
Chapter 776: A Turn of Events

Chapter 776: A Turn of Events

“Where did all these damn American foreigners come from? Who let them in, kick them all out!”

“Captain Luo, that won’t work. There are too many volunteer, then if you add in these Americans, we don’t have enough security guards.”

“Nobody move, listen to Officer Ma’s instructions… ouch.”

The civil police, Xiao Zhang, who was yelling out loud was struck by a flying rock, but no one knew who threw it.

“It’s karma, karma! Even the Americans can’t sit still anymore!” The rich woman ran out of the restaurant and had a full face of tears because the Americans joined the volunteers. She shook her arms around and yelled:

“Good job. All dog lovers across the world are family and god won’t let anyone who wants dogs to die to live, ahahahahahahaha…”

Damn, her views are quite extreme. Don’t tell me she’s a member of that SAFE organization?

“Ahahahahahah… cough… cough…”

The rich woman’s laughs quickly transitioned into coughs due to her asthma. If you have asthma, then stop laugh so loud! Are you trying to use your life in exchange to save the dogs?

“Xiao Wang, film over there, my face hurts so much… I almost can’t speak anymore. How can I go back to the station manager if I can’t get a good interview…”

“The dog lovers are going to riot! Brother, let’s leave the truck behind and leave.”

“Lao Liu, wait, our dogs are worth ¥40000…”

“Let’s make sure to stay alive first.”

Zeng Lao Liu pulled on the now sober Zeng Lao Da and wanted to escape, but they were surrounded by a group of male volunteers led by Xiao Ding. There were a lot of male volunteers who came later on and they were no longer the thin and frail ones from the first group.

“Don’t be in a rush to leave.” Xiao Ding shouted, “As long as you guys haven’t done anything illegal, we will still purchase your truckload of dogs. Why are you even running, is it because you have a guilty conscience?”

“That’s right, that’s right.” Director Cao, who was still holding his sign, added on, “We will buy the dogs and please sell it to me. I’ll pay ¥60000 for the dogs, no wait, ¥66000, that price sounds better on the news.”

Zeng Lao Da thought it was a good idea to sell it to Director Cao, but Zeng Lao Liu insisted on leaving first because Director Cao couldn’t bring out the money right away. The two brothers had an internal strife and neither of them ended up leaving.

“Don’t let the one called Shu Sha leave.” Luo Ning, who was missing his front teeth, hissed out loud, “Dad, Uncle Qian, Uncle He, hurry up and get revenge for me!”

It wasn’t a very wise remark since there were police at the scene and stolen goods hidden nearby. It was already going to be hard for his father and the other security guards to protect themselves.

“Let Shu Sha hide in the back.” Ma HuiYu instructed the volunteers to make a human wall in the front, “We have so many people, so it would be humiliating if we can’t even protect one middle school girl.”

Since I was holding hands with the class leader, I was able to also hide in the back with her. At this point, Winnie ran over to us.

“Huh, class leader, why are you with Ye Lin? Also, Ye Lin, why are you being pretentious and wearing sunglasses?”

She smiled while revealing her canines, then she clapped my back very hard and made me shake a bit.

The class leader immediately looked angry at Winnie and she wanted to lecture her to not be so rough towards someone with heart problems, but then she remembered I told her to keep it a secret, so she didn’t know what to say.

However, the class leader did realize we’ve been holding hands for over ten minutes, so she quickly pulled her hand away before Winnie realized it.

Luckily, there were a lot of volunteers where we were standing shoulder to shoulder, so Winnie didn’t notice the class leader and I were holding hands.

But Winnie fully received the class leader’s mean expression.

“Wow, class leader, why do you look so angry at me. I only hit Ye Lin once, it’s not like he’s your boyfriend, so why do you look so hurt.”

The class leader felt awkward after what Winnie said and distanced herself from me.

Winnie and I exchanged information. At the same time, the American protest group led by Kyle were screaming:

“Tempura dog rights! Cherishing pets is a sign of a civilized society!”

I think you mean innate dog rights? I know you also admire Japanese culture and like Japanese tempura, but what does it have to do with saving dogs? If you put Japanese cuisine together with dogs, it would only make it more likely for people to think of dog hot pot.

Also, it’s difficult for your compatriots to repeat after you if the sentences are too long! All I hear are broken words and rarely hear the full sentence.

A lot of the Americans weren’t satisfied with expressing their views in Chinese and began to have discussions in English. A few Chinese volunteers who were good at English also expressed their thanks in English, but I couldn’t understand anything. I couldn’t even distinguish between the words ‘god’ and ‘dog’ when they were speaking quickly.

In English, those two words are simply the reverse of the other. For a fanatical dog lover, there’s probably no difference between a god and a dog.

