
Chapter 213 – Please Come Again

“Huh? Aren’t you someone with great abilities? You really don’t understand?” I ridiculed him, “I’ll leave this embarrassing photo as leverage. If by any chance you tell your sister or you refuse to be a rope model in the future, I’ll send this photo to your girlfriend and also upload it on our school’s web forum!”

Shu Zhe’s entire body trembled and it was evident I hit his vitals.

“Bro Ye Lin, I never knew you would do this!”

After being dumbstruck for a second, Shu Zhe quickly put on a pitiful expression and pleaded.

“Other photos are fine, but... the photos of me without a wig cannot see the light of day! I’ll be recognized! I’ll lose all my face!”

I raised my camera extremely high to the point where Shu Zhe cannot reach it even if he jumps.

“Bro Ye Lin, can you please delete those photos? In the future... I’ll still be your hand model... or rope model, whatever! Or I could help you get my sister! When I get home, I’ll tell my sister I met a hoodlum and you helped me out again...”

The part I hate most about Shu Zhe is that the first thing he does is try to sellout his sister when he is at a disadvantage.

I pushed the shota maid back onto the bed to show my refusal.

“Keep in mind, other than the stuff I just told you, you definitely can’t contact those other bad perople —— if you contact them again, I’ll hang you up under the banyan tree in our school while you’re dressed as a trap!”

It was an extremely effective threat for someone like him who cared about their image.

“Bro Ye Lin, you’ll... still give me my wages right?”

After thinking for a while, Shu Zhe brought up another topic he was concerned about.

No wonder he’s a calculating schemer. If Shu Zhe was actually a girl and was raped, then they said they would pay her, then she might try to get the money regardless of the consequences.

I pulled out the four Mao’s (TN: 4 hundred dollar bills, it’s the same when Americans call 100 dollars benjamins) that I prepared beforehand and I felt a bit of a heartache. I never expected Shu Zhe to have put on a wig during this time.

Do you care that much about being seen as a half-man half-woman? Do you feel more at ease being dressed as a trap?!

When I passed the money to Shu Zhe dressed as a maid, I felt an inappropriate feeling like I was paying off a young female student.

When Shu Zhe received the money, he lifted it up to the light to test its authenticity, then he began to complain:

“Why is there so less? Didn’t we say ¥200 per set? Nurse set counts as one, nurse bondage is another set, nurse bondage with cuffs is another set... that’s not even including the maid outfit I’m currently wearing...”

He paused and looked at his black dress and white stockings and it seemed like his face slightly heated up.

“Basically... it should be ¥600 for 3 sets and that’s not including the maid set! Bro Ye Lin why are you deducting money from my wages? Also, isn’t ¥200 the price of a hand model? How much surplus value are you creating!”

Eh? Not a bad understanding of Marxian economics! But I started to use my pinky to pick my ears while pretending I did not hear what he said.

“Stop arguing. You’re currently in the trial period. It’s temporary work, do you understand?”

I waved my camera to show him that I had leverage over him, then I imitated Director Cao and said loudly:

“The Happy Valley Love Shop aims for our employees to become more outstanding, pure, and distinguished! How would wages even compare? Even if you weren’t paid, you should still be conscientious, and put in your hardest effort til the day you die!”

Shu Zhe recklessly interrupted me:

“Aren’t you an idiot if you’re willing to work without pay?”

I shouted: “You should be thanking me! I gave you a wage to spare you from being an idiot, I saved you! Hurry and accept your wages with gratitude!”

Shu Zhe mumbled, “It’s better than nothing...” He wanted to put the money in his pockets but the maid costume did not even have pockets.

“Bro Ye Lin, get out! I have to change my clothes!”

Tsk, this is the only time where you can act mighty. You already know I have no interest in men changing.

After he changed into 28 Middle’s uniform, Shu Zhe finally stopped acting like a trap. He picked up his bag in a fit of anger and prepared to go home since he felt he was tricked.

“Please come again!” I said in a ridiculing tone of voice, “Come work here again after you run out of money from dates!”

He becomes a girl in order to play with girls? What a weird concept if I think about it.

