
Chapter 106: Devil Moth's Lair

"Is it weird?"

"No. Greenhouse Farm… Maybe because it sounds too serious. That\'s why it\'s a bit odd."

"Huh! Can you blame me for this? I remembered that I forgot to give a cool name only after I submitted the application form."

"By the way, what did you plan to call it originally?"

"QQ Farm."


[Makka_Pakka] found [Sideline_slacking], the player he contacted on the forum in the game, and then the two little players, who dressed in animal fur coats, carried wooden bows and javelins and set off toward the east gate to open up the wasteland.

Although Chu Guang was curious about why they went to the east gate instead of the west gate, and why they carried wooden bow javelins instead of hoes and axes, after thinking about it, he eventually ignored them.


Chu Guang was too lazy to cook. He went to the North Gate and found that Ya Ya had stewed a pot of venison and mushroom soup, so he put a silver coin on the table.

"Two bowls please."


Ya Ya who took the bowls eagerly spooned two large bowls of broth with a sweet smile on her face and gave them to Chu Guang.

"Be careful, it\'s hot."

The players holding the bowls next to the stall saw it, and instantly felt that the meat in the bowl was not that fragrant. All of them complained loudly.

"Boss Ya Ya, that\'s not fair!"

"Yes! You were not gentle at all when you gave the soup to me!"

"Administrator has a big chunk of leg meat in his bowl! I saw it!"

"Yes, yes. Why did we only get a small piece of meat in our soup!?"

"Yes! And it\'s still the butt meat!"

"You should treat all customers the same way! My wife said it!"

Ya Ya blushed and explained hurriedly.

"What butt meat! Am, am I that kind of person?"

Besides, what\'s wrong with giving NPCs special treatment? I dare you all to say that you never gave NPCs special treatment before. Humph! You all never even stopped saying "Dear Administrator" once, and you have the audacity to complain about me?

Anyway, I\'ve triggered a hidden mission before!

"I don\'t care, unless you give me another bowl!"

"Eat my ass!"

Chu Guang smiled like an old father, leaving the noisy little players alone. He turned around and passed through the north gate to go to Xia Yan’s weapon shop.

After several times of renovations and alterations, the current weapon shop has completely changed.

The original mud wall has become a regular red brick wall, with a layer of plaster inside and outside of the shop, and a layer of wooden floor on the ground.

If it were the old crudely made hut, it would have been crushed by the snow by now.

It could be seen that the players loved Boss Xia more than he did. Because of the hand-drawn CG pictures of her on the forum, she was about to become a mascot on the official website.

No, it should be said that she was already a mascot.

When Chu Guang walked here, Xia Yan was asleep on the table with a pile of newly made bullets in the wooden basket next to her.

Now the players were playing happily at the north gate, but no one was here to disturb her.

Chu Guang did not wake her up, but gently placed the bowl next to her.

Then he found a chair in the room, sat down by the brazier, and added a stick of wood to it. While warming up by the fire, he drank the tender and delicious bowl of venison and mushroom soup.

The wood crackled from time to time, sending out sparks from the brazier.

The aroma of the broth gradually filled the room.

Xia Yan\'s nose buried in her arms twitched lightly, and then she slowly woke up, looking around sleepily. When she saw Chu Guang sitting in the room, she was instantly awake.

Looking at Xia Yan who woke up, Chu Guang said casually. "You have really been slacking off a lot lately."

She actually didn\'t notice that someone was behind her for so long, and she only noticed it after she smelled the fragrant smell of meat. If she was still a mercenary, she might not even survive for two days with this level of vigilance.

Being caught red-handed slacking off at work, Xia Yan looked embarrassed. Like a kid who did something wrong, she buried her head and didn\'t dare to look at Chu Guang, "I, I only slept for a while after I finished it. I wasn\'t slacking off... When did you come in."

"Just now," Chu Guang chuckled and teased seeing Xia Yan look nervous. "Do you need to be so nervous?"

