
Chapter 212: Summer School (2)

There was a good reason why Yuna-san came with us. Apparently, if you introduced the cram school to other people, they’d give you something depending on how many referrals you brought in. You’d have to accompany them to the school as a part of the procedure.

“I’ve always wondered how pretty you were since my sister wouldn’t shut up about it, but now I understand what all the fuss was about… You really are one hell of a pretty girl. I’ve seen plenty of people with half foreign blood, but none of them have the same blond hair and blue eyes like you do… I wanna take a selfie with you later, do you mind?~”

“Yuna, you’re troubling her, stop it! Stop embarrassing me, please.”

“Hahaha… Ninacchi, your sister is an interesting person…”

I’d been observing the two siblings silently. It was funny to see Nitta-san, who normally talked without any filter, being cornered by her sister like this.

Well, there was also the possibility that Nitta-san was trying to maintain the balance of the conversation, since we would definitely be overwhelmed if she were to act like her normal self.

Nitta-san was really good at this. She’d always adjust her behavior depending on who she was talking to.

“Sorry, I’m older than everyone here, but I guess I’ve been a bit too childish. I’ve been stressed because I’ve been doing nothing but studying since last month. This is the first time in a while I could talk freely with other people like this. I have friends I could talk to, but they are all moody because of their mock exams results, so yeah, I don’t want to bother them.”

“Oh yeah, I heard that you’re going to the municipal school outside the district, is that true, Yuna-senpai? It’s the best school around, isn’t it? Studying there sounds really tough…”

“It isn’t the best one, well that detail isn’t important… Anyway, yeah, it’s pretty tough. The school prioritizes academics, so it’s just study, study and study. The school events are bland and boring. I’ve been thinking that I should’ve gone to Joutou High instead. I mean, with a kouhai as cute as you, I could die happily as a senpai~ The only downside of going there is that others would find out that this rascal is my little sister.”

“That’s my line, you disgrace of an older sister.”

“How exactly? You should be proud to have an outstanding older sister like me. Don’t you think so too, Maehara-kun?”

“Don’t bring me to this, please…”

I’m not a good enough talker to know which side I should pick at times like these.

The easy answer would be taking Nitta-san’s side since I was more familiar with her, but if I did it thoughtlessly, there was a possibility that it would ruin Umi’s mood.

In fact, she had been pinching my side for a while now. She didn’t put much force into it, so it didn’t hurt, but that could change at a moment’s notice if I let my guard down. Depending on her mood, she could tear my side apart.

What should I do? Someone, help me…

“Hehe, you don’t need to be so defensive, Asanagi-chan. I won’t take your precious boyfriend from you.”

“I-I know that… Wait, you know that we are dating? Did Nina tell you about us?”

“Nope, it was an educated guess. You two are like an open book after all. Besides, Nina wouldn’t tell me anything about her friends unless I asked her.”

“Of course I wouldn’t! I’m not a grade school kid!”

“Huh? Isn’t talking about your friends a normal thing to do, Ninacchi? I’ve always talked about everyone with my parents. The other day, I told them a lot about Nagisa-chan. You also did the same, right Umi? You talked about Maki-kun to your parents too, right?”

“Um, yeah, but unlike you, I wouldn’t tell them every single thing I did with Maki. Also, why did you mention only Maki’s name in that question?”

She wasn’t lying about this.

Also, I was the same as Umi. I told my mom about the things I did with Umi, but I didn’t tell her everything. We had our own secrets to keep as well.

“Hm… Three girls including my little sister. Maehara-kun’s a bold one, isn’t he? Monopolizing three cute girls by himself. Wouldn’t the other boys be jealous of you?”

“Monopolizing is the wrong way to put it, but I guess from an outsider’s perspective, that’s how it looks, huh?”

We had another boy in our group, but he was busy with his club activities, so most of the time, there were only four of us when we hung out. An outsider could easily come to that conclusion after seeing us.

The people at our school were used to seeing us like that, but the same thing couldn’t be said for the people at the summer school. I guess I had to brace myself for the upcoming trouble.

Of course I wouldn’t distance myself from Amami-san or Nitta-san just to avoid some trouble. They were my precious friends and compared to what other people thought, their feelings were way more important to me.

Besides, I’m just trying to have fun with my girlfriend and my other friends. There was nothing wrong with what I’m doing and no one had the right to say otherwise.

“Could you not lump me inside Rep’s harem? He’s a good friend of mine, but he isn’t my type. I like handsome, tall and rich guys, okay? Don’t forget about that.”

“Huh, really? You’ve become quieter lately, I thought you forgot about that nonsensical dream of yours. I thought for sure that the kind and quiet Maehara-kun influenced you in one way or another. I mean, you’re always influenced by the boys you like. Even your hobbies and appearance were based on your exes tastes, right?”

“Ugh, why are you spilling everything?! I understand what you’re trying to say, but our relationship isn’t like that! Besides, we will never be a thing, you know? He isn’t even tall, his face is just decent and he isn’t athletic at all. Well, he can study and is kind enough to lend me his notes though… I appreciate him for that…”

I knew that she was trying to hide her embarrassment, but I wish she would hold back a little.

Well, her words were true, but who cares. I mean, despite those bad points, there was someone who loved me with all her heart.

In any case, from now on, I should stop lending her my notes for a while as punishment. I was planning to let her off the hook, but after seeing Umi pouting because Nitta-san was s**t-talking me changed my mind.

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