





I realized quickly there wasn't much I could do to make tonight special for my mate. We had already eaten dinner and we were in the middle of a remote abbey in France. Also, it wasn't a very good idea for us to go outside of the village right now. So, that left me with trying to figure something out while he was in the shower.

I had decided to take my shower first, and that was after I had contacted the kitchen to request a few things. The delivery of which came not two minutes after Shawn disappeared into the bathroom.

I had requested a bowl of fresh whipped cream, given that they wouldn't have any store bought here, a bottle of wine, and some cheese. It seemed a little odd to have that combo, but only two were meant to be eaten, the other was for playing.

I quickly placed and lit the candles around the room, setting the atmosphere for the mood I was hoping to create. I pulled the covers of the bed back, giving better access to its comfortable center.

I wanted to make it clear to Shawn that I wanted us to take that next step, I felt like he was ready and it was time for us.

When Shawn came back into the room, a towel still in his hand to dry his hair and a pair of dark gray lounge pants covering him from the waist down. This was actually only the second time I had seen him with his chest bare since that first time at his apartment. The last time was after we rescued the kids and he slept with me in my room.

"What's this?" Shawn asked me with an eyebrow upturned and a look of surprise on his face.

"I was a little keyed up following tonight's punishment. That excitement had no outlet. So I thought I would create us a little date for tonight." I was grinning at him as I sat in the chair near the fireplace, which I had just finished preparing with a small, low burning fire. To be fair the look of surprise and the upturned eyebrow might have been caused by my appearance. I was sitting there in the chair with only a pair of boxers on. But that's how I always slept so it shouldn't have been that surprising.

"A date?" He smirked at me. "What kind of date?" He didn't look put off or upset about the whole thing.

"One where we can appreciate each other." He had been doing so good since coming into the room, but at that, Shawn's face blazed cherry red.

"R-really?" He stuttered as he set aside the towel and walked closer to me, a little apprehensive but still willingly.

"Are you OK with that, Liebling?" I could hear the hope in my voice as I stood to meet him where he stood.

"Y-yeah, I think I am." We were toe to toe now, close enough to touch.

"Are you sure, Geliebte?" I wanted to make sure that I was not forcing something on him.

"Oh shut up." He said softly with a subtle smile as he put his hands on my arms, just below my elbows.

Shawn used that hold on my arms to pull me toward him. And even though I could see how embarrassed he was, his face a bright shade of crimson red, he still looked happy, content, and aroused.

One second my mate, the man I loved, was pulling me toward him with a smile on his face, the next moment I felt his lips on mine. Shawn had been initiating these a lot more recently since the day I had been injured, but they had never been like this.

This kiss, it was just as heated and fierce as the time he had taken over the kiss I was giving him. It felt hungry and needy.

With a groan of satisfaction I put my hands on his hips and held him even closer to me. I could feel his body pressing against mine, the heat of it nearly burning me while his tongue tangled with mine.

After a minute Shawn broke the kiss, panting slightly as his eyes visibly darkened to a deeper shade of gray.

"I love you, Herzchen." I whispered as I placed a slight kiss on his cheek.

"G-good, because that k-kiss was j-ju-just the b-be-beginning." He stuttered so sweetly when he was nervous.

"Oh you have no idea how happy that makes me." I purred as I stroked his cheek. "Shall we have some of the wine and get this date started?" I smiled suggestively.

"Why? Let's get right to the good stuff." He grinned right back at me as I jumped slightly in the shock of what he had said. "I know where this is going, Dietrich, and I am ready. I have not been able to find the right way to tell you yet, but I have been wanting to, ever since we got? here." He was blushing again, this time it was a tomato red.

"Are you sure?" One last time to be sure, I had to know that he truly wanted this.

"Yes, Dietrich, I am sure."

I slid my hand up his arm, along his soft yet toned flesh. I moved up the swell of his bicep to his shoulder and around to the back of his head. I moved slow, luxuriating in the feel of his supple skin.

With my grip on the back of his head I pulled his mouth back to mine.

"I love you." I whispered against his lips before I ran my tongue along his bottom lip. When he shuddered and gasped slightly I slipped my tongue into his mouth, kissing him fiercely and with a burning intensity that I had been holding back for so long.




I had been trying to find a way to hint to Dietrich, to tell him that I wasn't scared or nervous anymore. I wanted to take the next step, but I didn't know how to say it. Well, it turns out that I didn't need to tell him. He was eager to take that leap. He had reached his limit just like I was quickly getting there.

