
Chapter 794: Happy Valley Brotherhood

Chapter 794: Happy Valley Brotherhood

Surprisingly, I was informed through the exchange of text messages: all of Captain Guo SongTao’s old textbooks (including geography and biology books), were all bought together by someone.

The person who bought the books was none other than the fujoshi, Little Smart, from our class.

The reason why she bought those books was because she wanted to find traces of a relationship between Captain Guo SongTao and Shen ShaoYi to enrich her inspirations for her BL.

It was because one of Guo SongTao’s friends sold the books for him. If Guo SongTao was present, he never would have sold it to Little Smart. The last time Little Smart wrote a press release for a basketball game to the radio station depicted Guo SongTao and Shen ShaoYi as a pair of super Saiyans on the court.

I told Winnie that Little Smart had his old books, so she could try asking if she was willing to hand it over, but I’d think of something else if it didn’t work.

“It’s fine.” Winnie said, “If Little Smart has it, then I don’t need to worry about it. I’ll think of a way to get her to give the biology and physics textbooks to me.”

“It’s biology and geography textbooks.” I couldn’t help but criticize Winnie’s memory.

Afterward, the class leader proposed some future prospects for the new semester and also told us again the things to pay attention to at the opening ceremony tomorrow. She then finally declared the meeting was over and everyone could go home.

As the class leader, Shu Sha couldn’t leave with everyone else, she had to head to the teacher’s office to let teacher Yu know about the schedule for the next two days.

In the last ten days of August or so, Fan Chuan patrolled around the class leader’s home numerous times and didn’t find anyone suspicious. The Five Tiger Punishment Squad, who I told to join the patrols, also didn’t find anything suspicious. On the contrary, it made the neighborhood’s security guard think they were a bunch of hooligans who wanted to steal a manhole cover or something.

Maybe Luo Ning was lying when he said his boss would get revenge on us. Someone who could gather Li LaoEr and Zhao GuangTou together definitely isn’t someone normal, but it doesn’t mean he has the time to care about each of his subordinate’s personal affairs. How else would you explain why he still hasn’t made a move yet?

Thus, I didn’t insist on escorting the class leader home today. The class leader would be riding a bike in the middle of the day, so people who were trying to cause trouble for her might not even be able to catch up to her.

Actually, the main inconvenience was the bicycle. If it was before, I could catch up to a bike that’s traveling at a moderate pace, but now I was a man who only lasted a miserable 3 minutes. If I wanted to escort the class leader, she would have to walk with the bike and it would only waste more time.

Of course, I could also ride the bike and have the class leader sit in the back. Don’t underestimate me, I can at least ride a bike.

However, that would violate the law where you can’t ride a bicycle with someone on the back seat, and would be opposed by the class leader. It would also spread all kinds of rumors among classmates and make the class leader even more troubled.

That’s why I told the class leader to make sure to head home without dillydallying, then I headed home first.

I never expected there would be so many guests when I arrived home. For the first time, we had 5 people eating lunch together.

I saw Uncle Fireball right when I came home, he came to talk about investing into our online store. Director Cao and his son also came to join. It seems Director Cao had some spare cash and wanted to expand the number of shareholders in the Happy Valley Adult Goods store to three people.

Uncle Fireball might not have as much experience online, but his aspirations were high. He was already on the road to becoming an H master, which earned both my dad and Director Cao’s respect.

Three strange uncles, including my dad, instantly clicked the moment the met. They decided to become sworn brothers and make a great career on the path of adult goods.

In terms of age, my dad was the oldest by a bit, Uncle Fireball followed behind, while Director Cao was the youngest.

To express their camaraderie, Uncle Fireball and Director Cao have started calling my dad “Brother Feng”. They no longer addressed him as “Boss Ye” since after becoming shareholders, they themselves were also one of the owners of the store.

Uncle Fireball’s full name was Shu DongBo, so my dad called him ‘Xiao Dong’ and Director Cao called him ‘Brother Dong’. Director Cao, who was the youngest, vehemently requested him two sworn brothers to call himself ‘Ah Jing’, since he was used to others calling him by that name from living in Hong Kong.

Let’s leave Director Cao’s wretched appearance aside for the time being. Both my dad and Uncle Fireball were tall people, and Uncle Fireball was also a muscle monster. While he couldn’t compete with Peng TouSi, he could still scare off 4 or 5 hoodlums when he took off his shirt.

If people heard them calling each other ‘Brother Feng’ or ‘Brother Dong’, people might they they were part of the triads where Uncle Fireball was a hired thug and Director Cao was the inept advisor.

Since they were already sworn brothers, they had to recommend Uncle Fireball to the HHH Enthusiast Club. My dad and Director Cao decided to bring him to an HHH offline event next weekend to meet the other strange uncles.

“You can call me (second) uncle from now on.” Uncle Fireball patted my shoulder without any reservations during our meal, “Since I’ve become sworn brothers with your dad, you have to treat me with more respect in the future.”

