
Chapter 371 – Supermarket Trip

Chapter 371 – Supermarket Trip

I decided to head to head to the supermarket to buy some things before I head to my dad’s hotel. One reason is because I could show that I’m managing the store properly and have enough profits to buy presents. The second reason is in case my dad refuses to sign my dumb essay, I could use the gifts as a bribe.

I thought as I walked to the Wal-mart near my house. It was close to Qing Zi Academy and it’s the same place where I bumped into Ai Mi who had sneaked out to buy chips.

I don’t think I would bump into her today. I already called yesterday and it seemed her cold was slightly better. But it seemed the worst part was she still had to act even when she had a cold. It looks like you have no more human rights once you enter show business.

There were a lot of people on Friday night, but luckily I was able to get the last shopping cart. The people behind me gave me dirty looks as they had to take the hand baskets.

But I was happy they weren’t afraid of me. It’s all thanks to the sunglasses. It was able to transform their treatment towards me from a criminal to a regular student.

I hummed the tune from Jet Li’s Fist of Legend as I strolled around the store.

What should I buy for my dad? I can’t but smokes or alcohol, so I guess I should buy some high end tea.

I went to take a look at the prices at the tea area, but the prices were outrageous. The tea prices varied from ¥500 per lb to ¥800 per lb. The most outrageous one costed ¥5700 per lb. At that price, you might as well go and rob a bank.

In the end, I decided to go with an oolong tea that costs ¥250 per lb. I bought around 165g for ¥75, just the right amount to put in a small tea box.

After taking the tea, I wandered around into the snacks section.

The chips were now in a lower position, but there were no signs of Ai Mi.

Whatever, chips aren’t really healthy, so it’s better to have less of it.

I asked myself if I should buy my dad some snacks like beef jerky.

My dad already quit smoking before he got married. He was also afraid of second hand smoke for me after getting divorced, so he didn’t smoke again. The reason why I’m buying snacks is not to help him quit smoking.

And if I give him jerky to help him quit drinking, it would probably have the opposite effect since jerky pairs well with alcohol.

Well, it doesn’t matter. At least it would be better than him drinking on an empty stomach.

Thus I put four packs of jerky in my shopping cart. The kid next to me sent an envious gaze towards me.

Based on how he was only holding one bag of crackers, it seems his mom only allowed him to choose one bag of snacks. But the jerky isn’t even for me, I’m buying it for my dad. But he wouldn’t believe me even if I told him.

But now that I think about it, I haven’t actually properly eaten snacks since the start of the year.

In order to become the strongest to defeat the Little Tyrant, I was training in every single area, including limiting snacks, but eating more proteins and vegetables. I even forced myself to begin to eat yogurt.

The bright and dazzling snacks section really brings back memories.

But the one think I think about the most aren’t the chips, but the animal crackers I ate as a child.

I’ve known animal characters before I even met Xiao Qin. Every time I eat one I would always check what animal it is. Elephants and whales are always the largest, and it’s always a shame when the giraffe’s neck snaps off so easily. I would admit animal characters were more of my childhood friend than Xiao Qin.

Also, there are a lot of ways to eat animal crackers, including dipping it into milk. Nowadays, supermarkets don’t really sell animal crackers anymore. Goldfish doesn’t count since it’s only fish, and it doesn’t taste as good because of the hollow inside.

I squatted down to see if I could find any animal crackers on the lower shelves.

After looking around, I actually found a large bag with the words animal crackers printed on it. A child usually wouldn’t even be able to carry it, is it prepared for people who are reminiscing like me?

But after I took a look in the bag, I realized there weren’t any elephants, whales, or giraffes... except a few indistinguishable animals, there were a lot of turtles. Why is it a turtle? Is the owner a turtle lover? Mihgt as well call it turtle crackers instead of animal crackers.

I took a look at the manufacturing location and it was Beijing. The productions company was Green Giant Foods Ltd.

I guess having a bag full of turtles would be considered green enough.

I put down the bag of turtle crackers and went to the stationery section to get a pack of Chinese chess for my dad. That way he can play with uncle He whenever he visits my dad.

