
Volume 18 Chapter 3.1

“I never imagined that I would meet the owner of the holy spear..., it seems that I really am quite lucky to have been revived, I am able to see something from legend in front of me.”

Cao Cao shrugged his shoulders.

“Yes, that’s really good. It’s your second time dying so you should have a good farewell ceremony.”

This man is, as always just talking. Ladon put on a rather disturbing smile.

“Well then, let me show you something interesting.”

Then Ladon’s foot moved to make a magic circle, a dragon gate! Does he intend to bring more dragons out here?! The dragon gate started to emit a deep green light! Seeing this, Rossweisse-sensei cried out in surprise. —-!

“This, this dragon is incredible!”

The aura had all of us stunned. That’s right, in the green light which started to disperse was —- a massive dragon covered in black scales.

“RRROOAARRR!!!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”

It even caused the air around it to tremble. Emerging from the magic circle was the dragon Grendel.

But there was more than just one dragon! There were three dragons! There was actually three of Grendel?! I and everyone else were all shocked at the appearance of these evil dragons! On top of that, three of them was completely unexpected! Ladon, with the three evil dragons said with a sneer

“How? They were manufactured with Grendel as the reference dragon, although they are still being adjusted, they’re looking quite good aren’t they?”

...To think that there was such a thing. Their technology has already reached such a level that they are able to reproduce several of Grendel?! However, we can see that these three Grendel don’t have the consciousness of the actual Grendel. There is absolutely nothing that can be felt from them except for Ladon who is standing behind them. ... Because there were 4 legendary evil dragons as our opponents, everyone could only stop and stare with their breath held. — However, only one man made a defiant smile, it was Cao Cao. Cao Cao declared to Rias-buchou that he would defeat these evil dragons.

“Rias Gremory, that guy over there has some unusual barrier covering his body and on top of that there’s also three of Grendel.”

As he said that, we understood that even our strongest attack was no match for Ladon’s barrier. There were also three Grendels against us, so the situation was quite bleak.

“I know that ordinary attacks will not be effective against this barrier.”

Hearing Buchou say this, Cao Cao made a bitter smile.

“For someone called the ruin princess, you’re not very confident.”

“Thanks for the compliment, I don’t know why all my opponents are legendary figures so sometimes I’m not confident.”

“That’s not like you at all, you’re Hyoudou Issei’s partner so you should be more confident.”

Cao Cao said in a slightly accusing tone to Buchou.

“I’ll make an opening in that guy’s defence, ... the rest is up to you.”

Buchou made a confused expression. That was certain. This was a favourable situation for us. This former enemy’s plans did not seem too strange. Buchou was suspicious of it.

“... Are you doing this to help me? Is Indra gaining something from this? You’re quite confident? Or is it because you look down on me?”

Cao Cao shook his head.

“No. Both now and before it is with respect. — Even you are enemies to be feared.”

From the expression in his eyes, it does not seem as though he is lying.

“Yet, opponents such as this should be taken care of by the current hero, I...who was once a fallen man. It is too early to make new excuses. When the holy spear comes from the back, be glad.”

Rias-Buchou sighed.

“Indeed, I don’t like your view at all. But, if the holy spear were to be used—this would be our chance.”

Buchou actually approved of Cao Cao’s suggestion! Cao Cao then stood beside me. “Kiba, can your legs run any further?”

“Of course they can.”

“That’s good, although it may be mass produced, that is the legendary evil dragon Grendel. Even at a normal level, its flames will turn anything to ashes.”

I released Gram from where it was stored and held it while it released a dark aura. Cao Cao directed his eyes in the direction of my demonic sword. ... He was definitely thinking about something. After all, his partner Siegfried was the original owner of this sword. I paid no attention to his gaze though, and made a holy sword which enclosed Gram inside it. ... This is the control method from before. Although this doesn’t solve the problem, it is better than nothing and is good for a few minutes. If I release a large aura, my energy will be drained. However, this was inevitable. I was well aware of this from the start.

