
Chapter 226 - 226: Coming With Us

Chapter 226 - 226: Coming With Us

"A scar is a sign of maturity here. A proof that one had survived even the worst calamities that the world has to offer...

...you don’t need to hide."

"..." Van looked back and forth between the wing-shaped earring and Adia’s face. Feeling the warm touch of her hand on his face somewhat made Van calm for some reason, "...Someone said that to me before."

"Oh, it’s the same in your country?"

"No," Van shook his head, "It was... my sister that said it."

"Then you have a very wise sister," Adia let out a slight sigh, "Unlike my brother. He was supposed to be one of the country’s leading Mage-type, but when he got to level 111, he just stopped. He said that it would take a long time before he could hit another 3-digit single number or something."

"...Seems like a valid reason," Van let out a slight chuckle.

"Hm," Adia nodded. She then gently touched Van’s ear before letting out a light gasp, "You don’t have a piercing!? What about the right one?"

Adia let out another gasp as she found out that Van doesn’t have any holes on his earlobe. But then, after a few seconds, she realized why. "I suppose it’s not mandatory in your country to have your ears pierced... what do we do now? Maybe I should have gotten you a necklace instead."

"It’s fine," Van said, "Just... pierce it through."

"...Are you sure?"

"Go ahead," Van nodded, "It will heal once I remove it anyway."

"Hm," seeing as Van himself had given her the consent to put the earrings in, she carefully removed the crown of the earring, placing it on the table before proceeding to gently pull Van’s earlobe. "This might sting a little, are you sure?"

Van could already feel the cold end of the earring’s hook touching his ear. He took one final glance towards Adia before nodding his head, and as soon as he did so, he instantly felt a slight tingle on his ear.

A minuscule amount of blood trailed through Adia’s fingers as the hook successfully penetrated Van’s earlobes. Her face was a bit perplexed because she felt a slight resistance as she pierced Van’s ear. Van was already fast... but his VIT is high as well?

Truly, as expected of the protege of the White Imvubu.

"...Aren’t you going to wipe your hand?"

Adia’s thoughts were then disrupted by Van’s words, but before she could do anything, Van already took a napkin from the table and started wiping her hand.

"Ah! You should have cleaned your piercing first!"

"It’s fine, it’s already healed," Van said as he continued to wipe Adia’s hand clean.

"..." Adia could only blink a couple of times before her head slightly tilted downwards, a hint of a smile slowly lifting on her face. "You’re... 17, right?"

"...Yes?" Van muttered as he placed the napkin on the table, "I know I look younger than most people. Why do you ask?"

"Nothing, I was just curious," Adia let out a slight chuckle, "I am turning 29 this year. What I wouldn’t do to look as young as you," Adia then let out a long and deep sigh as she grabbed the napkin.

"I think you look pretty young for your age," Van breathed out, the perplexed look in his eyes proved his words.

Adia quickly chuckled as she saw the look on Van’s face. She then made her way back to her seat while letting out a few words of her own, "It’s probably the Asian genes in me," she giggled.

"You look good with the earring on you," Adia followed, "But... aren’t you going to move your hair to the side?"

"No," Van shook his head, "I already got used to it."

The two then talked for a couple more minutes, not even caring that some of the people in the coffee shop already had cameras pointed at them.


"Oh, back from your date already? I swear, how many more women are you going to capture before you’re satisfied, Mr. Evans? There’s that red-haired justice seeker, the demon spawn, that big-tittied healer, and now the Princess of a more advanced country. Are young people really this proactive in seeking love?"


As soon as Van got back inside his hotel room, Angela’s almost never-ending words immediately bombarded him.

"I guess the only one left is you then, Ms. Angela?" Van then bantered. But alas, the only response she got from Angela was another long rant. Van could only let out a sigh as he made his way towards the bathroom and got dressed in more comfortable clothing.

"...Where’d you even learn to do that? You learned that from the Lauder boy, didn’t you? I swear, the Lauders are never a good influence on people. Although I think you’re the one who influenced the older one to kill Lionel. Kids these days, really--"

"I remember a Lauder courting you, though?"

