
Chapter 418 – Watch My Throw!

Chapter 418 – Watch My Throw!

“My dictionary!” The boy cried out in sorrow. Loud Mouth may have been distracted from his cries and was slightly off the mark. The dictionary missed the cockroach and it continued to triumphantly progress towards the back of the class.

“Damn, a cockroach really came!” Xiong YaoYue was in the row right behind Loud Mouth. She originally had the chance to step on the cockroach, but she didn’t pay attention because she cared more about the ice cream in her hand.

“I’ll step on it.” Xiong YaoYue chased it from behind while still protecting her ice cream.

The class leader stared at the cockroach and Xiong YaoYue who were running towards her.

I was curious on how the class leader would react.

According to Shu Zhe, the class leader has killed wild boars with guns under the guidance of their uncle. It’s the most ferocious animals they have come to face with.

Her hunter’s aura also makes it so small animals like dogs and cats won’t go near her.

But I discovered before the class leader was afraid of mice, specifically black ones only. I’m not sure what’s so scary about black mice when compared to wild boars.

Or is the class leader unexpectedly similar to normal girls in this aspect? If she’s afraid of mice, does that mean she’s also afraid of cockroaches? She kept her cool as she watched Xiong YaoYue (and the cockroach) get closer. But is she actually really scared and didn’t scream because she has to keep her dignity as the class leader?

It would be a great memory for me to keep if the class leader shrieks at a cockroach.

Thus I didn’t go and help with this bad intention in mind.

I suddenly felt a weight pressed on my legs.

Xiao Qin took advantage of the chaos and sat onto my lap. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around my neck and shouted:

“Don’t come any closer, I’m terrified of bugs.”

I was pissed.

Weren’t you the one who stuffed beetles, crickets, and other bugs down my shirt when we were kids? You aren’t qualified to say you’re afraid of bugs!

“Get off of me.” I ordered, “What if someone sees.”

But Xiao Qin found the perfect timing when everyone else was focused on the cockroach and no one realized she was sitting on my lap.

“Ye Lin classmate, I’m actually afraid. Don’t let the bug get any closer.” Xiao Qin clutched my neck even tighter.

“Why are you afraid of bugs? You’re the bug terminator! I don’t think anyone caught more bugs than you as kids.”

“That’s in the past.” Xiao Qin seemed to be actually scared, “In shoujo manga, there are always scenes where the female protagonist gets scared by a bug and jumps into the male protagonist’s embrace...”

“So you pretended to be afraid and jumped onto my lap?”

“No~” Xiao Qin shook her head, “The first thing I learned from shoujo manga on how to be a girl is to be afraid of bugs. Especially the ones who have hard shells and a lot of legs... I have no idea why I wasn’t afraid before. Regardless if it’s beetles or centipedes, I’m afraid of all of them now.”

Xiao Qin, who was trembling on my lap, didn’t seem to be lying.

So a long time of psychological suggestions made you afraind of bugs? I was expecting to hear the class leader’s shriek, not yours!

“Get off my leg, I’ll go take care of the bug.”

I stood up after finally making Xiao Qin returned to her seat. I began to walk towards the back door of the class room (towards the class leader’s seat), but found the class leader had already taken action.

The class leader took out a yellowish-green object from her desk, I think it’s... a tennis ball. She took the stance of a pitcher in baseball, then with a hard flick of her arms, the tennis ball shot out from her hand at lightning speeds.

“Winnie, move out of the way.” The class leader warned at the same time.

The tennis ball that was originally supposed to be used to deal with the Rose Three struck the cockroach at supersonic speed and ended its insignificant life.

The tennis ball looked really old, so it was probably something the class leader planned to throw away. Now that it’s been stained with roach guts, the tennis ball has completed its mission and can retire honourably.

The reason why the class leader warned Xiong YaoYue to move was because the tennis ball has a lot of elasticity. Once it killed the cockroach, it carried its disgusting corpse and bounced off the floor and shot towards Xiong YaoYue’s face.

“Damn.” Xiong YaoYue quickly dropped to the seat next to and dodged the ‘dead cockroach ball’ by a hair’s breadth. The boy who was sitting at that seat was waiting for the class leader’s scream just like me, but he was was stabbed in his crotch with Xiong YaoYue’s ice cream. The sudden coldness and pain made him scream out loud.

