
Chapter 452 – Aim, Fire

Chapter 452 – Aim, Fire

Peng TouSi greeted me amicably when he saw me, but passersby interpreted it as a meeting between mafia members.

“Lin, you finally came to visit, even Obama missed you.”

His words didn’t seem to be a lie as Obama ran in front of me and rubbed against my knees.

I discovered a plastic sign hung around Obama’s neck that had words written in Chinese, English, and French which said ‘In a diet, please do not feed’. You could tell Obama hated the sign and tried multiple times to bite it off.

Obama did seem fatter compared to a few days ago. His swollen hips along with his solemn eyes made him seem even more dumb than before.

Obama rubbed against my leg hoping I would either feed him or help him take off the sign, but since I couldn’t satisfy either of his wishes, he made a dissatisfied growl and left to find other kind-hearted people.

A fat lady covered in jewels was heading to the entrance of film city along with her thin bamboo-like male companion. Obama barked a couple of times at them, the fat lady was shocked and tilted and almost smacked her male companion to death.

“Lin, you shouldn’t feed the miss chips anymore.” Peng TouSi said to me.

“Why? Isn’t it a good stress relief for Ai Mi to eat it once in a while?”

“Lin, you should know the miss doesn’t have a strong body. She has a lot of allergies and needs a good balance of nutrition. Ever since she started eating chips, she gets flared up easily. Recently, she got a lot of mouth ulcers and they are painful.”

“Are... you sure it’s because of the chips?”

“It might also be because of the cola, but please don’t let the miss eat these anymore.”

“I know, I’ll be careful.”

I really have to do some self-reflection. I can’t let Ai Mi do whatever she wants simply because she’s my sister. Since chips and cola aren’t healthy foods, only someone like Xiong YaoYue with MAX resistance can eat as much as she wants. Someone as sensitive as Ai Mi has to limit the amount they eat.

I parted ways with Peng TouSi after finding out it was rest time and Ai Mi was resting in her RV. I followed along the path in film city and quickly arrived on the Magic Cauldron set and saw the RV parked by the forest.

I first walked to the forest side to check if Kyle was peeking inside. Then I told 004 and 005, who was guarding the door, that I wanted to go in to see Ai Mi.

005 made a report towards the inside, then Ai Mi’s voice came from inside:

“It’s the damn manservant? Let him come in.”

It sounded unnatural like something was stuffed inside her mouth.

As I walked into the most spacious bedroom on the RV, I saw Ai Mi wearing a scarlet dress. She was slumped over the ring shaped water bed in pain like she was terminally ill.

“Does the ulcers hurt?” I asked.

“Of course it hurts!” Ai Mi got angry at me to try and reduce her own pain, “It’s all because you made me eat the poisonous Chinese food.”

Oh, she was referring to the time where she vomited after eating on the food street. If she spat it all out after eating it, then that means she didn’t absorb it and it wasn’t the cause of the ulcers.

The most suspicious element was still cola and chips. I would also get ulcers occasionally when I eat too much chips, so that means it would be normal for my sister. But Ai Mi wasn’t willing to think like that since chips and cola were perfect in her eyes.

“How many ulcers do you have? Open your mouth and let me see how bad it is.”

Ai Mi clenched her mouth shut and scrunched up her brows.

She was willing to show off her body in front of me numerous times, yet she wasn’t willing to show me her mouth ulcers.

Is it because you think your body is perfect, but your mouth ulcers aren’t perfect? Do you feel more embarrassed showing me an ulcer rather than appearing in front of me with a towel or swimsuit?

Ai Mi, who wasn’t good at enduring pain, was tormented by her ulcers and flipped around her water bed. Her expression was full of hate and resentment as if she was questioning god why she had to suffer.

It really looks like she hasn’t suffered at all before unlike her brother. My finger got cut with a knife in a fight last year and I got it stitched up without using any anaesthetics. If only an ulcer makes you wish you were dead, how would you deal with the pain that comes with life later in the future.

A simple to think of example would be when you have to give birth. Will you even be able to withstand that pain? Or will you find a surrogate mother because you don’t want to feel any pain?

Ai Mi twitched then jumped up and reached out for the painkillers on her bedside cabinet.

Even though there was only English on the outside of the bottle of medicine, I could tell it was painkillers based on my intuition and Ai Mi’s expression.

In a glance, I noticed there was a bottle of watermelon frost that Chinese people use among the other medicine.

It must have been Peng TouSi who bought it. Peng TouSi is adept at the phrase while in Rome, do as the Romans do. That’s why he learned a traditional trick of opening locks with tin foil within two months of coming to China. Now he even bought watermelon frost for Ai Mi. Unfortunately, Ai Mi doesn’t believe in Chinese medicine and would rather take painkillers.

I grabbed Ai Mi’s hand and prevented her from getting painkillers.

“What are you doing? Don’t you know no one can touch my hand without my permission?”

“Don’t always take painkillers. Painkillers harm your stomach, liver, kidney, and heart. If you keep taking painkillers for minor injuries, they will no longer be effective when you actually need them.”

Ai Mi pulled her hands out of my grasps, then she sat down with her legs in a M position.

Since Ai Mi had a small frame with narrow shoulders, the straps on her dress would slide down her shoulders. It wasn’t to the point where she was exposing herself, but it did reveal her cleavage.

