
Chapter 239 – Henderson Mall

Actually Gramps was overthinking. As he mentioned previously, it’s not fun watching actual martial arts. I wouldn’t receive much praise even if I used Yin Yang Sanshou in front of the director. Also, the deaf and mute evil monk only uses a metal rod. If you throw on fist techniques with a rod, it would seem like you’re trying to steal the spotlight.

Thus I nodded in a hurry towards the fuming Gramps:

“Never! I’ll never do that! If I ever disobey master’s instructions —— ” I pointed towards the sky with one finger, “May I get struck by lightning!”

Gramps was still unsatisfied even after such a serious vow.

“Who agreed to be your master? Didn’t I already tell you I’m not your master and you’re not my disciple? I thought I should teach you a few moves since you had willpower, but I never thought you would be so sly, a fox in wolf’s clothing. Good thing I never took you in as a disciple! Who knew what kinds of troubles you would have caused!”

I checked my watch and it was still early. I planned to train a bit more, but it seems Gramps thought of something annoying because of my phone call and told me to go home.

So I went home to take a shower and change my clothing. I changed my sweat-stained socks, carefully combed my short hair and even used the hairdryer for the first time.

I have never been this formal in front of Xiao Qin or the class leader.

I guess the dignity of a brother is more important than a date with a girl?

Now that I think about it, this is my first time alone with her after I found out Ai Mi was my younger sister.

Although I was extremely busy these past couple of days, it’s not like I had zero time to visit her at Qing Zi Academy.

A part of the reason why I didn’t go was that I didn’t know what to do or say. I still wasn’t prepared mentally enough when two strangers who met by chance suddenly turned out to be siblings.

But my needless fears won’t solve anything. Even if I have never been an older brother, haven’t I raised pets before? It should be okay to use the same attitude of taking care of a pet when taking care of a younger sister, right?

I also brought plenty of cash with me. My shriveled wallet has never been this stuffed before. I also brought a bank card specifically for the online store.

We have to have money to buy things if we’re going shopping, right? Although Ai Mi doesn’t lack CNY or USD, I still want to pay as her older brother. It’s fine if you want to label it as vanity or male chauvinism, but I would feel awkward making a loli pay as I stand next to her.

It was exactly 8:45 when I arrived in front of the revolving doors of Henderson Mall. I waited for about 10 minutes before I saw Ai Mi’s personal ‘batmobile’ park across the street. Peng TouSi opened a black umbrella and escorted Ai Mi towards me.

The sunlight was too strong today. It was only 9 am yet I could already feel the asphalt soften under my feet!

When Ai Mi saw me standing in front of the door with a tidy outfit and a genial smile (at least that’s what I believed), she was a bit shocked and purposely turned away and pretended she didn’t see me.

“Huh? Why does it stink like an inferior organism?”

Ai Mi only looked at me with ridicule when they were only an arm’s length away.

“Look who it is! Isn’t this the manservant? This stink is definitely unique to the manservant, it’s almost choking me to death!”

Who stinks?! I clearly took a shower and changed clothes before I left my home! I was even more attentive compared to the time when I went on a date! I... would never accommodate your weird temper if you weren’t my sister!

I nodded and bowed towards Peng TouSi and Ai Mi: “Ah, what a coincidence! If it isn’t the beautiful Miss Ai Mi and her invincible bodyguard?”

Ai Mi looked at me with contempt. I reckon she also looked at Kyle with the same eyes a few days ago.

I coughed and continued to speak: “Uh... I didn’t have much to do today, so I... wanted to go shopping. How about it? Want to go together?”

Ai Mi lightly snorted and seemed to speak with disinterest: “I’m bored anyway... You can come with me if you want, I allow it!”

Thus I followed her from the rear and looked like both her guardian and bodyguard.

Peng TouSi told me to stop before we left:

“Lin, I’ll wait for you outside. You guys have my phone number, so contact me if you need it. In addition...”

He lowered his voice so Ai Mi who was walking in front could not hear.

“Miss Ai Mi’er didn’t eat breakfast that the chef prepared for her this morning. I suspect she wants to take the chance to drink cola. Ever since I came back, I haven’t really let her get away with it....”

“It’s fine if she drinks a bit?” I said, “I don’t want to help her carry out her mother’s orders!”

Peng TouSi placed one finger on my lips to indicate I should lower my voice.

“Regardless, Madam Ai ShuQiao doesn’t want her daughter to eat junk food because of good intentions... fine, I can break the rules a bit today. You can treat Miss Ai Mi’er to cola in the mall —— but only one bottle, no more —— can you keep that promise?”

“Okay.” I nodded, “I know cola isn’t good for you, but it’s too extreme to prohibit cola as if it’s a drug. Rest assured, I won’t let her drink to her heart’s content.”

Peng TouSi extended his fist towards me and fist-bumped me.

“It’s a promise between men.” Peng TouSi said, “I’m leaving Miss Ai Mi’er in your hands for a while. You must return her back to me without a single injury.”

I only remembered Peng TouSi was a homo after I fist-bumped him. I couldn’t help but shudder. I can’t really do anything after the fact but laugh along with him bitterly.

“Quit your dillydallying, why are you so slow!” Ai Mi urged, “I’ll get lost if you don’t follow closely... No, I mean, I won’t look for you if you get lost!”

I followed closely while snickering in my head. For someone who could even get lost in a Wal-mart, you would definitely get lost in the huge Henderson mall. I have to watch her closely because even though we both have cellphones we might end up in an involuntary game of hide and seek.

As Peng TouSi predicted, Ai Mi was completely disinterested in jewelry, makeup, and clothes. She only stared at the sign that pointed to the restaurants on the sixth floor.

I brought Ai Mi on an elevator and directly pressed the button for the sixth floor. The corners of Ai Mi’s lips curved into a slight smile but she remained silent.

We got on a see-through glass elevator and slowly ascended. The scenery became smaller and smaller. I tried not to look down since I had a minor case of acrophobia.

I’m not sure why, but Ai Mi was trembling slightly. She grabbed onto my arms and shut her eyes tightly.

Is she afraid of heights like me?

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