“What? Why would I come voluntarily after you tricked me?”

The way he bit his lips was identical to his sister.

“Why not?” I said while smiling, “Don’t forget I have your ‘shota trap’ picture in my hands! Also, ¥400 is nothing, won’t you spend it all by going to Starbucks a couple of times with Xiao Li?”

Shu Zhe muttered quietly: “It’s not like I have to earn money from your place...”

My face darkened: “You still want to get in touch with those hoodlums? I’m warning you, if I catch any traces of evidence, I’ll hang you under the banyan tree! I always do what I say! Also, I’ll rent you out to those perverts from our school! Eunuch Cao has been thinking about your mouth for a couple of days now! Li ErLeng also said that he might be interested!”

Shu Zhe’s face instantly whitened, and his bag slid down halfway off his shoulders.

“Bro Ye Lin... You’re a demon!”

“That’s right!” I clapped and laughed out loud, “Did you just realize? It’s already been the general consensus of the 2-3 for a long time now!”

“Next time...” Shu Zhe raised his bag a bit and changed the topic, “Will you give me a raise the next time I come?”

Huh? So after carefully analyzing the situation, you realized that working for me is still something you can accept! You earned ¥400 (~60 USD) in two hours and it’s not like it’s physical labor!

“That would depend on your performance.” I tricked him, “I might be able to increase your benefits if you pass the trial period.”

To be honest, I don’t even know the results of using a dedicated rope model for our store. If I don’t get a good result, then I would have wasted the ¥400 I gave Shu Zhe today!

Also, the only reason Shu Zhe feels that being a rope model is not that difficult is cause I did not do anything difficult today! I didn’t even put him in a hogtie bondage, it completely deviated from my original plans!

Once he sees the real world of S&M, he would probably cry and say he never wants to come again even if I give him a raise.

That’s why it was correct to take a picture as blackmail, the more the better.

When he heard he may get a raise, he turned his eyes slyly like a fox and tossed a piece of gum in his mouth.

He forcefully extended a hand towards me with his palms facing upwards.

“Give me some money, I want to call a cab!”

How lazy! Aren’t our homes pretty close to each other? It probably would not take much time by taking the bus and walking...

“Hurry and give me money!”

After I did not move, Shu Zhe shouted unhappily:

“I was tormented by you for quite a while and I don’t have any more strength to walk home! It’s not unreasonable to pay some money for a cab!”

If I think about it, a trap... No, it doesn’t seem safe for a young man to walk home at night after 8pm. Thus I pulled ¥20 from my pockets and gave it to him.

“A taxi will charge a max of ¥15 for this distance, so give me ¥5 back...”

Shu Zhe already snatched the money and stuffed it into his pocket before I finished speaking.

“Hmph, not only this time, you have to reimburse me travel fees every time I come here!”

After saying the most strong willed sentence he said today, he walked into the hallway and slammed my main door shut.

Isn’t he too weak? It was not even as loud as when the wind blows the door shut.

Reimburse travel fees? Sure, but you already paid the price. It’s still cheaper than finding a professional rope model.

I immediately began to prepare the photos for upload after Shu Zhe left.

I totally agree with the statement ‘You are the product of your environment’. Because I watched Eunuch Cao PS too many times, I was also able to do some tricks. Even when I dimmed the color of Shu Zhe’s pupils, it did not look unnatural.

In order to prevent my photos from being stolen, I also put a watermark on top of the photo. The watermark said: “Exclusive model for Happy Valley Love store.”

I took a total of 5 sets or 72 photos in total. Perhaps it was because Shu Zhe already had an abundant amount of experience with selfies, so his appearance in the photos was remarkable. I, on the other hand, ruined a few shots because my hand was shaking (My camera does not have a stability function).

Finally, I picked out 40 quality photos and uploaded it onto the store to replace those previous dull product photos.

Then I should have a good night’s sleep and see what kind of feedback I would receive from customers tomorrow.

The next day during English class, I used my cellphone to login to my store and I could not believe the first customer comment I saw:

“Can you give me the phone number of the model? I’m also willing to pay for it.”

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