Xia Yan hesitated for a long time without speaking.

Chu Guang thought for a while, then spoke. "Starting from tomorrow, I will pay you every day… Mhm, 10 silver coins per day. This month\'s wages will be settled daily, and from next month, it will be monthly. Every month I will give you an indicator, mainly about the production of ammunition and weapons. You can treat it as your task. After completing the task, you can get a bonus of 10%~30% of your monthly salary. In addition, your bonus will also be related to the profit of the weapon shop."

Xia Yan asked quickly. "What if I couldn\'t complete it?"

Chu Guang shrugged. "It\'s fine. Anyway, there are 30 revolver rifles in stock, and more than 4,000 rounds of ammunition, which is enough for the time being."

Bloodhand Clan had been destroyed, and now the only threat in the area was the mutant humans on 76th Street. But they seemed to have their own problems to face, and they haven\'t set their sights on Linghu Wetland Park for the time being.

The early cold winter was both a risk and an opportunity.

This natural barrier would buy a period of precious development time for the residents of Shelter No. 404. Food, fuel, and building materials were the keys. In contrast, the demand for weapons was not so urgent.

Taking a peek at Chu Guang, Xia Yan said in a low voice. "... actually, there are only 14 left, 16 of them were sold some time ago, and there are around 2,000 rounds of ammunition."

Chu Guang said unconcernedly. "It\'s okay, there are still a lot of things taken from marauders in the inventory. It is enough for my people to play for a while."

"Why are you so good suddenly… You actually want to pay me a salary." Xia Yan asked in a low voice.

In Boulder City, only when the big people needed their men to die would they suddenly and inexplicably show kindness.

Although the possibility of finding a buyer in winter was small, Xia Yan was still a little scared. After all, this man had left a deep impression in her mind.

"Because I think it\'s almost time," Chu Guang thought for a while and said, "It\'s not just you. Including Old Luca, people who work for me will get paid. It might not be a lot at the moment, but you don\'t need to think of it as a reward. This is the part that you deserve after making your own contribution to the shelter."

Simply put, Chu Guang needed to stimulate consumption.

It was difficult for players to consume the things they produced by themselves. Letting NPCs purchase the things made by the players appropriately could promote the expansion of production by the players.

Xia Yan nodded, seemingly understanding what Chu Guang said.

She actually wanted to say that if he really wanted to pay her, he could use those white plastic chips. She didn\'t need a lot, just one chip a day would do.

But she was scared of Chu Guang, so she could only comfort herself by telling herself in her mind, \'Actually, silver coins are also very good, 10 silver coins... I heard that two chips can be exchanged for one silver coin. So based on this rate, my daily salary will be 20 chips? And my monthly salary will be 600 chips!\'

\'In Boulder City, an assault rifle is only 150 chips, so my monthly income can buy four guns. I will be a proper middle-class citizen!\'

"Hehehe…" Thinking of this, Xia Yan actually began to giggle foolishly.

Chu Guang ignored the foolish expression on her face, and continued to speak. "In addition, you will get a \'budget\' from the \'profit\' of the weapon shop, which will be used to release tasks to the \'players\'. Just like I taught you, you can guide them to do something that you originally needed to complete yourself. For example, putting gunpowder in the shell case, oiling the receiver, or even helping you to look after the store for a while..."

"You can freely use your imagination in this part. Anyway, you should understand these trivial things better than me. Your VM can help you edit the tasks. If there\'s something you don\'t know, you can contact my assistant Little Seven via VM. Appropriately finding something for others to do will make your own work more relaxed. "

While listening to Chu Guang talking nervously, Xia Yan didn\'t dare to move or interrupt him.

But the bowl of venison and mushroom soup was so fragrant, she couldn\'t help but glance at it several times, swallowing again and again.

After noticing her little movements, Chu Guang, who had explained the matter, smiled and said in a relaxed tone. "You can think about the rest for yourself, I won\'t waste more of your time. This bowl of mushroom soup is my treat. Drink it while it\'s hot. There is still a piece of venison in it."