“It’s an interesting approach. But, is your value dependent on the demonic sword?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“—That’s good, no matter what the situation is, you come up with something. Does your calibre match the name of the Gremory household though?”

Seeing my technique, perhaps he saw that there were other ways to use Gram. His skills were a level above mine. With just a glance he was able to deduce that. He deliberately didn’t tell me, which is proof that he was testing me. He naturally placed his spear over his shoulder after a graceful movement, then spoke to me.

“Gremory household member, I will charge in, don’t let him get away when he’s weak.”

“You think I’ll let it get away when it’s exposed? You seem fairly confident about this, so you’ll reveal his weakness?”

After Ladon’s provocative actions, he was grinning with pleasure.

“That’s interesting, but aiming at the dragon’s weakness is not a hero’s skill.”

In response, from behind him came a light and seven orbs emerged! This is the holy spear’s balance breaker. Although I had only seen it once before, it is actually quite a quiet balance breaker, yet it can make people feel absolutely terrified at the same time. The seven orbs began floating around him. Each of the gems has its own ability; I remember that we were almost completely defeated by it. But now, he is our ally, which makes me feel relieved but at the same time fearful.

I tightened my grip on Gram then turned to make a stance, preparing to fight against the evil dragons. Akeno-san spread her fallen angel wings, Gasper transformed into the body of a dark beast and Koneko-chan also used her senjutsu to make her body grow into a more mature form. One by one, everyone was starting to get serious.

Three of Grendel blocked the path in front of Ladon. Their massive bodies were protected by an orange magical barrier. It seems like Ladon increased the strength of his defensive barrier. Originally, Grendel would be protected by hard scales and now there’s an added layer of defence. While staying on alert against the evil dragons, we each locked onto our targets. A brief moment of silence—, at the front was – Gasper. Emerging from the darkness was a beast which headed towards the Grendel (A) Grendel (A), (B) & (C) : This is used to denote which Grendel is the current subject. on the right hand side — he attacked. Although the move was easily swung aside, from within the darkness of the beast, Koneko leapt out and closed the distance in an instant then punched Grendel in the abdomen with a fist imbued with senjutsu! The sound of the blow reverberated throughout the surroundings! Grendel’s body tilted slightly. In confirmation, Koneko-chan shouted to everyone

“It works! Their bodies are far inferior to that of the real Grendel!”

Everyone’s morale was boosted! Indeed, if this confrontation with Grendel continued, even if there were three of them there was a way to defeat them! I stood in front of another Grendel (B) and began slashing it! My attack was mixed in with a few false swipes! Although it had a large body, its swift movements were just like the real thing — but from my sixth sense I felt that its reactions were like a block of wood! They were slow enough that even my false strikes would hit. It swung his fist towards me but only caught my afterimage, as I had moved well in advance. This was because I had already moved right behind it and released a demonic attack! Known as the most powerful demonic sword which can kill dragons, it left a massive wound! The cloned dragon let out a cry of pain. But I apologise, for I will not hold back. Evil Dragons – when you are my opponent I will find your weaknesses! I shoved my sword deep into the back of the dragon! At the same time Akeno-san and Rossweisse-san cried out.

“Akeno-san! , Rossweisse-san!”

In response to each other, Akeno-san flew towards the centre of the sky and gathered lightning at her fingertips, while Rossweisse-san drew a magic circle! I loosened my blade, and Grendel moved to increase our distance.

“Go! Holy lightning!”

Akeno-san’s massive lightning strike fell towards the cloned dragon —

“Lightning, burn this evil dragon!”

Rossweisse-san’s thunder magic struck at the same time! This is a combo of the demonic sword and lightning! Even if they have been strengthened by the holy grail, Gram’s aura inside the dragon will spread and kill it. On top of that, Akeno-san and Rossweissse-san release another powerful dual lightning strike. Due to the damage from that lightning attack and the dragon slaying effect which had spread inside it, it spurted out a large mouthful of blood. ...This was the same as what Koneko-chan said. These Grendel were very easy to get rid of. Even with Ladon’s powerful magical barrier, to me these were easy opponents to defeat.

