
Chapter 124

Without even having time to think of a specific destination for the movement magic, my entire body was buried somewhere.

Fortunately, the place that accepted me was not the hard ground, but a soft snowy field.

I took a breath and lay back. When I opened my eyes slowly, I could see the open sky, not covered by any artificial structures.

“It hurts so much…….”

I grabbed the dagger from my shoulder with trembling hands.


It seemed that the controlled Monica did not stab it thoroughly, but twisted it with all her might, so it went quite deep.

Besides, my hands were wet with blood and cold sweat, so it kept slipping.

Reluctantly, I decided to give up on pulling out the dagger and ask for help.

I drew a long line in the air with my index finger. Following my movement, the crack in the air produced a piece of parchment. It was the manual that Aedis had kept inside the ring.

I had skimmed it before, but he had written things that were not at all old-fashioned in an old-fashioned handwriting, so I turned them over with blurred eyes.

First, I checked the description of the movement magic. After a long distance movement, it takes an hour to re-use the movement magic…… It said so. It was also added that it was because the jewel could not withstand it.

So it will be about whether I can survive until then.

Fortunately, other magic did not have this limitation. Biting my lip to avoid fainting, I looked through the items.

Among them, the explanation of the attack magic made my eyes open in a triangular shape.

There were three attack magics in the ring, and they were divided into to annoy, to annoy, and to kill. So, that means I have to know exactly when to attack.

My back was damp as the blood had splattered on the snow.

I tossed and turned unknowingly, realizing the changes in my body.

I, I can’t feel my arm.

I raised my head and quickly checked the wounded area.

The vivid red blood that had flowed suddenly turned black.

…… Apparently, there was poison in the dagger.

Somehow, even considering the deep puncture, the bleeding wasn’t too bad.

There was no way Monica and Charlie could have brought it from the capital because their luggage was searched.

Then it meant that the criminal who brainwashed Monica kindly provided the item.

The option to use the blood of the beast had naturally disappeared.

The main effect was that it improved the body’s ability, which makes the blood circulate faster, which was likely to spread the poison even more in the body.

If it’s not, I’ll be lucky, but if my prediction is correct, then I’m X-ed.

What kind of life gamble is this?

My consciousness was fading. I carefully read the manual, which became my only lifeline, thinking that I should live. Besides movement magic, there must be something useful in this situation…….

Suddenly, my eyes fell on the last line.

〈Recommended magic in case of emergency. However, it may cause slight damage to the surrounding area.〉


I don’t trust the word ‘slight’ at all because he was a husband with a history of making 10 million marks to 10 billion marks.

And please explain what kind of magic it is.

Although I had many complaints, I meekly lifted my head and looked around.

The white snowy field stretched far and wide.

It was dizzying, but I steadfastly held out my head. Not far away, I could see the crystal gate that sparkled like a jewel and a small house set in a lonely place.

The house that was handed over to Aedis by the previous Grand Duke.

〈However, it may cause slight damage to the surrounding area.〉


Anyway, I’m glad it’s a familiar place. I’m relieved. But if I burn this place to the ground…….

It was when I was seriously contemplating as to whether or not to activate the mysterious magic.

I heard the sound of something running through the snow.


A large wolf with bright blue fur came close to my nose and stopped.

A jewel embedded in the wolf’s forehead shone as brightly as another eye.

He looked incomparably healthier than when we met in Eire Forest.

“Since when have you been here?”

No, stop licking my face.

I asked the wolf, who was so gentle that I was confused about whether it was a pet dog or a beast.

“If you cross that gate, there will be a group of you, right?”


As if it was worrying about me, the wolf whined and looked at my shoulder.

“Ah, this. Uh…… Can you pull this?”

The wolf tilted its head, biting the dagger with its gleaming teeth.



The wolf jumped and ran away. Although I couldn’t smile at the anxious wolf, I acted casually.

“I, I am fine. I can use the movement magic in about 55 minutes, so if I go to Aedis, he will do something about it.”


“What do you think? Do you think I won’t die by then?”

The wolf’s eyes widened as if it was impossible. Then all of a sudden he pushed me with his snout.

“Yes, I’m glad to have you here.”

I wanted to stroke it, but my arm, which used to be fine, wouldn’t move anymore. The wolf growled low.


“What’s this? I thought you were comforting me.”

