
Chapter 87 Test

Jack looked at the question paper and noticed that he didn't knew the answers for most of the questions.

Although he knew the answers of some.

'I guess, I will only pass with bare minimum.' He thought and sighed.

He wasn't to worried about the paper or the mid terms, he would be happy if he just pass the college and get a degree.

Thinking of this he started reading the first question seriously.

And just as he was about to mark the first answer on his OMR sheet, suddenly a panel came in front of him.

It was the same panel that appeared on the head of Cassie and Nicole, the lie detector.

However this time it was smaller in size.

'Why is this panel in front of the question paper?' He looked at the option he was about to mark and the the panel flashed green.

He was pretty sure that he knew the answer of the first question.

'Does it mean my first answer is right?' He decided to test the new panel.

He focused his eyes on the other option and just as he thought the small round panel now flashed red.

He was sure that the red flashing option was wrong one.

A smile formed on his face when he realised the functions of the new panel.

'So this is also a feature of Ero Meter.' He chuckled inwardly and marked the first question on his sheet.

He then moved to the next question.

'I have never read this topic before, I wonder if this new panel would be able to guess the new question.' He thought and focused on the options.

There were total of four option, he first glanced at the option one and the panel flashed red.

'This means the option is not the correct one.'

He then glanced at the second option, this time the panel flashed green.

His smile widened at the realisation.

He filled the second question on his sheet according to the panel.

Although he still wasn't sure if the panel was right or wrong, however he was ready to take the risk, as this was just a mock paper and not the real deal.

Even if he fails this test it wouldn't be a big deal as he would pass the mid term with his existing knowledge.

With ferver he started solving all the questions of the paper in hurry.

Cassie, who was solving the paper and thinking about the questions when saw him marking the answers frowned.

'What is he doing?' Her heart skipped a beat when she saw that he wasn't even reading the questions properly.

'Has he gone stupid?' She clenched her teeth. 'If he keeps up like this then no one would be able to save him from failing.'I think you should take a look at

Although she was annoyed by him, she still wanted him to pass the exam, after all she loved him and cared for him.

Moving her legs she tapped his legs few times, her eyes glanced at the bald teacher and she sighed when she saw that he was not paying attention.

Jack who was focused on ecstatically solving the paper, when suddenly felt taps on his legs, stopped and looked at Cassie with a frown.

"What?" He whispered.

"What are you doing? At least read the questions." She said while moving her head closer to the bench and in a low voice.

Jack listened to her and a sneaky smile formed on his face.

"I know all the answers." He said.

Cassie listened to him and narrowed her eyes. "If you wanted to fail the exam so bad then why did you attend it in the first place?" She said with narrow eyes.

"Don't worry I will pass the exam." He looked at her paper and smiled, she was at her second question while he has already done ten.

Cassie took in a deep breath at his words. "So be it, don't cry when you get the lowest score and I laugh at you." She said and turned her head around to look at her paper.

Jack chuckled and started finishing his paper again.

The test had a total of two hundred questions, all of them were four marks each and every wrong answer means one negative mark.

He started filling his sheet according to the panel, after a time he even stopped reading the questions and only followed his cheat.

The test had a total time limit of three and half hours and generally it was designed in a was that no one can score more than ninty five percent marks.

As the number of questions were high and time was tight, one can get number one place in just ninty percent, sometimes even eighty five percent was enough to be a top student.

Jack didn't care about these things at all and finished all the question in a matter of half an hour.

After filling his last answer he placed his pen down and looked at his shaking fingers.

He was so excited that he filled everything too fast and his fingers started hurting.

With a smile he rubbed his finger against his thighs to calm them down, he looked at his sheet with a proud smile on his face.

He then looked at the other students and saw that all of them were busy solving question with all their focus, the class was eerily silent and the bald teacher was looking at everyone with sharp gaze.

Jack glanced at his side to see Cassie, she was still on the thirtieth question and by the frown on her face he could tell that she was having issues to solve it.

'Should I help her?' Suddenly a thought moved through his mind, however he soon denied it.

First, it would be bad for Cassie even if he helped her and second she wouldn't believe him even if he told the right answer.

He sighed and looked at his paper, pretending to solve it. He didn't want to submit the paper too early as it would raise suspicion.

'I will submit my paper with everyone else.' He thought and continued to act.

After few hours the test was finished and the teacher collected the paper from everyone.

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