.

When everyone left the hall and was about to wait outside for Dumbledore, they bumped into the person they least wanted to meet.

"Voldemort," Harry screamed.

"A bunch of trash."

Glancing at the subdued Death Eaters, Voldemort was even more angry.

No way, the old nest was just bombed, and now he saw his servant being served with a pot, which made his already bad temper even worse.

"Avada Kedavra."

Voldemort raised his wand and, under everyone\'s astonished gaze, fired a deadly killing curse at everyone.

He wants to kill now.

Harry Potter and the members of the Order of the Phoenix happened to be here, and now they are all killed in one breath.

The green light of death filled everyone\'s eyes, and when it was about to engulf everyone, Harry had already taken the lead to block in front of everyone, and chanted his best spell.

Except your weapons!


Sirius was stunned by Harry\'s actions, but what shocked everyone even more was the change that followed.

The red and green spells collided in mid-air, causing the two wands to be connected by a dazzling golden light.


Voldemort stared at this scene with wide eyes, and some unpleasant memories of last summer kept coming back to his mind.

That\'s right, Potter was like that at the time, and then the guy took the opportunity to escape.

Damn it!

In the last experience, Voldemort directly forcibly disconnected the wand, and he stared at Harry Potter.

"I heard that you want to get my prophecy ball."

Harry took out the fake prophecy ball from his pocket and pointed it with his wand, the threat was self-evident.

"You broke my prophecy ball?"

Voldemort stared at Harry with scarlet, grim eyes, he saw that Harry was lying, that Harry had destroyed the prophecy sphere just now, the purpose was to prevent Voldemort from having the opportunity to obtain the prophecy sphere, and in his hand That one is fake.

"I hate Legilimency."

Harry grunted and threw the false prophecy ball to Voldemort.

"Months of hard work... Harry Potter, you hindered me again." Voldemort\'s icy voice was full of murderous intent.

"Yeah, I ruined it." Harry simply admitted.

"However, that\'s what you deserve. Who told you not to take it yourself? You have to make such a mess to fool me, do you really think everyone is a fool?"

"A boring trick, do you really think that if you delay time, Dumbledore will come to save you?"

"I think it\'s a good idea, good evening, Tom." Dumbledore raised his wand and stood beside Voldemort, his tone was as calm as he was greeting an old friend.


Voldemort spat in disdain and fired a deadly spell directly at Dumbledore.

"The Aurors are on their way. I think they must be sorry that you escaped tonight." Dumbledore waved his wand lightly, and the golden centaur on the fountain pool jumped up, blocking the fatal blow.

"You... No, not you."

Voldemort narrowed his eyes and stared at Dumbledore in front of him, who he was sure was not Dumbledore.

"There is no doubt that I have beaten you again."

Dumbledore waved the others around him to back away, leaving plenty of room for them. In a fight of this magnitude, the involvement of others would only distract him.

"You, no, it\'s not you, it\'s that **** mudblood."

Voldemort had actually guessed who was plotting against him. Although he didn\'t have any evidence, he didn\'t need any evidence, because there were very few people in the entire wizarding world who could do this.

Dumbledore was barely one, and the other was that Mudblood named Albert Anderson.

Since he failed to kill the opponent in the last duel competition, Voldemort realized that the mudblood named Anderson would become his trouble.

"Oh, it surprises me, what are you worried about."

"Worry, do you think I need to worry?" Voldemort squinted and sneered, "It should be you who should be worried."

Harry reached out to cover the scar, an unimaginable pain engulfing him.

Driven by instinct, Harry tried to shut down his brain, and he soon found that the pain was fading quickly.

Harry struggled to his feet, looked at Voldemort and said, "I know you want to control me, but it\'s no use."

Just now, Harry did feel the crisis, but the effect of Flux had enhanced Harry\'s Occlumency, allowing him to quickly block out the influence Voldemort had exerted on him.

"Your conspiracy is always unreliable." Dumbledore seemed satisfied with the result.