When I didn’t understand, the wolf fell flat on his stomach. His long tail wagged.

Would you like me to get on your back?

I guessed the reason on my own.

“Will you take me home?”

With a puzzled expression, the wolf smirked as I tried to move my body.

I got on it by chance, but the wolf started running much faster than I expected.

“Ugh, I’m going to fall…….”

The wolf ran past the house and toward the gate.

Huh? Wait a minute?

“Are you going to go there?”

The wolf did not cry and showed off his supernatural powers.

As the gate drew closer, the light of the jewel on the wolf’s forehead grew stronger, so that my eyes on its back were dazzled.

…… Can I trust him?

This wolf-shaped beast had been abandoned by its people and fled to the forest.

Aedis speculated that the reason was ‘excessively delayed awakening.’

And beyond that crystal gate, not only the wolf’s people, but also all kinds of magical beasts lurked.

He would know that better than me, but the wolf didn’t hesitate. It was accompanied with ……food that scattered the smell of blood.

I was just hoping that he wasn’t going to bribe his people and ask them to join the group again.

Well, at least the distance from the house of the previous Grand Duke had grown considerably, so the ‘Recommended magic in case of an emergency’ can be used.

My last safeguard remained, so I gripped the wolf’s fur tightly. Even so, I didn’t think it was even half of my usual grip strength.

Being conscious of my condition, the wolf slowed slightly as soon as it passed the gate.

All my nerves were concentrated on my shoulder, so I could hardly feel the sharp cold wind piercing my skin. Only the feeling of the dagger touching my flesh was vivid whenever the wolf stepped.

How many minutes are left? 50 minutes?

…… There’s no way only five minutes have passed between those moments.

I couldn’t raise my head because I was dizzy, and I looked at the scenery sideways, unable to see straight.

It was only a matter of time before I could see the vast snowfields and glaciers, but it turned into a beautiful scene.

Just as he came to me after smelling my blood, other beasts must have already noticed my existence. It would be nice if they didn’t like the special meal delivered after a long time.

I blinked slowly.

How many more minutes had passed? My mind was dazed, and I couldn’t react right away even though the white landscape was changing little by little.

The ice glittered like diamonds that had been powdered and scattered.

Suddenly, the wolf slowed to a walk. There was not a single beast that approached us in spite of the place called the habitat of the beasts.

It may be an overstatement, but the neighborhood was empty as if they had deliberately avoided the place.

When I opened my eyes for a second, the white color stretched beyond the horizon, entering a space where the sky and the earth were indistinguishable.

If there was an end to the world, it would have felt like this.

It was so beautiful that it made my eyes cry, but except for the sound of the wolf’s breathing, it was so quiet that I felt alienated.

The wolf finally stopped in the space where the wind had stopped.

Before I even tried to move my stiff neck, I heard someone speak.

“What are you doing, puppy? It’s not a gateway I built to ask humans to come and go as you please.”

Is it …….a person?

The man who had scolded the wolf soon uttered an absurd word.

“…… Master?”

Very kindly, he personally approached my face.

The old hood was pulled over so that his face could not be seen, but his voice was that of a young man.

“I thought you were going to die because of that naughty guy who bothered you every day.”

Who is calling me Master?

The man with a face and a body, tightly wrapped, tilted his head.

“But have you been rejuvenated? You are ten thousand years younger.”

It seems he mistook me for someone else.

I didn’t know how to respond.

The wolf howled because I did not open my mouth.


“…… hurt? Master?”

I stared at the man again.

Did he understand the wolf’s words? Or maybe he’s just pretending to understand because I’m seriously injured anyway.

First of all, I was, so I asked him.

“Can you help me?”

“It’s not difficult because that’s my job…… Are you really hurt?”

It was a voice as if he didn’t understand it all.

The person’s teacher seemed to be quite strong.

“I am not your teacher.”

He took my words as a joke.

“What, really? You said you were going to die, so when I prepared my mind, you’re going to do a role play? However, there is no need for Master to help me practice while taking on the role of a patient.”

“Well, I’m not your teacher.”

Again, he didn’t take it seriously.

“Anyway, you have a knack for surprising beasts. Coming back ten thousand years younger? Oh, it’s not that I don’t want to see you.”

Excuse me?

By that time, the wolf seemed to be frustrated and bit the man’s hem.

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