“I’m flying!”

The battle between the other Grendel (A) and Rias-buchou was well underway. Koneko-chan’s power surrounded the dragon and purified its four limbs. The dark beast which is Gasper was assaulting him from the front.

<< A mere evil dragon, it’s nothing against me! >>

A fist came from Gasper’s side and punched the massive body of Grendel which couldn’t withstand the force and staggered backwards. Gasper’s strike seemed to be quite a heavy blow, causing the evil dragon to spurt out blue blood from its mouth. Grendel wanted to evade the next strike, but Gasper manipulated the shadow of the large evil dragon by pulling it towards him, then unleashed another fist upon him! Not too long ago, it was completely unimaginable that he would display such strength against an opponent! The reason was actually quite simple. It was because Gasper, in his current state had recently trained with Issei. He was influenced by Issei to train in melee combat. He has already shown the results of his training in just ten minutes. The way he uses his fists is the same as Issei. Issei, Gasper is being influenced by you more and more! Gasper continued beating the evil dragon non-stop, then while on the ground Rias-buchou’s destructive magic destroyed the dragon without mercy. Even though it had tough scales, it was no match against the destructive power of her magic. This was already demonstrated the time that we were in the vampire’s castle. All that was left now was Grendel (C) and Ladon.


Cao Cao moved as though dancing to avoid the barrage of attacks. Now was the time to counter-attack with the holy spear. It looked like a game of tag between little kids and an evil dragon. Even when the opponent let out a massive burst of flames, a small amount of light from the spear was able to counter it. — At the same time, the seven orbs began attacking Ladon’s barrier. Ladon looked around at the sky, following the random motion of the orbs, his red eyes began to look impatient.

“...Damn it.”

Ladon was displeased, as he tried to capture the orbs within barriers, but each of the orbs’ special properties prevented him from doing so. The spear shaped orb was able to break the barrier, or perhaps it was the orb which allowed things to escape. Sometimes the orb bounced off the barrier which caused Grendel to be damaged. Grendel seemed to be disturbed by the attack on the barrier and moved away, which created a big opening, where I and my comrades attacked. Ladon simply could not catch Cao Cao.

“What’s wrong, Ladon? You can’t even catch a mere human?”

Ladon clicked his tongue in response to Cao Cao’s incitement. The Ladon who was so relaxed before was no more. Cao Cao’s swift movements brushed aside Grendel (C) then continued on towards Ladon. Then he used his holy spear to make continuous strikes. He was fast, yet there was no wasteful movement in his continuous attacks. However, Ladon’s barrier was still protecting him. Although the barrier was still holding back the holy spear’s attacks, for a brief moment, the barrier disappeared...

“Hehe, what a shame. Even though your attacks are so fast, they’re not able to touch me.”

Cao Cao’s expression did not change. He was attacking from all directions. His face...seemed to show a slight grin. I can’t help looking at Cao Cao — their battle was now up in the air.

“I won’t let you get in their way!”

Everyone surrounded the evil dragons instead of being “observers” and began helping out. They really are quite reliable. With Grendel still as my opponent, it was time to finish it off. Grendel (B) which was struck by lightning still stood back up, I extracted from it the aura of Gram which was still inside it then used it to raise the power of my sword to prepare for a final attack! I concentrated on controlling its power. ...If I get distracted, I could lose control and it could cost me my own life. If I keep doing this, I don’t know when I might die. If it’s for my friends, I would die for them, but today I cannot die no matter what!