"Don\'t think you won, Dumbledore."

Voldemort waved his wand and attacked several of Sirius, trying to save a few captured Death Eaters.

"I bet your servants would cry with excitement if they knew you were trying so hard to save them." Harry stood in front of Voldemort and used the Stunning Charm at Voldemort, trying to restrain Voldemort through the resonance of the two wands. Once the situation just now occurs, Dumbledore will definitely seize the opportunity to kill this guy.

"Potter, your tricks can\'t be reliable forever." Voldemort used the devil\'s flame to form a serpent and let it pounce on Harry.

"I\'ve never been lonely like you."

The members of the Order of the Phoenix worked together to disperse the flaming snake.

"If you dare to use the Killing Curse, I\'ll use them as a shield. Don\'t call me mean, they all deserve to die anyway." Harry said grimly, holding a Death Eater up in front of him with his wand. "What, do you want to try it?"

"How do you feel that we are the villains." Ron muttered.

Hermione also felt this way, but she knew very well why Harry did this. Instead of letting the members of the Order of the Phoenix die, it would be better to let the Death Eaters die in their place, anyway, they were some wicked guys.

Voldemort looked up and down Harry Potter, and seemed to have a new understanding of this mortal enemy.

"You won this time, but you can\'t win forever." Voldemort raised his wand suddenly, and a green light flew out of the wand, shooting in the direction of the Aurors, leaving only half of it left. The golden centaur blasted to pieces.

A gust of wind passed, and Voldemort disappeared.

"God, you saved me, you saved me."

The Auror was so frightened that he slumped on the ground, but no one would laugh at him for that. Just now, he passed death by.


Scrimgeour looked at the subdued Death Eaters, and looked at the old man in front of him with a complicated expression.

What the Ministry of Magic could not do, was done by Dumbledore and his group.

"Oh, my God, what happened."

Cornelius Fudge pushed aside the Aurors in the way, looked at the messed up Ministry of Magic, his eyes fell on Dumbledore in front of him again, and almost without thinking, he shouted to the Aurors on both sides: "Grab him. !"

However, what greeted Fudge was a long silence.

"Voldemort is back," said Dumbledore calmly. "I told you more than once this year. It\'s time for you to learn to use your brain too."

"What the **** is going on?" Fudge\'s mind was in chaos. He hadn\'t seen Voldemort just now, but judging from the reactions of the Aurors, it was undoubtedly true.

"Your old buddy, Mr. Malfoy, brought a group of Death Eaters to try to break into the Ministry of Magic to do something bad. UU read www.uukanshu.com" Harry suddenly took a step forward, looking directly at the flustered Fudge, revealing a splendid Smile, "Oh, yes, and your dear Deputy Minister, cruel enough to use the Cruciatus Curse to torture me, as far as I know, any Unforgivable Curse used on humans is enough for Azkaban jail for life."

"Also, if you are not sure that your old friend is a Death Eater, you can come to me for an accurate list of Death Eaters. Although it has been a year, I believe my memory is not bad."

Fudge\'s eyes have never been so wide, his mouth has been open, and his whole face has turned red.

"Come on Harry, I\'ll take you back to school."

Dumbledore took the centaur\'s arm and turned it into a portkey.

"I thought I needed to be interviewed." Harry raised his eyebrows slightly, but still took his arm and said.

"If you want, but I think you should have more questions to be answered." Before Fudge could react, Harry and Dumbledore disappeared, leaving everyone looking at each other.

"I\'ll leave them to you." Sirius shrugged, "I\'ll send them back to school."

"Mr. Minister, we have caught the prisoners on the bounty list, can we get the bounty?" Before leaving, Ron stopped hesitantly and turned his head to ask.

However, there was indeed silence.

"Kingsley, you..."

It was really hard for Fudge to accept that his right-hand man was actually Dumbledore\'s.

"I\'m an Auror," Kingsley said.

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