
Chapter 544 – Abrupt Rage

Chapter 544 – Abrupt Rage

Peng TouSi forced the chief of the security guards to surrender in one move which caused quite a stir in the audience.

“Did he move, I felt like he moved but it also feels like he didn’t move… the speed of his punch is too scary.”

Lao Mao, who was sitting one seat away from me, kept relentlessly shaking his legs which almost made him sober up.

“Lin… young master Lin, your bodyguard, Peng Peng, is a professional boxer, right?”

“Thank you.” I imitated Peng TouSi’s tone of voice and it made Lao Mao even more uncomfortable.

There were other people who were very unhappy with Peng TouSi winning without even a fight. Those who bet on the older brother to win were in the majority, so they would have a lot of losses if Peng TouSi was actually able to fight of all the guards.

“It’s too obvious, he admitted defeat before they even fought. Do you think we’re idiots?!”

“That’s right, King Kong is working with the organizers.”

The people who bet on the younger brother to win were overjoyed and treated Peng TouSi as a heaven-sent blessing.

“What nonsense, the difference in strength is obvious.”

“It was the younger brother who won originally, and we won in the extra match too.”

Some people even expressed their respect to Peng TouSi in a very international way by flinging their shirt above their heads and shouting, “I love you Peng Peng.”

Peng TouSi smiled gently at the fanatical fan and said, “I love you too”, and sent him a flying kiss.

Now the fan was scared and sat back on his chair without saying a word.

Lao Mao was a real estate agent for a long time, so he has probably met homosexual clients and he quickly figured out Peng TouSi was one of them. He didn’t really say anything, but instead moved his upper body a little farther away, as if he was afraid that I would put my hands on him.

So he was treating me as the same as Peng TouSi in the sense that subordinates follow the example of their superiors. What are you afraid of, I’m not going to lay my hands on you even if I was gay. The first one I would lay my hands on would be Shen ShaoYi.

Everyone knows experienced people can see another person’s level. Once Wang Hu admitted defeat, none of the other security guards dared to go on stage.

Just as the host was about to uncomfortably declare Peng TouSi the winner, a man in a plaid shirt with greasy hair and a roguish look walked onto the ring.

“Wait, I have something else to say.”

“Isn’t this Master Huang Wu, who works in a port business.” Lao Mao muttered to himself, it seems he knew quite a few people.

The guy known as Master Huang Wu, strutted across to Peng TouSi. But no one would think he was a match for Peng TouSi since he had an awful physique.

“Master Huang Wu…” the host said, “Do you have any suggestions. Did you bet on the older brother and want to fight with Mr. Peng Peng, who represents the younger brother?”

A couple of people in the audience shouted, “That’s right, Master Huang Wu is a man, he’s going to fight for us.”

Most of the shouts came from the east side. There were really a lot of hooligans gathered in that area.

Master Huang Wu looked at Pontus, then spat on the ground and snorted: “I’m not looking to die. God knows where you found this monster… but there’s no way in hell you’re going to make me suffer in silence.”

“Ummm…” the host explained, “We really didn’t invite Mr. Peng Peng…”

In a desperate effort to prove the organizer had no relationship with Peng TouSi, the host hurriedly pointed towards me.

“Mr. Peng Peng is Young Master Lin’s bodyguard. He was the one who brought him here and it really has nothing to do with us.”

Master Huang Wu glanced at me and said:

“I’ve been in Dong Shan city for over a dozen years, but I’ve never heard of any big shots with the Lin surname, why did one suddenly appear.”

“Besides, are there any big shots who will actually come watch this dubious underground fight? I gave the tickets to a Hong Kong brother I knew, but he thought it was too low level and didn’t come watch. So where did this Young Master Lin pop out from?”

So he was the one who gave the tickets to Uncle Long! So Huo ZhenBang already knew this fight wasn’t up to par, but he still gave it to me as a gift…

He even told me to watch it after I gave Xiao Qin her present… so he was afraid I would burst with rage after I watched it. So am I useless after I give your daughter her present? At least give a decent gift if you’re trying to bribe someone.

Master Huang Wu continued to jabber on stage. The host persuaded him to step down, but he refused and even won some supporters from the audience.

“Anyway, there’s no way I’m going to let you scam me out of my money after you hired this King Kong.”

“So… what are you planning to do, Master Huang Wu.” The host asked.

“What to do…” Master Huang Wu stroked his goatee, then suddenly pointed at me and said:

“I think you should tell King Kong to get off the ring, there’s no one here who could beat him. If we want to make it fair, we should let Young Master Lin come up to fight.”

“Could it be that… you, Master Huang Wu, intend to fight against Young Master Lin?” The host frowned, “I don’t think that would be fair.”

Those who supported Peng TouSi also shouted, “Yeah, that’s right, do you have no shame? Are you going to fight a secondary school student when you’re a grown man?”

Although they couldn’t tell whether I was a middle school student or a high school student, but I was still relieved to see that they could tell I was at least a secondary school student.

One of my distant relative’s child, was always referred to as ‘boss’ by strangers from the sixth grade. When he went to college, he saw a high school beauty on the bus and wanted to pick her up, but she called him “uncle”, which made him depressed for a while.

“Who said I was going to fight a secondary school student?” Master Huang Wu snatched away the host’s microphone and said maliciously, “The ‘Young Master Lin’ that’s sitting down there, you were hired by the organizers, right? Don’t think you can pretend to be in the triads because you have a mean face. I bet you’re just an actor, I think I’ve seen you in a martial arts movie.”

My heart jumped when I heard. He probably saw my performance in Bloody Battle of Jin Ling. I really hope that movie will never be mentioned again, just let it quietly rot away with those other crappy films.

In order to cover up my embarrassment, I laughed.