With the enhanced power of Gram’s aura, I rush towards the enemy. Akeno-san and Rossweisse-san followed me on both sides, and released their attacks upon Grendel (B). Akeno-san’s lightning paralysed Grendel (B) briefly, then Rossweisse-san froze it’s feet, preventing it from moving completely. Now it was my turn — I released the power of Gram’s energy directly at him! Just as I was about to strike Grendel, I removed the holy-demonic sword which had enclosed Gram and swung it down! An ominous aura covered the whole sword, and made a deep cut into him. I then switched to blade blacksmith, summoned an army of dragon knights, and they endlessly assault the evil dragon. After confirming that the evil dragon had been slain by my dragon knights, I clicked my fingers. “—It’s exploding from the inside.”

Gram’s aura which was on Grendel (B) released a large amount of energy! But, thanks to the dragon knights, the dark aura that was contained in Grendel did not leak out. Besides its insides, the dragon killing aura burned the entire body of the evil dragon. Ah, after a cracking noise, the wounds left by the dragon knights gushed out blue blood. This is my most effective technique against evil dragons. Because it seemed like such a brutal attack, I don’t want to give a name to this...but nonetheless it is effective. Grendel’s (B) body split open and it perished immediately.

“...Such a powerful attack is unprecedented from Kiba”

Even Rossweisse-san agreed. I...will no longer hesitate if an evil dragon is my opponent, otherwise my comrades may get hurt. This is indeed a brutal war. So, I made a promise with Issei. — That no matter what happens, we will definitely help each other, so we can all live together. To keep this promise, I will use any means to eliminate my enemies, I think about this whenever I’m on the battlefield. However, this was already decided. These Grendel are not as strong as the real Grendel, its defensive ability, its agility and offensive ability are all several levels lower than the original. However, compared to the mass produced evil dragons, they were much stronger. After the defeat of Grendel (B), it looks like the fight against Grendel (A) is nearly finished.


Gasper roared as he fiercely bit Grendel’s (A) shoulder, then created a beast from the darkness which went into the body. Of course, with the attack on the dragon’s shoulder and the dark beast inside, it’s body burst open. Grendel’s (A) upper body was blown apart as a result of Gasper’s attack. Gasper’s body was soaked and covered with blue blood but he didn’t mind and kept beating the dragon, Grendel (A) fell to the ground while spitting flames.

“The final blow!”

Rias-buchou’s destructive magic and Koneko-chan’s attack go towards Grendel (A)! Grendel A was helpless, and was turned to dust.

The Grendel (C) going against Cao Cao had accumulated severe injuries from the holy spear which caused it to kneel down.

“Give up”

Akeno-san and Rossweisse-san, after confirmation with each other released another attack. Akeno-san made three dragons with her holy lightning and directed them towards the evil dragon! Rossweisse-san used her magic to tie up the evil dragon with a rope-like aura. Unable to move, Grendel (C) was attacked by three dragons of lightning —. After enormous flashes of lightning and crackling noises, Grendel (C) vanished from the light. The three Grendel were now defeated! Although we had Cao Cao’s support, being able to defeat three legendary evil dragons was quite an accomplishment. I — have become stronger.

Cao Cao and Ladon’s battle seemed to be a stalemate, neither side appeared to have damaged each other, but — Cao Cao began smiling.

“—There’s an opening, go fly”

Ladon’s enormous body – started floating up all of a sudden, and flew upwards! Based on what just happened, Ladon was quite surprised. This was because an orb was attached to one of Ladon’s legs. It was probably hidden underground in advance, so that when Ladon stepped on it, it would activate causing him to fly up.

“Hmm! —This, this is!? An orb which can make others float!?”

That’s right, it was the orb which had flying abilities. ...Though it was unexpected that it could even make opponents fly! Cao Cao laughed

“Didn’t I tell you? Targeting an opponent’s weakness is a hero’s skill, so is deceiving opponents.”

However, even though Ladon was thrown into the air, he had a relaxed expression.

“Well, even if I am thrown into the air, my barrier is still active!”

—No, it should stop now. Then, Rias-buchou released some sort of magic from her hands.