“Look at your posture, wear your clothes properly.” I ordered and she immediately looked angry as if she wanted to say, “A mere manservant dares to order me around.”

She completely ignored what I said and remained seated in a careless position and said:

“A servant’s job is to help their master wear their clothes. You say you love me, but you can’t even help me wear my clothes on your own accord?”

She spoke too much and it hurt her ulcers, so she ended up puckering her lips.

I had no choice but to use my fingertips and carefully pull her dress straps back onto her shoulders.

“That’s more like it.” Ai Mi nodded, then she pointed towards the painkillers and ordered:

“Manservant, give me some medicine. If you don’t give me painkillers, I’m going to die from the pain.”

I didn’t listen to her orders, but instead picked up the watermelon frost.

“Painkillers have too many side effects. Listen to me and use watermelon frost today.”

“I don’t want to. Don’t try to poison me with those suspicious Chinese medicines. That fool Peng TouSi said watermelon frost is extremely effective on mouth ulcers, but it didn’t taste like watermelons at all, it was bitter and disgusting.”

Are you not using it because it tastes bad? But good medicines is better or do you think cola and chips can act as medicine?

“Chips can’t treat sicknesses, but cola can. Americans all drink cola to cure colds.”

How silly, it’s like how Chinese people use woad root. An expert once said there are many similarities between China and America, and based on the stupid things (how they both believe in spirits) it really makes sense why we’re all earthlings.

“Colas can’t cure colds.” I denied one of America’s pseudoscience claims, “You got your mouth ulcers from eating too many chips. Watermelon frost might taste a hundred times worse than watermelon, but it can cure your ulcers. It’s the price you have to pay for eating chips.”

Ai Mi had already suspected it had to do with the chips, then she lowered her head and didn’t want to talk anymore.

“Come, listen to me. Watermelon frost doesn’t feel good when you use it, but you just have to hold it in for a bit. Painkillers doesn’t actually treat the ulcers, you have to actually get rid of the ulcers to eat the food you like. Even if I gave you chips right now, you wouldn’t be able to eat it.”

Ai Mi was convinced by my last sentence and asked me suspiciously: “Do I really only have to hold it in for a bit?”

“Of course.” I guaranteed, but watermelon frost does hurt a lot when it touches an ulcer, I simply played down the pain a bit.

“Open your mouth and say ahhh.” I patiently guided my sister.”

Ai Mi unwillingly opened her mouth. Her cherry lips was moist probably because she licked them when she was touching her ulcers.

There was an ulcer as big as a grain of rice on her bottom lip near her gums. I don’t think it was enough to cause her that much pain, so I asked if there were any more.

“There... there’s another one on my tongue.” Ai Mi was a bit afraid to tell me. It’s like our relationship was now that of a doctor and his patient, “It’s under my tongue and hurts a lot.”

“Raise your tongue and let me see.”

I held Ai Mi’s chin in my left hand as I used my right hand to open the cap of the watermelon frost.

Ai Mi wasn’t shy at all when I raised her chin, she was more like a cat who enjoyed it as she rested her head against my hand.

But she looked at the watermelon frost like it was a dentists’ drill.

Ai Mi put the tip of her tongue against the roof of her mouth and flashed it at me, then she closed it again afraid I would do a sneak attack.

The ulcer under the tongue was the most important one as it was as big as a pinky nail. I had to get some watermelon frost on it today no matter what, or the pain would get even more unbearable if it worsens.

It’s time to be more like a big brother.

I tightened my grip on her chin. Not enough to hurt her, but enough so she couldn’t escape.

“It’s better to get it over with sooner. Open your mouth like earlier and it will be over in a second. If your afraid of pain...”

I clenched my teeth, “Then you can pinch my legs, then it will be even.”

Ai Mi seemed to be interested in my suggestion as she reached out towards my crotch.

I moved my butt back to escape from her pranks and pretended to be mad:

“Stop fooling around. You still have to work later, so hurry and open your mouth.”

Ai Mi then unwillingly opened her mouth slightly.

“That’s not good enough, open your mouth wider.”

Ai Mi had fear in her eyes and couldn’t bear to look at my hands. She looked up at me and opened her mouth while saying ahhhh.

My hands trembled and almost missed, but I aimed at the center of the ulcer and sprayed.

In the first couple of seconds, Ai Mi closed her mouth and blinked without any reactions.

Then on the next second, she shrieked like a cat that ate a spicy pepper.


004 and 005 rushed in to investigate. I pointed to the watermelon frost in my hand and said: “I’m giving her medicine.” Then they looked at each other and backed away.

When I looked at Ai Mi again, she was covering her mouth trying to hold back her desire to spit it out. Watermelon frost irritated ulcers a lot and the pain was outside of her tolerable threshold as she rolled around the bed in pain.

“Damn manservant, you lied to me, it hurts even more now...!”

She screamed as she rolled back and forth.

“Hold it in, it will be better after a bit.”

Ai Mi who had tears rolling down her face, picked up a pillow and threw it at me.

I didn’t hide and let the pillow hit my face since it didn’t hurt anyway.

There was still a smaller ulcer where I didn’t put medicine on. I have to convince Ai Mi to do it again.

I think it would be pretty hard for me to convince her.

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