“What are you laughing at? It’s not like you actually know martial arts just because you acted in a martial arts film. Zhang ZiYi also acted in a martial arts film before, but it was all done with special effects. If you actually have skill, come up here and I’ll find someone to fight you.”

Those who suspected that Peng TouSi and the organizers were in cahoots, thought it was a good idea.

“I agree with Master Huang Wu, that sounds fair.”

“So he’s just an actor? That’s why I said how come I’ve never heard of him before.”

“What about the guy who just said he was a descendant of Lin Biao, eh, went to the washroom.”

After receiving support from a portion of the audience (mainly the hooligans on the east side), Master Huang became more confident. He waved his hands behind him and allowed a young man, who was also wearing a plaid shirt, with a lot of gel in his hair, to walk on stage.

This guy’s eyes were wretched and it looks like he indulged in debaucheries. Even a fool could see that he was related to Master Huang Wu.

“This is my son.” Master Huang Wu announced proudly, “He just turned 15 years old this year, so he should be a little younger than ‘Young Master Lin’.”

I’m actually only 14, but a lot people think I’m at least 16, so I’m used to it.

“Let my son fight with Young Master Lin. If he actually knows how to fight, then I will concede and I believe the others won’t have a problem either, how about it?”

His words were met with a cheer from his supporters.

The host considered it for a moment and thought it wasn’t a bad solution, so he asked Peng TouSi:

“Is the young master willing to come on stage? You’re too strong, so no one’s buying it.”

Peng TouSi looked at Master Huang Wu’s son and knew he wasn’t my opponent, but he still hesitantly said:

“Hmm… my young master loves peace, he’s a vegetarian, and he’s always opposed to violence… the only reason we came to watch the fight was because I was acting spoiled, so he accompanied me.”

Shit, Peng TouSi, stop spouting crap. Also, don’t blush in the middle of your sentence, now everyone thinks we have an abnormal relationship. Even Lao Mao is sitting further away now.

“I’m a little reluctant to let the young master compete…”

“Tsk, just say you’re afraid.” Master Huang Wu had a haughty expression.

Peng TouSi glanced at Master Huang Wu’s son and laughed: “Although my young master is against violence, he still has studied quite a bit about fighting, so he won’t refuse a challenge.”

“Oh, so you mean he is willing to fight.” Master Huang Wu was quite surprised.

My butt was already numb from sitting on the folding chair for so long, so I stood up. It looks like I scared Lao Mao before I even said anything, he somehow always thinks I wanted to molest him.

“Hey, enough, stop jabbering. Are you going to fight or not?”

I used the attitude of a ruffian I haven’t used for a while, it would backfire if I tried to be courteous.

Master Huang Wu wasn’t particularly surprised when he saw my attitude and said:

“Stop pretending, who doesn’t know you’re an actor? Do you think you can scare my son with a few harsh words, my son is someone who is experienced with real weapons.”

I frozed and looked carefully at the son standing on the right side of the ring.

If it was one of those delinquent boys, then I should have heard of him before.

I replaced Peng TouSi’s place on the ring. When he got out of the ring, Lao Mao ran to the back row. I really didn’t know what he was afraid of with his appearance.

It’s really just common sense: just like how heterosexuals like beautiful girls, homosexuals also like good-looking people. Didn’t you realize the elected winners of those gay pageants are all beautiful people?

I got into the ring, looked my opponent up and down, and asked:

“I don’t kill nameless people, so what’s your name?”

The son used his index finger to wipe under his nose. He made the same disgusting smile as his father and replied:

“My father is the fifth among his siblings, so he’s called Huang Wu. I’m third, so everyone calls me Huang San.”

What, I can’t believe your family is flourishing. Where’s the family planning department when you need them?

But… why does Huang San sound familiar. I think I’ve heard it before.

I suddenly remembered it.

I remember when the class leader and I were blocked by Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou in an alley and those two scum said “yesterday, Huang San banged a chick here”…

The Huang San they mentioned has to be the one in front of me right now. So he’s the criminal serial rapist? He relies on the fact that he’s underage and that his dad has some money. Plus, a large portion of his victims endured it and didn’t report it, so he was actually able to get away with it for this long.

Despite my appearance, I hate rapists. I have a younger sister, and she has a weak body, so she’s easy to push down and coveted by countless lolicons. If they were all like you, then I wouldn’t be able to eat or sleep without worrying.

Huang San might not have a strong body, but it should be enough to deal with the average junior high school girl. He might get pummeled if he meets Xiao Qin and might not even be able to best the class leader or Xiong YaoYue, but if he bumps into Gong CaiCai, she will definitely be treated cruelly.

If I think of the “chick” Li LaoEr mentioned, she may also have been a weak and vulnerable girl like Gong CaiCai.

Plus I think Huang San is part of the same group of people who cut Bro Gang’s tendons. Who knows even if he was watching from the sides when it happened.

Just thinking about it made me clench my teeth and tremble. The berserk state I haven’t used for a while was released uncontrollably.

“Awhhhhhhh….” a deep angry cry was released from my throat.

“You… what’s wrong with you.” Huang San was as surprised as everyone who saw my berserker for the first time.

“Son don’t be afraid, he’s an actor, he’s pretending.” Master Huang Wu cheered his son on from the sidelines.

“Hehehehehe… hahahahaha.” I let out an abnormal sound, then I suddenly snapped and gripped onto Huang San’s greasy hair.

“Fuck…” Before Huang San finished his cursing, I had already slammed his face straight onto the stage.

Once isn’t enough, again, twice, three times.

So troublesome, might as well make it even and do it ten times.

In an instant, Huang San’s face was bruised and swollen. His nose was bleeding and his arrogance was nowhere to be found.

But my killing intent was still not satisfied.

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