Xia Yan immediately picked up the bowl and gobbled it down.

After she put down the bowl, she said with a satisfied expression, ignoring the oil on her lips. "It\'s so delicious!"

"You can go to the north gate after work. It is getting more and more lively there. I guess you haven\'t been there before."

Chu Guang got up from the chair and put the empty bowl on the wooden table next to the brazier. He counted 10 silver coins and placed them next to the bowl.

"After you finish, wash the bowls for me."

"Thank you for your help during this period of time."

Until Chu Guang walked out the door, Xia Yan, holding the bowl in her hand, didn\'t recover for a long time.


What word did this demon say?!

She couldn\'t remember if she had ever heard it before, but she knew exactly how cruel and hard-hearted this man was.

Not only was he cruel to his enemy, but he was also not merciful to his own people.

She had seen it with her own eyes that he ordered the dead soldiers to be burned in the furnace with the enemy, not even wanting to build a grave for his men.

Such a cruel man actually showed kindness to her all of sudden. It must be a trap.

However, Xia Yan didn\'t know why, she suddenly felt that she was not as scared as before.

How to put it?

When this man threatened her that he would throw her out and let her die outside in the cold if she didn\'t work hard, she was really scared.

But after getting along for a while, it seemed like he never really planned to kick her out.

Drinking the soup in the bowl in small sips, Xia Yan couldn\'t think of anything to say for a while.

Forget it.

He didn\'t do anything excessive to me anyway.

Also, this venison is quite delicious.

For the sake of this soup, I will wash his bowl together later.


After coming out of the weapon shop, Chu Guang found Old Luca and explained the salary to him.

Having been a slave for most of his life, Old Luca had a dazed expression when he heard that his master was planning to give him money.

Chu Guang really didn\'t bother to explain again what salary was, and simply said.

"Treat it as a reward."

"You can use it to buy some food, or go to Woodworking Cabin to buy some furniture, supporting the business of the \'players\', or save it to build a decent house for yourself."

Hearing the word "reward", Old Luca was so moved that his eyes were in tears. He wanted to kneel down to express his gratitude, but then he remembered that his master once said that the people of shelter 404 were not allowed to kneel, so he immediately put his right fist on his chest.

"Thank you for your generosity! Master."

If calling him this way would make him a little more comfortable, Chu Guang didn\'t bother to correct it.

After explaining the work, Chu Guang then asked about the training of the two new warehouse managers.

It must be said that these survivors who used to be serfs were naturally adaptable to the service positions of "warehouse management".

After all, for them, these positions were not available for everyone at Brown Farm. Only the servants, butlers and soldiers of the land owner had the opportunity to take up those positions.

However, those people could no longer be regarded as serfs, or even slaves at all, they were more like subordinates with status. Most of them inherited their father\'s inheritance, and only in rare cases would a serf be selected to work in the master\'s house.

Therefore, both of them cherish the opportunity in their hands very much and learn very fast. It was estimated that they would be able to put on the VM in a few days.

Chu Guang had confidence in Luca\'s work attitude. After a brief inspection, he turned back to the nursing home.

Just as he was wondering whether to return to the shelter to play the game he just downloaded, or go to the third floor to accompany Little Seven for a while, there was a commotion in the direction of the north gate.

It was a scene he felt familiar with.

A player with a broken leg lying on a stretcher was being carried by two other players into the north gate.

Chu Guang recognized him.

If he remembered correctly, this guy went out with [Makka_Pakka] from the east gate carrying wooden bows and javelins while singing happily this afternoon.

At that time, he was still wondering whether they had gone the wrong way when they left from the east gate. Now he believed that most likely, they did not go the wrong way, but courted death from the beginning.

Chu Guang had a strange expression on his face. He turned on the system and opened the player list. Sure enough, Brother Pakka\'s icon had turned grey. Obviously, he had died.