I got two bottles of sport drinks from the fridge and began drinking one while walking. I subconsciously arrived at the pet goods section.

This really brings back memories. I’m not reminiscing about the products, but my dog. Back then, most people didn’t feed pets actual pet food, but fed them our leftovers from meals. One of the reasons it got sick and passed away could have been because it wasn’t food made for dogs.

I stopped in front of the dog food section feeling a bit emotional. I wanted to use a time machine to send this food back into the past.

At this point, I saw a kindergarten girl who skipped towards this area. She stood on her tip toes to reach the dog food, but it’s obvious she couldn’t reach it.

I think since I was wearing sunglasses and could pass off as a good person, I would soon receive a request for help. I promise this time I won’t cry.

Otherwise, there’s going to be another weird love story spreading around about dog food.

I was waiting for the little girl to say: “Big brother, can you help me get...”, but to my surprise, she said: “Big sister...”

Damn, what’s wrong with her eyes? This is why you shouldn’t watch so many cartoons, otherwise you would have severe myopia before you even start school. I don’t think I would look like a big sister even if I was wearing ten pairs of sunglasses.

When I was still puzzled, I realized the little girl was asking someone else for help. A girl wearing 28 Middle’s uniform with long hair took the dog food the little girl pointed at and gently handed it over.

Eh, doesn’t this familiar white arm belong to the class leader?

“Than you, sister.” The little girl ran back to her mother with the dog food in her arms.

The class leader and I only realized we were standing really close after the little girl left and we both felt a bit awkward.

“Why are you in the pets section?” The class leader blurted, “I thought you didn’t have a pet?”

“Sigh, that’s unreasonable. Are you saying I can’t look at pet goods if I don’t have a pet? According to my knowledge, you don’t have a pet either, I mean other than Shu Zhe.”

“My brother isn’t a pet.”

Oh right, that’s because a pet has more of a conscience than your brother.

By the way, how did the class leader not notice me standing over here?

Was it because she keeps dreaming about having a dog, so she began wandering in the pet goods section?

I mean it’s a pretty simple dream to realize. All you have to do is find a newborn puppy, then stay with it every day and it would definitely get accustomed to your hunter’s eyes. Or are you afraid to keep it at home because Shu Zhe bullies small animals?

I might be able to persuade the class leader to abandon her worries and just start raising a puppy, but I don’t rights to say it to her when I lost the courage to raise another pet after my dog passed away.

It might be a good thing the class leader can’t raise a dog. If you never have a dog, then you would never have to experience the pain as it leaves you.

The class leader then began to ignore me after she finished speaking. She stood motionlessly in front of the pet goods as if she was waiting for me to leave first.

What, do you think it’s your loss if you leave first? When did we come to the point where we always have to compete in everything?

I noticed the class leader wasn’t able to get a hold of a shopping cart. She had around thirty cartons of milk in her hand held basket.

All the cartons of milk and the big discount sticker on it. So she heard there was a milk promotion here and came all the way here to buy it. She must have spent quite a bit of time riding her bike all the way.

It’s definitely heavy with all those cartons of milk inside. After holding it for a while, I could see her arms slightly quivering.

I called out to her: “Hey, I still have a lot of space in my cart, you can put your basket inside.”

The class leader looked at the empty space with a hint of jealousy, “How did you get a cart?”

“Hahaha, I was fast and got the last one.” I boasted.

“Hmph, since you’re so strong, you should have left the cart for elderly or people who need it.”

“That’s not true.” I pointed to my sunglasses, “I seem blind with my sunglasses, so everyone left the cart for me. Besides, am I not sharing the cart right now?”

“Who wants to use the same cart as you? I still haven’t finished shopping yet.”

“I haven’t finished either.” I persuaded her, “I’m not in a rush anyway, so we can just share the same cart.”

The thirty cartons of milk must have been quite a burden on her. She thought about it a bit before putting her basket in the cart. But our stuff was separated clearly with hers in the back and mines in the front.

And at the same time she looked at me angrily. Was she still upset about yesterday when I gave her the bikini?

I pushed the cart as the class leader walked behind me as if she was escorting a criminal. And just like this we began our weird supermarket trip.

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