
Chapter 221 – Alliance

“Mr. John? Who’s that?”

I asked while grinning in the backseat, then I remembered John was the American professor who NTRed my father. Ai Mi’s father and Ai ShuQiao’s current husband.

“Hmph, I heard he was already reduced to a stay at home dad after Ai ShuQiao took control of his company. Where did he get the money to help disabled Chinese children?”

“Well... although Mr. John no longer manages the company, he has always been enthusiastic about charity work since he was young. That’s why Madam Ai ShuQiao gave a portion of the company’s profits to Mr. John for charity, it’s also a part of the company’s plan to reduce the tax burden and help its public image.”

So she’s raising her husband like a headstrong child? Ai ShuQiao’s sense of control is definitely not normal!

“Lin, I know you have some prejudice towards Mr. John... No, it’s normal for you to hate him. But I want you to know Mr. John has always regretted his actions. When he stopped managing the company, he put all his focus on helping China establish these schools. He has also always donated under the company name, and he does not let his name show up on any donor forms. Even if an informed source invites him to China to see the fruits of his labor, he would always refuse with his health as an excuse —— the real reason is: Mr. John does not have the gall to return to China.”

“Hah? Why?”

Actually, I didn’t really hate the blond-haired and blue-eyed foreign professor as much anymore after the phone call from Ai ShuQiao. The fist that I previously wanted to land on John’s face, I now want to switch the target to Ai ShuQiao’s face.

Even if John appears in front of me again (Why do I have to say again?), he would at most be Ai Mi’s father, a pitful person who uses charity work to atone for his crimes.

Peng TouSi firmly gripped the steering wheel as we drove down the rugged country road. He suddenly made his tone of voice more serious:

“Lin, when I returned to America, I had a secret meeting with Mr. John without letting Madam Ai ShuQiao know. After he learned about your impending situation, he asked me to apologize for him and hopes you can let the past be bygones and form an alliance with him!”

Huh? An alliance with John? I have to form an alliance with the foreigner who NTRed my father against my biological mother? What kind of development is this? Also, why does John have to form an alliance with me to deal with his own wife?

“Lin, to be honest, Madam Ai ShuQiao has been continuously cutting company expenditure towards charity work. Due to recent policy changes in America, Madam Ai ShuQiao feels she isn’t receiving many benefits in terms of taxes, so she’s planning on removing John’s aid to China. At least, she would make John aid America instead of China to give a more favorable opinion to the American government.”

Yeah, Ai ShuQiao’s actions totally fit her. She is someone who would forget about her own son and ex-husband after getting remarried.

The image of Xiao Yu pondering in front of a Go board suddenly flashed in my mind.

“Um, if they don’t get any more financial assistance, will the schools like the one we visited close down?”

“It might not necessarily close down, but they will definitely experience difficult times. They might have to ask for more fees from the parents, and some students with struggling families might have to leave the school...”

Based on my understanding, disabled children and a struggling family come hand in hand. Does this mean Ai ShuQiao’s decision will separate a large majority of the children from the warmth of their kind and caring teachers?

Ai ShuQiao, is your heart made of ice? If Americans believe you are an outstanding representation of a ‘traditional Chinese woman’, they might as well press the nuclear button and declare WWIII on China!

“Um... In the end, his charity work is a matter of their own household, would having a middle schooler like me as an ally even benefit John?”

“No, there are benefits.” Peng TouSi said decisively, “John has become a more devout Christian as he aged. He can bring tranquility to his heart if he helps you. His original words were: Because he hurt you before, he does not want you to experience any more harm.”

What a strange feeling! My birth mother wants to deal with me, yet the person who stole my birth mother away from me —— Ai Mi’s father, wants to help me? Should I feel gratitude or should I accept it with a clear conscience because John feels guilty?

“Lin, currently Mr. John might be limited in how he can support you, perhaps he can only delay Madam Ai ShuQiao’s actions taken against you. Also, based on Madam Ai ShuQiao’s personality, it would be impossible to make her completely give up, but please believe Mr. John is determined to support you. Because he saw how Madam Ai ShuQiao can even be so cold-blooded to her own son, Mr. John can’t help but be suspicious about an event he had doubts about...”