Was I surprised to see him sitting there suggestively in the chair next to the fire with candles lit around the room and wine on the table? Yeah, a little. But I was also excited. I had intentionally come out of the bathroom with no shirt on because I had been feeling that rush of excitement just like Dietrich had.

It might seem a little rushed now that we were actually getting down to it, but I think it fits us perfectly. Our whole relationship started in a rush so why stop rushing things now.

I had initiated the first kiss, but now Dietrich was taking the lead. I didn't know how I felt about that. This was all new to me, but I didn't exactly know how to give or receive in this type of situation. And I had a feeling that Dietrich was a little pent up. So, I guess it was best to let him take the lead this time. I could always learn from his lead.

With Dietrich's hot, soft lips pressed to mine, his tongue exploring my mouth, and his hand on the back of my neck, I just let him take over and guide me. The first place he guided me to was the bed. Slowly, Dietrich took steps forward, backing me up until my legs bumped into the softness of the mattress.

Having no more room to move forward, Dietrich broke the kiss and looked at me with eyes that were more full of desire and arousal than I had ever seen him with before. He was definitely in need here.

With a grin and a slight push on my chest, Dietrich forced me back onto the bed. I didn't fight it at all, I just let myself fall backwards. I landed with my hands splayed out on the mattress, holding me in an upright position as Dietrich climbed up on top of my lap.

"Come, Kuchen, let's get you into a better position." His voice was low, his tone seductive, and erotic as it sent chills through me.

"And what might that be?" I asked him with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

"Relax my love, I just mean to get you onto the pillows." He grinned before adding one last tidbit. "For now." With that he winked at me.

"Ok." I was actually starting to get really excited now. This may all be new to me but I was still a living breathing man and that meant that I still had needs and urges just like all of the others.

I scooted myself to the center of the bed, resting myself on the pillows that were propped and waiting for me. Dietrich was looking down at me like I was a dessert that he wanted to savor. Why was I wanting to be savored right now?

"You look so delicious, mein kleiner Kuchen."

"What's that mean?" I asked him, not remembering the words in the heat of this moment.

"My little cake. You are my personal cake, my own private dessert." I remembered then what it was he said I smelled like to him.

"Will I taste like cake to you?" I made my voice suggestive in that moment, trying to sound seductive and sexy. I think it worked because the look in my man's eyes darkened visibly and he grinned happily.

"We can find out." He licked his lips like he was anticipating the taste that was to come.

"May I taste you then?" He asked permission, just like he had asked me if I was sure I was ready for this. He always made sure that I was at ease.

"Yes, Dietrich, I want you to." I felt the flush of heat as the blood rose to my face, blushing again. Would it ever stop?

Dietrich didn't let my blush stop him, he just leaned forward and placed his mouth at my neck. With one long, slow, heated drag of his tongue he had licked from my collar bone up to my ear.

"You taste as good as you look Kuchen." His voice was husky.

"I'll have to explore your taste sometime soon. But didn't you taste my neck that night in the woods?"

"Mmm, that I did, but that doesn't mean that I won't start here again. I need to taste it all."

"And what does it taste like there?" I couldn't stop myself from asking, the words were coming out of the nerves.

"Like a freshly baked, undecorated cake, sweet and sullied."

"No frosting?" I laughed softly at the stupid question I had asked.

"No, no cream. But I do have some to add." He chuckled against my neck causing me to shiver from the ticklish sensation.

"Really? Where?" He looked at me mischievously then as he leaned to the side and grabbed a bowl from the side table.

"Right here, my love."

He hadn't been lying. He was indeed holding a bowl of fresh whipped cream.

"And what are you going to do with that?" I asked, perhaps a little naively.

"Oh, you'll see."

I watched as Dietrich dipped his fingers into the whipped cream and smeared a little onto my neck. Without even setting the bowl aside he dipped his head down and dragged his tongue along the same path as before. However, this time it was like it was three times as intense. All he had done was add some cream to my neck before licking it off so why did it feel so intense, so good? I shuddered, and I instantly felt myself harden. The moan that came from between my slightly parted lips was beyond my control.


"Good?" There was a smile on Dietrich's face and a laugh in his voice.

"How did that feel so intense." I could hear myself panting and trying to talk through the arousal.

"Everything is better with some cream." He chuckled. "It's part of the fun you get when you play."

"So, you want to play with me then?" I sounded so adventurous to my own ears, what exactly was I saying?

"Very much so." He nodded as he spoke. "May I play to my heart's content?" He seemed so worried that I would deny him, like I would deny him anything anymore.

"Then play." I couldn't believe I just said that, what was wrong with me? I felt my blush deepen again, this time I was probably close to purple with the intensity.

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