
Chapter 214 - Trinity - I Gotta Protect My Home (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 214 - Trinity - I Gotta Protect My Home (VOLUME 2)




From the time that I woke up from that warning I had constantly been alternating between a state of intense frustrated anger and pit of endless despair. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to the people of my city and my pack. I would never forgive myself if my family were to be hurt by that psychotic asshole that called himself my father. I needed to protect them, all of them.

The moment we landed in Colorado it was like a well rehearsed circus event. Noah and a bunch of pack warriors were there in the same SUVs we had left in. The difference this time was that we were arriving later in the morning and there were a lot more people around to see the spectacle.

It was like celebrities had arrived and were taking over the airport. That\'s what it looked like with all the people scrambling to get a look at us all as we were being escorted through the crowd. Reece and I were buried in the middle of the crowd with the several large, very strong looking body guard types all surrounding us and very on edge.

We moved through the airport as fast as we could, piling out to the curb that was crowded with the twenty large SUVs waiting for us. Once we were all seated we pulled away immediately. We needed to get home and have a meeting with the others.

This part of the trip was quick in comparison to the rest of it. It was not a long drive from the airport to the estate and we made good time with the intimidating presence of our envoy. It might have also helped that Rawlynne and Jackson, and Andrew and Devon from the local PD, were leading us like some sort of presidential escort. Things were too pressing and too important to leave up to chance.

The regular group, Reece, myself, Noah, Carter, Vincent, David, Shane, Shawn, Dietrich, and Gabriel, all met in the conference room where we waited approximately thirty seconds before the elders came into the room led by Grandfather. The group was definitely too big for our office.

"What is going on?" Grandfather hadn\'t even sat down before he started to ask questions.

"Edmond is coming." I didn\'t just hear that gasp that ran through the room from those who hadn\'t heard this news before, no I felt it too. I felt the gasp as the air shifted and passed over my skin in a small shuddering shockwave.

"What do you mean Edmond is coming?" Michael\'s words came out on a breathless exhalation. He seemed like he couldn\'t quite believe what he had heard.

"Trinity, what happened?" Grandfather gave me an imploring look, begging me to say something.

They were all confused, even Noah who had been briefed on everything by Reece already. I didn\'t want to hide anything from them, they all needed to know what I had seen. I hadn\'t even told my guards everything I had seen, only that Edmond was making his move.

Slowly, as if pushing the words past an invisible barrier that had lodged itself into my throat, I told them about my vision. I described in detail the hundreds of children that Edmond had tortured to death because they weren\'t strong enough to withstand his personal attention. I even told them how they all looked alike, and how I looked like them.

Reece, who had been sitting in his chair next to mine at the head of the table, stood and stepped close to me only to kneel on the floor next to me. He placed his forehead against mine and rubbed soothing circles on my back. He didn\'t say a word, he just knew that I needed his warmth and comfort in that moment. He was there, being the fire that melted the ice slowly forming around my heart.

There was silence in the room for a few minutes after I relayed my information. The seriousness and gravity of the situation just finally hitting the others for the first time while my guards had had several hours to process it already. There was not a single face in the bunch that wasn\'t full of worry, fear, or anger. I was glad that several of them were angry, anger meant they were ready to face the threat that was coming with the proper fierceness.

Before the unrest from my revelation even had time to disperse, the door to the conference room burst open. The door rebound off the wall with a loud banging thud. Framed in the door were Riley, Bryce, and half a dozen other Alphas that I had met on my rounds with Reece, behind them were the Prime Betas from the fealty packs. Reinforcements had arrived.

We continued the strategy meeting with earnest now. We needed to iron out every detail, and fast. The first thing that I insisted on was removing as many people from the city that we could. I wanted all the women, children, elderly, and non fighters taken somewhere safe. I would not risk the lives of innocents here, they weren\'t safe around Edmond.

I wanted scouts watching the land from every position, even though I knew that Edmond had ways around that. The truth was, he might not be coming alone and even though Edmond could move without being seen, could he move an army? It\'s possible, but I still wanted to be safe. He had moved his creations, but they weren\'t people anymore and I didn\'t know how his purple mist worked

The meeting lasted several hours, but we had a plan, albeit not too much of one. How do you plan against a man who could appear literally out of nowhere? How do you plan against someone that even the gods considered a threat? There\'s not much you can do except have backup plans for when things went wrong. So that\'s what we spent the bulk of our time on, multiple backup plans.

There was one thing I knew for certain though. I would not let Edmond escape this time. I would not let him get away. He had to answer for everything that he had done. What he had done to me. What he had done to those children he had kidnapped. What he had done to his own children. He needed to atone, with his life.

I was still too tense and uneasy when everyone set about putting our plan into action. I watched as warriors and guards, and anyone who was a strong fighter, said goodbye to their loved ones. Wives, children, parents, siblings, they were being separated from people they loved and cherished and cared about. I just hoped they would all be united again soon.

Those who were being relocated temporarily were taken to other packs far away. Bryce offered to house many of them, he had one of the largest territories after ours and he was one of our strongest allies. Plus, his lands were far enough away that there should be no casualties. And another added benefit, our packs could form a stronger bond with the citizens getting to know each other.

I only had a brief moment to see Nikki before she left but I saw that her belly was getting so big and it made me just a little jealous to be honest. She was due in a little over a month, at the end of July. Right now, it was teetering on the brink of summer and the kids had just been released from school. Perhaps I should be glad that Edmond waited until the kids could relocate and not mess up their education. I\'d be sure to thank him, right before I ripped his head off.

I said my goodbyes to Mom, Lila and Grandfather. I hugged Ella goodbye in between her attempts to explain everything to her mate, Devon. Then I watched as they all drove away and caused my heart to sink. This was actually happening. This was actually real.

Edmond was coming. He was coming to my home in search of a fight. He wanted to get rid of me but he would not get that chance, I wouldn\'t let him. This was my home, and I gotta protect my home.

I wasn\'t going to go down without a fight. And I had learned to fight, quite literally, tooth and nail. He didn\'t know what he was getting himself into by coming here. He was the one who needed to be scared. He was the one who needed to be worried and frightened and unsure. He didn\'t know what I could do. He hadn\'t seen my abilities yet. This would be my time to prove to him that messing with the lives of others, and experimenting on children especially his children, was his fatal mistake. He was going to be brought to his knees by one of his creations, one of his experiments. I would destroy him and avenge my family in the process, my mother and my siblings.

You had better watch out Edmond. I\'m ready for you.

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