“Let’s attack together! I’ll start with this”

Following buchou’s orders, everyone launched ranged attacks at the airborne Ladon. I used my holy-demonic swords to fire waves of energy continuously. But, Ladon still had a defensive barrier, thus all our attacks were blocked. Although there were several times when the barrier disappeared...he was still unharmed. Ladon let out a loud laugh.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA! This is quite a relentless assault! But! Even if the barrier weakens, I’m still unscathed, no matter how many times you try!”

Cao Cao made a sly smile. —Then, Cao Cao pointed his spear downwards and fired a massive amount of light from his holy spear! I don’t know what he’s planning, but underneath him was now a large hole.

“—No, that’s enough, you, are dead.”

In an instant, Ladon disappeared from the sky. It was almost like an instant teleportation! Did he escape? I immediately started looking around in all directions for him! His presence could still be felt! After looking around — everyone’s gaze was directed to one spot. That’s right, it was the hole that Cao Cao had made just earlier. Ladon could be heard from inside the hole. We all gathered around the hole, and looked down. The evil dragon was transported here! Next to Ladon was a floating orb.

“—!? Teleportation!? So you had the ability to transport your opponent! But, why did you teleport me?! My barrier won’t disappear—“

At the same time, Cao Cao moved the transportation orb to his side

“When the Gremory household members attacked you while in the air, I moved my orb in as well. Against such a wave of attacks, the barrier will disappear, and will take some time to rematerialise. I already confirmed this when I was attacking you. —As long as there is a gap of just 0.1 seconds, I can easily send one of my orbs into the barrier next to you. Even for a legendary evil dragon like you, over a short distance, I can still transport you.”

...When we all attacked at once, he sent one of his orbs close to the barrier..., then, when the barrier disappeared—no, he didn’t miss the opportunity when it did, and sent the orb inside the barrier...! If he made the hole first then it would have been suspicious. So he sent his opponent flying into the air first so he could prepare—. Cao Cao said to Rias-buchou

“Come, Rias Gremory. Your enemy is in this hole. You can use all your strength to defeat him. Even if my holy spear can’t defeat Ladon, with your destructive magic, it’s possible to defeat him.”

After hearing Cao Cao’s suggestion, Buchou began concentrating her magic. She was preparing an attack which could completely destroy the opponent. From inside the hole, Ladon shouted.

“All this hole can do is prevent me from moving...!”

This hole is just large enough to hold Ladon’s body. Towards the bottom of the hole, Cao Cao said

“I am just a “weak” human, to become a legend, I’m not ready for that yet. —You are stuck in this cave, Can you survive after sustaining damage from the destruction magic of Rias Gremory?”

“Humph! Damn it! How absurd...!”

...What a scary man. He was using his power with such control. He was able to predict the actions of the evil dragons, and at the same time manipulate the situation. ...We were able to defeat such an opponent...was it just a fluke? Ladon’s head appeared in the midst of a huge wave of crimson and black magic. Even in the best case, his barrier would not stand a chance against such powerful magic.

“This is the end! Ladon! Disappear!”

Buchou’s massive ball of destruction magic—descended to the hole.

“Damn you, holy spear wielder, Gremory household. Damn you all—!”

Those were the final words of the evil dragon—. Nothing more than ashes were left after Ladon was vanquished by Buchou’s extinguished star of destruction.

“—Koneko! Quickly use your sealing magic!”

“Yes, Buchou!”

As Koneko-chan replied, she made a magic circle. She got out one of the Red Dragon Emperor’s gems that she received from Issei. She then sealed the soul of Ladon inside it. By using her power on top of that of the gem, Ladon should be completely sealed. After having fought with the evil dragons, the holy spear wielder sighed as he looked up at the sky—.

“Indeed, it’s not as exciting as Vali or Issei...I want to experience no mercy, overwhelming force, a fight with no limits.”

In his eyes, there were only two dragons who were worthy opponents.

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