One of the security guards was struck in the nose by a paper ball thrown by a volunteer. He couldn’t find the real culprit, so he angrily grabbed the volunteer closest to him and was about to hit him in the face. The situation was getting out of hand, Officer Ma had already pulled out his pistol, then aimed it at the sky and was ready to fire a warning shot.

At that moment, police officers from the nearby station had arrived. Four police cars parked uniformly at the entrance and 3 to 4 officers exited from each car.

“What’s up with these security guards?” The police leading the group frowned, “They just knocked two thieves unconscious earlier and now they’re getting into another fight, let me see… damn there really are foreigners here! It’s going to be our responsibility if foreigners get hit in our district, so hurry up and separate them.”

As long as foreigners intervene, a regular stop the cars to save the dogs event would turn into foreign affairs. The station nearby viewed it with great importance and sent another group of anti-riot police that were holding shields, even some traffic police came to assist.

Ultimately, the dog-loving volunteers from both China and the United States won, and more than 300 stolen pets hidden in a garage were able to see the light of day again. It’s just that most of them were pet cats that were fed sleeping pills, not pet dogs as Ma HuiYu and the others had expected.

“It’s the same.” Ma HuiYu expressed, “Look, they still haven’t taken the name tags off their collars. These are all pet dogs taken from neighborhoods and are all stolen property.”

As if to prove Ma HuiYu’s right, the police soon found a number of large “mouse traps” further back in the garage with dead sparrows hung at the top to attract curious cats.

“I’ve seen these cat traps in our neighborhood before.” one volunteer said, “They use it to steal cats. Once they have a cat, they stuff it into a burlap sack and escape on a motorcycle. If the owner chases after them, the owners would get beaten up.”

“Fuck.” Captain Luo, who was already contained by the police, stamped his foot in anger. I bet his foot is going to be numb for a while with that stamp.

Most of the security guards looked dead, because they knew they were finally caught.

Luo Ning also looked at me and the class leader with hate as if it was our fault his dad and his ‘uncles’ were going to jail.

“I think these cats… were probably going to be taken away on a truck. If there’s that many… a lot would have died on the road…”

One of the volunteers lamented.

Xiao Ding walked up and said: “Also, currently in China, they don’t give anyone licenses to raise cats for meat. It’s illegal to use cats for meat, so since Heibai Wuchang were panning to also ship these cats to Guangzhou, it’s all illegal.”

“Hey, don’t slander us.” Zeng Lao Liu was in a panic, “What does the security guards catching cats have anything to do with me? Can you prove I have a relationship with those guards?”

“Check his cell phone records!” A volunteer shouted from the crowd, “He must have contacted the guards recently.”

Zeng Lao Liu’s face turned pale and he made a prompt decision. He pulled out his phone and smashed it on the concrete floor.

“Damn, he’s trying to destroy the evidence!” Winnie was left speechless.

In the end, something unexpected occurred. The phone that Zeng Lao Liu had smashed onto the ground with all his strength didn’t break. It was simply because his phone was a 5 year old Nokia.

Not only did it not break, it even bounced off the floor and landed right beside Xiao Zhang’s foot. Xiao Zhang quickly picked up the phone and realized he could still use the phone normally, the screen wasn’t even cracked.

“I found the proof.” Xiao Zhang shouted, “There’s over twenty messages with a Cap Luo, and a lot of them discuss transporting cats and dogs.”

As the volunteers cheered in victory, Zeng Lao Liu covered his face and squatted down. He said to his brother with remorse, “Brother, I regret not listening to you and switching my phone. Nokia ruined my life.”

That’s what you deserve. It’s good enough you’re not going to get executed for throwing a Nokia on the ground. What if the earth got destroyed by that Nokia?

After the criminals were taken away and the storm gradually subsided, the next major issue was how to return the stolen pet cats as well as how to deal with the 188 meat dogs.

“I’ll buy them all. The ‘Bloody Battle of Jin Ling’ will buy all of it.” Director Cao hurriedly walked out while holding his sign and tried his best to get filmed by the news station’s cameras. Zhao Yao wasn’t the only reporter on scene anymore and the number of cameras had increased.

Although the Zeng brothers were suspects, these farmed meat dogs were still their legal property and the volunteers couldn’t just take them.

Director Cao’s dream of buying the dogs to make the news and market his movie was eventually destroyed. In the end, the 188 dogs were bought by the American cast and crew of ‘The Legend of the Magic Cauldron’, who pooled their money to buy them.

They not only bought these unpleasant-looking dogs, but each of them also adopted 2 or 3 of them and Kyle himself adopted 6 of them.

In a few days, they chartered a special plane and flew the dogs to the United States. They pass the dogs off to their families, relatives, and friends to take care of them. Those dogs who ‘suffered’ in China gained sympathy of the Americans.

Therefore, many people still waited to immigrate to the United States, yet these dogs beat them to it.

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