Before Angela could continue her rant, Charlotte suddenly barged into the room from the connecting door. Van, who was checking out his new earring in the mirror, quickly ran outside the bathroom as she heard Charlotte’s words.

"A Lauder courted Ms. Angela?"

"Oh yes," Charlotte let out a big smile as she sat on Van’s bed, "If I remember clearly, it was Lionel’s uncle. They were both cute then, but Angie here ended up rejecting him for someone else."

"Stop digging up the past!" Angela shouted.

"You want to know who the reason was for her rejecting someone as rich as a Lauder?"


"It was the man who became my husband and the father of my child," Charlotte let out a cheeky smile as she relaxed both her feet on Van’s bed.

"You! Why do you bring that up every time!? You lecher!"

Van’s eyes widened in shock as he heard Charlotte’s words. He swore he heard it from somewhere before, but he didn’t really believe it as it seemed like a story someone would tell while drunk.

But to think it was true...

These two do have a lot of history together.

"That’s for being sneaky sneaky and coming with us, Angela," Charlotte then looked at Angela straight in the eyes, "I suppose that Evangeline told you to spy on us? Just when did you and Hans meet that woman anyway?"

"..." Angela just let out a scoff as she made her way towards the sofa, with no plans on ever telling Charlotte anything.

"A master that allows her child to be repeatedly raped by his own father," Charlotte followed, "I could understand Hans since he is most likely being driven by his perverted instincts... but you?"


Van could only blink his eyes a couple of times as he looked back and forth between the two. The previous silliness suddenly shifted to a heavy tension in the air.

"You’re not part of the Resistance, Charlotte. I can never tell you that."



"Well, that’s that," after a few seconds of silence as the two just stared at each other, Charlotte let out a small sigh as she focused her attention on Van.

"I have both good news and bad news, boy."

"Were we allowed to go to the Deadzone?"

"Short answer is yes," Charlotte once again let out a sigh, "The long answer is that they would allow us to explore the Deadzone, but only if they get to watch us do it."

"...Watch us do it?"


Instead of answering Van directly, Charlotte grabbed the remote of the television beside her and switched it on. She then changed the channel until Van and Adia were shown on it.

Van, of course, quickly recognized when this was taken-- just earlier. It was when he and Adia were in the coffee shop, specifically when Adia was putting the earring on him.

"King Badru and his circle of friends were adamant on not letting us in the Deadzone. But as soon as they saw you and Adia getting all close, for some reason, they all huddled up and ended up giving us permission to pass through the gate."


"They didn’t really tell me the reason for the change. But the important thing is, we’re finally going to the Deadzone a week from now, even if we are bringing people along with us," Charlotte then let out a small sigh as she turned off the television, "Here comes the bad news."

"I thought you already said the bad news?"

"Oh no," Charlotte let out a slight chuckle, "We’re going to clear out any Portal we see."

"Pft," Angela Elton could not help but scoff as she heard Charlotte’s words, "And here I thought these people had respect for you. In the end, they’re just using you as a weapon to their convenience."

"It’s give-and-take, Angela," Charlotte also let out a scoff, "Something you probably don’t understand."

"..." Why do these two want to go at each other every chance they get? Van thought as he slightly backed away, but before he could take a step back to try and avoid the two clashing words again, Charlotte looked at him.

"That’s not even the bad news yet. That’s just a minor leeway," Charlotte once again let out a sigh, this time even longer, "We’re going to have to take a team of Africa’s best Explorers with us."


"I know right?" Charlotte slightly stuck out her tongue in disgust,

"Bunch of weaklings trying to join us, what a disaster."

"..." That wasn’t really what Van was getting to, but Charlotte does have a point. They will already have their hands full with some camera crew following them, and now they have to babysit a bunch of Explorers... this would be taxing, say the least.

"Pft," once again, Angela let out a slight snort as she lay herself down on the sofa to rest, "Well, good luck. I’ll be watching you from the television."

"What are you saying?" Charlotte quickly followed,

"You’ll be coming with us."

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