“Hey, you’re speaking as if it’s a detective film, why are you being so secretive?”

Peng TouSi was silent for a couple of seconds as if he was worried someone would be listening to us.

“Mr. John suspects that his own father, the previous chairman of the company, did not suddenly die because of a normal heart attack!”

Eh? It’s becoming more and more mysterious! Are you saying Ai ShuQiao poisoned him?

“...Because Mr. John’s father was always opposed to him marrying Ai ShuQiao and he even threatened to strip away his right of inheritance, so Madam Ai ShuQiao definitely had a motive. As a matter of fact, Madam Ai ShuQiao was also the greatest benefactor from the funeral. Afterward, she moved into the mansion her husband inherited with Ai Mi who was barely even 4 years old, then she quickly snatched a lot of the company work from Mr. John who was still depressed, and she began her legend as a successful female business person. For someone who would step and spit on a crucifix, it would be hard to explain her success as God’s favoritism.”

I was scared witless after the story and felt I had entered a treacherous and sinister world.

“Although an investigation was filed at the time, they were not able to find anything suspicious with their technology at that time. But Mr. John has always kept a secret that his father drank a bowl of thick tomato soup before he passed. Using the newest technology, they were able to determine it may have included natural ingredients which would incite a heart attack...”

“This is evidence for a homicide!” I almost jumped up while in the backseat of the car, “With this, they can immediately put Ai ShuQiao in prison? What’s John waiting for?”

“No, we don’t know if the judge and jury would admit results from this new method of testing. If we don’t prepare well enough beforehand and alert the enemy, Mr. John firmly believes he will vanish from the face of the earth along with the evidence!”

Fuck, it’s practically a tragedy! I thought it was already enough of a tragedy when my dad met this woman, but I did not expect John’s story to be ten times more tragic! He can’t even reveal his own father was poisoned by his wife, and the slightest mishap will cost him his life!

“Also, there’s also another important reason why Mr. John won’t easily present this evidence. Although Mr. John’s father was at odds with Madam Ai ShuQiao, Ai Mi had a close relationship with her grandfather. Mr. John would often bring Ai Mi alone to improve her relationship with his father... If they launch a homicide investigation of the death of his father, Mr. John worries his daughter will get hurt psychologically...”

Indeed, what a tragedy. Her own mother poisoned her beloved grandfather? If her mom gets sent to prison for homicide, even if she always had complaints about her mom, she probably would not be happy.

“It’s not like I can’t understand why John...”

“No Lin, you don’t understand.” Peng TouSi was incomparably serious, “If the case comes to light, it’s hard to estimate the extent of damage Miss Ai Mi will suffer! That’s why Mr. John is not planning on using this information unless absolutely necessary. You have to be prepared to fight a long battle with Mr. John.”

I still do not understand my purpose in this battle. Although my determination of not lowering my head to Ai ShuQiao will not lose to anyone, it’s not like I can use that as an ICBM —— don’t tell me my only role in the alliance is to calm John’s heart?

“Lin, you play a bigger role than you expect. Please continue to attract Madam Ai ShuQiao’s attention. Try to scatter Madam Ai ShuQiao’s focus before you and Miss Ai Mi’er acknowledge each other as siblings. At the same time, Mr. John will carry out multiple investigations on Madam Ai ShuQiao. Whether it’s bribing American politicians or transactions with the underworld, once he collects enough evidence, he believes he can make Madam Ai ShuQiao surrender in the face of the law. Mr. John’s desired outcome is: To not use his hidden trump card and to use evidence of other crimes to make his wife give up the rights of the company and put her under house arrest. This way, the company would not be greatly affected and the profits directed towards charity would not disappear. Ai Mi would also get hit with a psychological blow when her mother goes on trial —— do you understand Mr. John’s painstaking efforts?”

It’s not like I don’t understand... but John is too lenient and soft-hearted! He worries about his daughter, the charities, and even his wife who murdered his own father at every step!

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