The class leader’s calculations were spot on. After it bounced up, other than giving Xiong YaoYue a scare, it didn’t hit anyone else. At this point, it had already passed the peak of the parabola and was about to land somewhere near the front classroom door.

Unfortunately, the door was suddenly opened and teacher Yu walked in. He heard a lot of noise coming from the class, so he came to check it out. He walked right into the path of the dead cockroach ball.

God, how disgusting. The tennis ball hit straight onto teacher Yu’s mouth. The teacher’s lips were currently having intimate contact with the cockroach’s corpse! It wasn’t a big deal for the teacher, but once he bent down and picked it up to take a look, he immediately vomited.

All the students all turned silent and looked at the class leader.

The class leader felt awkward and ran to the teacher apologize:

“Teacher Yu, I....”

“Bleeeeeech” Teacher Yu continue to vomit.

“I have napkins here...”


Finally, Niu ShiLi and Xiong YaoYue came forward to help the class leader take the teacher to the infirmary.

Later, I heard Chen YingRan was in the infimary helping two boys who had knee injuries. She was indifferent towards the teacher and simply told him to hit his own pressure points to stop his vomiting.

Do you think teacher Yu is someone from a wuxia novel? How the hell would modern people know where those pressure points are?

Not long after, rumors spread of class 2-3’s female class leader hitting their own teacher with a tennis ball. There were multiple versions such as teacher Yu was so cowardly even the class leader bullied him; or the class leader wanted to hit a student in the front row and accidentally hit the teacher. But not a single one mentioned the cockroach because no one believe she could hit a speedy cockroach with a tennis ball.

The vice principal even called teacher Yu to his office and the first thing he said was: “As educators, the biggest taboo involves female students and...”

Teacher Yu instantly denied it: “I never did anything. The only mistake I made was entering the classroom at that time. I couldn’t even eat for three days after and now I always feel like barfing every time I see tennis on TV.”

The class leader threw away the other two tennis balls in her desk as if to repent for her crimes. It’s a good thing Xiao Qin already told the Rose Group not to go near the class leader, or she wouldn’t even have a weapon to defend herself.

When I went to return the textbook Xiong YaoYue left on the window sill to dry, I heard her and Loud Mouth discussing the class leader.

I found out Loud Mouth and the class leader went to the same elementary school, but they weren’t in the same class. But Loud Mouth still had a lot of intel on the class leader.

“Do you guys know why the class leader is afraid of black mice?” Loud Mouth asked.

“Do you know?”

“Hehe, that’s right, I do know. If you want to know, then give me some pistachios in exchange.”

“I don’t have any left.” Xiong YaoYue murmured, “Are figs okay?” she asked as she pulled out a bag of figs from her desk.

Loud Mouth took the bag of figs and said, “What a glutton. I saw you eating pistachios in class earlier, but how is all gone now? How are you not fat?”

Xiong YaoYue responded with a sincere face: “I guarantee you won’t be fat either as long as you do whatever exercise I do.”

“Forget it.” Loud Mouth waved her hands, “I’ll just stay fat.”

Loud Mouth began to tell us the class leader’s story about the black mouse.

I never expected Shu Zhe to take up a large portion of the story.

The event took place when Shu Zhe was two and the class leader was three and a half years old.

That day their mom heard their was a gas leakage downstairs, so she went to check it out. Before she left, she told Shu Sha to watch her brother who was taking an afternoon nap while wearing open-crotch pants. (TN: I’m not gonna link what open pants are cause the images...)

Since her brother was in a deep sleep, Shu Sha watched him for a while before heading to the kitchen.

Apparently she learned from the news that gas leakages can lead to explosions, so she went to see if she can smell anything in the kitchen.

She wasn’t even in the kitchen for two minutes before she heard her brother crying. She ran to take a look and was shocked: there was a black mouse in between her brother’s legs and biting on his dick.

Holy shit! Was the mouse a clairvoyant? Did it know Shu Zhe would become a trap in the future, so it decided to bite of his thing to save Shu Zhe the trouble of going to Thailand to get a sex change?

Good thing his sister came back in time, so his thing was saved in time. It was only a small nibble and they went to the hospital to get a lot of vaccine shots.

But after this incidence, the young Shu Sha contributed her brother’s misfortune as her carelessness. So she gave more care to her brother to the point of pampering him. Now she developed a trauma towards black mice because she views it as a symbol that represents the time she neglected her duty.

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