
Chapter 589: I’ll Spit Out Blood

Chapter 589: I’ll Spit Out Blood

A few students were skeptical about the authenticity of the class leader’s dark past that Loud Mouth talked about since first graders wouldn’t really believe in water monsters.

“You guys are dumb.” Loud Mouth shouted, “Did you think all the kids around us in the pool were in the first grade just because the class leader and I were? A lot of them were in preschool and when the class leader went into the pool with a white swimsuit, when her hair floats up, she would look like a water monster or a female ghost…”

“Stop.” The class leader said awkwardly, “I didn’t stop swimming just because the other kids called me a water monster…”

So it really did happen. Those damn brats, I can’t believe they called a beautiful loli a water monster, they should have at least said mermaid.

At this time, the bus arrived at its next stop. All the other passengers other than our class got off the car while no other passengers got on. The bus was now like a personal bus just for our class.

“Winnie, stop drinking cola.” The class leader was embarrassed she had her dark past dug out, so she scolded Xiong YaoYue to divert everyone’s attention.

“There’s still an hour left before we get there, what are you going to do if you need to use the washroom midway?”

“No problem, I’ll just hold it in.” Xiong YaoYue didn’t think it was weird, “I have a large bladder that was trained in internet cafes.”

She admitted she stays in internet cafes a lot right in front of teacher Yu, but he didn’t even question it. All he did was brush his white locks of hair and click his tongue.

Seeing Zhuang Ni was in a deep sleep, Loud Mouth told Little Smart to keep an eye on her, then she moved behind Xiao Qin. She stared at Xiao Qin’s wrists and asked with admiration:

“Xiao Qin, those bracelets are beautiful. Who gave them to you?”

Ever since I gave Xiao Qin the bracelets from Huo ZhenBang, she has worn them every day.

It was good she was no longer wearing the children’s watch from Depressed Bro or that would have been bad for her skin.

Xiao Qin laughed happily.

Xiong YaoYue didn’t notice it at all when she was speaking to Xiao Qin earlier. I guess tomboys focus on different areas? For Xiong YaoYue, she only cares about the ease of movement when it comes to clothes and jewelry will only get in the way when she’s running. I don’t think she will choose any jewelry unless it adds 200HP.

“(*^__^*) hehe… it’s pretty, right?” Xiao Qin raised her arms to flaunt her bracelets, “Ye Lin classmate gave me these jade bracelets and I’ll wear them for the rest of my life.”

“Huh, really?” Loud Mouth looked at me with doubt.

“No.” I denied it, “I didn’t give it to her, it was a gift from one of her family members.”

In a way, not only did I not lie, I also told the truth. The bracelets are a gift from Xiao Qin’s father anyway.

Loud Mouth rolled her eyes, “Hmph, of course you can’t afford to give such an expensive gift.”

Xiao Qin didn’t really think about why I denied it, but she clutched her cheeks and said happily:

“Ye Lin classmate already thinks I’m a part of his family? I’m so happy…”

That’s right, you’re going to be my sister, so of course you’re a part of my family.

Zhuang Ni suddenly opened her eyes again and said something like everyone should raise money to help buy hula hoops for Loud Mouth, so she can have some bracelets. This time, Loud Mouth didn’t hold back and pinched her finger.


Zhuang Ni was like a person straight out of those wuxia novels. She elegantly spat out blood from her mouth, her eyes rolled up, then she slumped onto Loud Mouth and stopped moving.

Damn that scared me. It might not have been a lot of blood, but the fresh blood hanging off her mouth really made an impact.

Zhuang Ni used her blood spitting skill twice in her first year. It seems she had some sort of ulcer, for others, it would be painful and annoying, but not for Zhuang Ni. She developed a technique to spit out blood whenever she stabbed a certain pressure point, which usually scares the daylights out of the person besides her.

But I think she should be a bit more professional. Loud Mouth only pinched one of her fingers, I don’t think it would ever be hard enough to make you spit out bloods. All the student who knew you knows you do it to scare others, so they won’t be shocked.

The class leader shook her head and apologized to the driver: “I’m sorry, we will clean up the blood before we leave.”

The driver, who has never witnessed the scene before, shook his head quickly: “You don’t need to clean it. I’ll drive quicker, just make sure your classmate doesn’t die on my bus.”

“Is it here?”

Even though it was the first time Xiao Qin saw Zhuang Ni spit out blood, she instantly saw through her tricks and began massaging a spot on her own belly.

“I heard from my grandfather that you can make yourself spit out blood if you hit this area when you have a gastrointestinal disease.”

Not bad for someone from a martial arts family, but I felt like Zhuang Ni, who did her own research on acupuncture points, was more admirable. She doesn’t care about her body at all and probably poked herself many times before she figured it out.

As Xiao Qin was looking for the right point, I noticed her empty left hand by chance.

“Um… Ye Lin classmate.” Xiao Qin said hesitantly, “I didn’t forget to bring the engagement ring, I just left it at a secret place at home…”

Huh, are you referring to the cheap plastic ring I bought you on your birthday? You still haven’t thrown that away yet?

“Since there’s a saying where it’s bad luck if you lose an engagement ring before the wedding, so I didn’t bring it… I hope you’re not mad.”

Who would get mad, it doesn’t matter if you lose it. If you lose it, I could buy you a more expensive one…

Wait, if I bought Xiao Qin a more expensive ring, doesn’t that mean it would actually be an engagement ring?

I don’t want to already decide my path in life at 14 years old, who agreed to marry you!

Besides, our parents will get married first and you will become my sister.

I think having a sister like Ai Mi is already too much.

What kind of sick world is this where I have potential relationships with my sisters.

After Zhuang Ni spat out blood, the driver was afraid someone was going to die on his bus, so he drove as fast as possible, even skipping some stops, to transport everyone to the “Cui Song Mountain” bus stop in less than 40 minutes.

It had just rained in Yi Ning District, so the air was very fresh after everyone got off the bus. The grass and trees had water droplets on them, it reflected the sunlight and created a dazzling golden color.

“It feels pretty good.” someone lamented, “I thought the class leader called us here mainly because it was cheap, but it’s not bad, the air’s very fresh.”

Ah, youngster, the class leader was being cheap. It’s usually very dusty here, but it feels fresh because of the rain.

Xiong YaoYue, who sat by the window seat the whole ride, lifted up her t-shirt collar and sniffed it.

“Not bad, I thought it would smell like sweat, but it’s the smell of the sun.”

Zhuang Ni, who still had drops of blood around her mouth, explained:

“The so-called smell of the sun is actually a tiny arthropod called ‘dust mite’. It’s the smell of their carcass after they get scorched by the sun.”

Zhuang Ni then turned the young man who commented about the fresh air:

“As for the fresh smell after the rain, it is the smell of actinomycete spores being released from the soil…”

The young man instantly covered his nose. No idea what actinomycete spores are, but it definitely sounds gross.

Zhuang Ni, how much do you hate this world? Why do you have to actively ruin the little things that make other people happy?

“Everyone follow me, don’t get lost.”

The class leader walked to the front.

When we got off the bus, the class leader already did a head count. This time she didn’t forget the chameleon.

The chameleon was the last to get off, but the driver pressed the close door button before his feet touched the ground and almost got him caught in the door…

I don’t think the driver did it on purpose. If I think about it, I don’t think the driver collected the chameleon’s bus ticket, even the honest class leader forgot about it…

The class leader definitely didn’t do it on purpose…

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