
Chapter 246 – One-Sided Battle

Competition? Are you referring to how the female teams always get more medals than males in the Olympics? But that will never happen in electronics! Chinese females are still lacking compared to otakus who invest all their time into video games!

But the only girls I know who are good at video games are Xiao Qin and Xiong YaoYue. Chairman Mao once taught: Nowadays, women have an equal part in society. If guys keep isolating themselves at home, they might be soon overtaken by the hard working females. At that time, all the top leader boards of diablo or LOL would be filled with feminine user IDs. Then those otaku can only weep and cry.

The front desk lady considerately offered her chair before Ai Mi even stood for a full three minutes. Ai Mi didn’t hold back and immediately sat down on the soft cushions with her two legs dangling in the air, then she nodded in approval towards the front desk lady.

“Watch closely, manservant” Ai Mi poked my back, “You’re only qualified when you can satisfy your master before they even make a request!”

At this moment, the fighting game entered the character selection screen. It might be because she played too much Zangief, so Xiong YaoYue chose M. Bison (who we usually call Balrog).

Xiong YaoYue looked at me gleefully after she chose her character, “You’re up! Pick one you’re good at so I can have a good time!”

I could tell she likes using power types. her fighting style is probably equally ferocious. Since the fatty said she was undefeated at Henderson, then she must be an expert, I have to be careful.

Oh right, that fatty might have slipped away to play a fishing game when he saw my cold eyes —— it’s like I’m a mosquito repellent.

I’m not a professional gamer and I’m definitely not as proficient as Xiong YaoYue. Even though I usually play Fei Long (because he was based on Bruce Lee) when I play street fighter 4, but I felt I wasn’t that good with him. Xiao Qin was able to demolish me every game and I could only win the ones where she let me win.

I’m very competitive, but I normally wouldn’t be able to win against an expert like Xiong YaoYue. I was suddenly struck by an idea and chose Cammy like Xiao Qin and I planned to imitate her playstyle and catch her off guard.

I never expected Xiong YaoYue to burst out laughing. She pointed at me maliciously, “Huh, a man like you likes to use girls? “

Before I was able to retort, Ai Mi interrupted while licking her ice cream and said: “That’s right, he likes to play with girls.”

When did you see me play with girls? Why is it that girls are considered cute when they play male characters, but guys are insulted when they play female characters! This is sex inequality!

Not sure if it was because Xiong YaoYue used too much effort against Tang Jiang or if she wasn’t that good with Balrog, or if it was because I could successfully imitate Xiao Qin’s skills, because I was actually able to win the first round.

“Huh, not bad!” Xiong YaoYue exclaimed. She then looked more serious and we began the intense second round.

Ai Mi commented indifferently because she didn’t know of the intricacies of the game: “This should be a simple task for my manservant, otherwise, you’re useless.”

My character was sent flying by Balrog’s combo before she finished her sentence. Another flurry of punches sent me to the defeat screen.

“Haha, now you know who’s boss!” Xiong YaoYue Xiong YaoYue giddily slapped the machine.

Honestly, her demeanor pisses people off. She can definitely incite a real world PK when someone loses to her and watches her boast.

“Why do you refer to yourself as a boss when you’re a girl?” I spat.

“Huh? Why does the loser have so many complaints! Then let me change my wording: Now you know who’s (female) boss!” (TN: English doesn’t use sex in words :/ )

She asked after a slight pause: “Are you satisfied?”

Who’s a loser, it’s a best of three rounds, so it’s a tie! Watch me fight to the death for male pride!

After I lost the second round, Ai Mi remained unmoving while licking her ice cream. After a while, she said:

“My underlings are all useless like Obama. I compliment them a few times and they immediately let me down.” (TN: The idiom for letting someone down in Chinese is dropping the chain kinda like how we have dropping the ball)

Xiong YaoYue was astonished, “Eh? I heard the teacher say the American president is restricted by the people, does he actually have a chain?”

Huh? How does that make any sense!

In the time she was distracted, I took away a third of her HP.

Even if she quickly tried to get into the groove, she wasn’t able to block me as I basically incarnated myself as Xiao Qin playing Cammy. I was able to quickly finish the match.

I won! I actually won! I was able to break big sis Xiong’s undefeated record at Henderson! Where’s the bouquet of fresh flowers? Where’s the applause? It’s now big bro Ye’s time!

Xiong YaoYue leaned on her face and did not seem to have suffered any shock.

“Um... did you perhaps misunderstand? I actually often get defeated at Henderson Mall.”

“Huh? Then why do people refer to you as the undefeated bear?” (TN: bear = Xiong)

“Fuck, at least add big sis in front of bear!” Xiong YaoYue said angrily, “You think you can call me that just because you added a tiny bit of familiarity? I swear I’ll cut off your dick and use it as a slingshot!”

Do you think my dick is a noodle? How could it possibly be that flexible! How could you not even be embarrassed when talking about dicks? Are you actually a dude in a girl’s body?

Ai Mi interrupted and said: “I want to play too.”

What the hell do you want to play! Do you want to play the game, or use my dick as a slingshot! Don’t say words that would cause misunderstandings in front of your brother!

“Wait, we strayed too far from the topic at hand.” I said, “Tell me why you still have the unbeatable nickname if you often lose to others...”

Xiong YaoYue smacked her lips and said:

“It’s nothing special. I would often purposely lose matches as a sign of friendship when someone else pays.”

“What?” I couldn’t react momentarily.

“How dumb! I’m saying I’ll purposely lose a few rounds when someone else pays for me. That way, they will want to keep playing with me! If I’m spending my own money...”

Then her eyes turned cold.

“In order to maximize the value of my dollar, I will do my utmost to play as long as possible and I have to win every match!”

It’s the mindset of a loser! She actually doesn’t look bad, so if she tries to act cute, probably a lot of guys would willingly invite her to play, but... that’s completely unimaginable.

Xiong YaoYue gleefully crossed her arms in front of her chest: “Uwa hehehe~~~”

“My real nickname is: Big sis Xiong who would never lose if she pays with her own money, but would sometimes throw a game if someone else pays for her!”

Which nickname has 26 fucking words! I can’t even catch my breath after I say your nickname! I think it was dumb for me to even go back and count the number of words!

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