Stepping forward, looking at [Sideline_slacking] lying on the stretcher with gradually weakening consciousness, Chu Guang frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Moths! Lots of moths! And one moth is so big, almost as long as my arm! Their teeth are like scissors!"

Chu Guang wasn\'t sure if the expression on Sideline_slacking\'s face was excitement or fright. In short, he was very emotional, and he gestured in the air with both hands constantly.

"We went to the residential community in the northeast of the Wetland Park on the map. There is a ruin of an artificial greenhouse! We originally planned to see if we could find something useful in it, but after spending a lot of effort to get in through the emergency exit, we saw many cocoons hanging on a huge web! We were stunned at the time. When we finally recovered and wanted to study what they were, Makka_Pakka who walked in the front was gnawed by the moths that came out of nowhere!"

[Construction_site_boy_and_bricks], who was carrying a stretcher, was also listening. He couldn\'t help swallowing when he heard the last sentence.

"Gnaw, gnawed?"

"Yes! Gnawed!" Sideline_slacking gasped, ignoring the bleeding wound, and continued agitatedly, "Realising that he couldn\'t run away, Brother Pakka took off the VM and threw it to me. I didn’t dare to look back, and rushed to the emergency exit! But when I was almost to come out of the emergency exit, my leg was bitten by two big moths..."

"Fortunately, these bugs are not cold-resistant. After I crawled out of the emergency exit desperately, the moths behind did not dare to chase out. The two big moths that bit my leg also didn\'t have much strength left. I stabbed them a few times with a dagger and finally killed them. But I didn\'t expect that their gnawing speed would be so quick that by the time I killed them, they had already eaten half of my leg.."

Ate half of your leg...

Sideline_slacking\'s description was so vivid that Chu Guang\'s brows were twitching repeatedly while listening to him.

Fortunately, the pain that exceeded the limit was blocked. If this happened to another survivor, it would probably be so painful that he wouldn\'t be able to breathe after the first bite.

"Devil Moth." Chu Guang took a deep breath, glanced at the player\'s bloody broken leg, and immediately made his diagnosis.

"You are missing a leg, there\'s not even a bone left. This is not an injury that the culture chamber can heal. Without the characteristics of \'Limbs Regeneration\' no matter how strong your resilience is, it is still useless. Do you understand what I mean?"

The most humane way was to kick the player offline, lock the login, and then send the clone directly into the furnace.

In fact, it didn’t matter whether it was dead or not. Without consciousness, the clone was an empty shell without a mind, and it did not affect the recovery of Active Matter.

Sideline_slacking, of course, understood the suggestion of the administrator, this was the old tradition of shelter 404, so he quickly nodded.

"I know! I know, dear administrator. But if I must die, can I choose a way to die?"

This was a reasonable request.

Chu Guang nodded.

"No problem, how do you want to die?"

Sideline_slacking said shyly with an embarrassed smile.

"I want to try the Gallows Of Justice... I\'m really curious."

Chu Guang: "..."

It was the first time he heard such a strange request.

Anyway, it wouldn\'t affect him recycling the body, so he agreed.


In this way, Sideline_slacking, who had just been carried into the outpost, was carried to the gallows outside the north gate by the two players.

"Wait, let me think of a cool line first. I want to die like a hero— "

"Stop wasting my time, off you go!"


The two players dealt with it quickly, and sent the dead Brother Sideline with a crooked neck to the furnace.

His equipment and VM would be stored in the locker in the buffer room. Three days later, he would be back again.

Chu Guang went to the third floor of the outpost and found Little Seven.

"Devil Moth\'s nest was found in the northeast of Linghu Wetland Park."

"Devil Moth?"

"A kind of insect mutant. You can mark it with three skulls on the map for me. This thing is not easy to deal with."

Little Seven tilted the camera. "Do you want to forbid players from entering that area?"

"It\'s not necessary, just a warning," Chu Guang thought for a while, and said, "the restrictions on 76th street can also be lifted, but the danger signs must remain."

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