“By the way, does Shu Sha also call you (second) uncle?” I suddenly asked.

“That’s right.” Uncle Fireball picked up a pear and took a bite, “Sha Sha’s father is my older brother, so of course she would call me (second) uncle.”

Damn, so in terms of seniority, I would have to refer to the class leader as my older sister? I would never call her as my older sister. If she forces me to do so one day, I’ll expose the contents of the confession text message she sent me.

With the investment from Uncle Fireball and Director Cao, the Happy Valley Adult Goods store now had a lot of funds. They purchased some valuable goods from adult shop “Qiao Bao Bei” and expanded their own product line.

“Of course, we can’t ignore the low-mid end market, but we also need to develop the high-end market.”

Director Cao said the newly purchased sex dolls were of very good quality and that they might be able to sell one or two during the HHH offline event over the weekend.

“Are you sure you will be able to sell them when it’s so expensive?”

I was not as optimistic as Director Cao. The physical dolls were incomparable to inflatable dolls. The good quality ones were priced over ¥20,000 each. Although my dad got a bargain and bought them for an average of ¥8,000 each, I was worried about potential losses if they couldn’t sell.

“It’s impossible it wouldn’t sell when it’s good quality.” Uncle Fireball emphasized the word “impossible.” “If no one buys it, I’ll buy one myself. Keep the one with the smallest chest for me.”

Are you kidding? If there was a trap doll, wouldn’t you buy it without hesitation? It seems like you have really good self-control since you still haven’t taken advantage of Shu Zhe yet.

“Jie jie jie jie jie~” Eunuch Cao laughed strangely from the side, “I like the cartoon style doll better, it’s based after a high school girl with long black hair. If it doesn’t sell, then we could think about giving it to my dad…”

“Scram, children shouldn’t interrupt. Even if we were going to buy one, it would be the silver twin-tail loli doll, we won’t consider any other ones.”

I felt troubled since among the batch of dolls my dad bought, the cartoon-style black-haired high school girl was quite similar to our class leader Shu Sha, and the silver-haired twin-tail loli reminded me of Ai Mi (thankfully not blonde).

It wasn’t a coincidence because my dad or Director Cao purposely chose them, but because the seller bundled the sex dolls for sale; if we bought one less, we wouldn’t have gotten the discount.

Originally, half of the large room was used for storage. Now, two-thirds of the space was filled with adult products. If it wasn’t for Uncle Fireball moving some of the goods to his house, even the bed would be filled with stuff.

The double bed originally had little chance of being used, now I don’t even want to sleep on it.

Thinking about the physical dolls in the room that had similarities to the class leader and Ai Mi made me restless. On one hand, I hope to sell them as soon as possible; on the other hand, I hope they never get sold.

Lunch was prepared by the three of them. The head chef was Uncle Fireball, my dad was the assistant, and Director Cao was more of a hindrance.

Surprisingly, Uncle Fireball’s cooking skills were much better than my dad’s. Thinking about it, it made sense: he lived alone in the mountains as a forest ranger for years, so he would have suffered if he couldn’t cook.

Ah, maybe the class leader’s ancestors didn’t only pass down the hunter’s aura, but also exceptional talent in cooking? Does Shu Zhe also have this talent, but he’s too lazy to use it? If he was forced to learn it, would he also be as good?

“By the way, after the opening ceremony tomorrow, there will be the first parent-teacher conference for the third years.” Director Cao said while eating the stir-friend garlic shoots with meat, “Neither Brother Feng and I have wives, so we will have to go for our sons. Brother Dong, are you also going to attend?”

Since the class leader and Shu Zhe’s parents were absent, they would often have their aunt stand in for them at parent-teacher meetings. Sometimes, when they couldn’t attend both, they would prioritize Shu Zhe’s meeting. After all, there wasn’t much teacher Yu needed to tell the class leader’s parents. The class leader actually seemed more like the teacher in charge of our class rather than teacher Yu…

However, this year was rather special. Since Uncle Fireball has fallen ill and returned home, even if the parent-teacher meetings for the second and third years were scheduled at the same time, they can attend the meetings separately for Shu Sha and Shu Zhe. The only question is who goes to the sister’s meeting and who goes to the brother’s.

“Ah Jing, you’ve guessed wrong.” Uncle Fireball laughed. “There’s no need for me this year. Firstly, the parent-teacher meeting times for the second and third years are staggered apart, so one person can attend both. Furthermore, now that Sha Sha is in her third year and about to take her high school entrance exams, her mother, busy as she is, will make time to come back and attend her daughter’s parent-teacher meeting…”

Huh, is the class leader’s mother coming back from Shanghai to attend the parent-teacher meeting? Judging from the photos, the class leader’s mother is a beauty! I wonder if the class leader will look like her mother when she grows up… Anyway, I’m really looking forward to meeting the class leader’s mother.

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