
Chapter 349 - Reece - Preparing For The Babies Part 2 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 349 - Reece - Preparing For The Babies Part 2 (VOLUME 3)




The morning after my anniversary date with my little bunny I woke with her in my arms. It was how I wanted to wake up everyday for the rest of my life. This time, though, there was something different about it.

Today, it wasn't the sun that woke me. It wasn't the alarm going off that woke me either. No, there was something else entirely that roused me from my slumber.

I saw the clock on Trinity's side of the table and saw that it was just after six in the morning, the time that I needed to get up but I forgot to get the alarm. Someone was there to wake me up though.

It felt like someone had been kicking me. Well, two someones really. I could feel the twins inside my mate's womb as they kicked and stomped around their cramped little home. It was them though, kicking me over and over again.

I heard my Little Bunny groan a little as she felt the tiny terrors trampling her from within. I had to stop myself from laughing and settle with a grin. While I stifled the laugh I felt the babies kick me again.

"Ahh." They were kicking hard enough that Trinity actually cried out in pain from it.

I shimmied quietly down the bed until my head was next to the growing baby bump that held my children.

"Shh, you two better settle down. You don't want to hurt your mommy, do you?" I could feel the smile on my face as I talked to them. My hand was still pressed against Little Bunny's belly so I could still feel the twins moving around a lot.

I couldn't help it, I wanted to press my ear against the belly. I wanted to try and hear them moving around. I had heard that we wolves could hear a lot more because of our sensitive ears. Why not give it a shot now.

I could hear just Trinity's heart beat at first. It was a sound I was used to and had spent months growing accustomed to. But as the sounds of her heart became background noise I could hear other little sounds. There were two really fast fluttering noises. It was the super fast heart beat of two little babies. I could hear them.

Then I heard something else. There was the sound of the babies moving. I could hear them shifting. It sounded like they bumped into each other and the result was a small war of pushing and adjusting to become the dominant one. That seemed about right. Trinity and I fought like that, now it seemed our kids would.

"Hey there Reagan, Hi Rika." I was rubbing small circles onto Trinity's belly while I talked to my twins. "It's daddy. Can you hear me?" I knew they probably couldn't but I was going to keep doing it anyway. "Daddy loves you. I am going to make sure that everything is perfect for when you get here too so you two stay in there and get nice and big and strong. Mommy and I will be waiting for you." There were two quick little bumps on the belly then, they had kicked, both of them.

That was the best feeling in the world. To feel the life from your children as they were moving inside of your wife. What kind of man wouldn't want to have that in his life?

"Now be careful with Mommy, she's still sleeping."

"Not anymore, she isn't."

I jumped at the sound of Trinity's voice coming from above me. I hadn't noticed her waking up since I was too focused on the babies.

"What are you doing?" She asked me but she was smiling happily just the same as me.

"Talking to the babies." I answered her honestly as I climbed back up the bed so that I could give her a good morning kiss.

"You're such a sweetheart." She beamed at me and returned the small kiss that I gave her.

"I know."

We went into the bathroom for a shower then. It was time for us to start our day already. This routine hadn't changed at all and that made it easier on us. So much in our lives was different that it was hard to imagine that we were the same people from last year. Still, I would never regret a day at my mate's side.

I was working from home today. Or I was supposed to be. Trinity was finishing an assignment for her online courses while Noah and Gabriel did the administrative work they were both charged with. The only problem was that I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't get my head in the game at all. All I could think about were the babies.

I started thinking that it was already October the fourth. We had gotten pregnant on June the eighteenth. That meant that I had only two months at most to get the nursery ready. That was barely enough time with how busy I was.

Not to mention, knowing my Little Devil Bunny, she would insist on putting everything away and reorganizing it twenty times before the babies got here. I needed to get busy right away.

"I will be back later." I stood abruptly and headed toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Noah scolded me as I fled the room. "You still have work to do."

"Do it for me, I have something important to do. I will be back later, like I said."

"Reece?" Noah called after me.

"Have fun." Trinity yelled, not even looking up from her computer.

OK, I needed to get this project going. I was going to make this nursery into the most special nursery ever. I needed to get all the stuff that it would take to transform the room. This was my project and I wouldn't let anyone else take it away from me.

My first stop was to the home improvement store so that I could get the right shade of paint. Then again, I would need primer too so that the old colors wouldn't bleed through. I got several gallons of each paint so that I knew I would have enough for the large room. I got plenty of large cloth tarps I could put down so that the floor wouldn't be ruined.

I knew that I wanted to paint what looked like a forest so I needed blacks, browns, and varying shades of dark green to go along with the neutral pale yellow and green. I grabbed a variety of brushes and rollers and painter's tape. Everything that I could think that I might need.

Painting was just part one of this room makeover. It was going to take a lot, but at least I could get a jump start now. After this part of the job was done I needed to work on the furniture and rugs, and I couldn't forget window coverings or light fixtures.

I was already having fun and I hadn't even started yet.

With my large amount of supplies purchased I raced home so that I could get started. I had David and Vincent help me with carrying it all upstairs. That and having them help me move the furniture was all that I was going to allow them to help with. Everything else was all me.

After changing into some clothes I didn't mind getting paint on, I got to work. The room seemed brighter with the curtains removed but the color was still dark so it wasn't as bright as it could be.

The tarps were the first thing that I set up. I got them all over the room and brought the ladder in. OK that was truly the last thing I got help with since David brought it while I changed.

Priming the room was easy. I just had to put a layer of bright white paint onto the walls to hide the darker color behind it. Though it did require a second coat to fully hide it all.

The shopping and the priming took all of the first day. By the time all of the walls and ceiling were white I called it a night. I went across the hall to my room to shower and change. Trinity was in there waiting for me while reading.

"You've been busy." She said as she raised her head.

"Yup." I walked right up to her and kissed her messily on the cheek.

"Eww. You're all sweaty." Her response was expected and it made me laugh.

"I will be just as sweaty tomorrow. I am painting again."

"So, you left work to start on the nursery?" She was smiling so I know she wasn't happy.

"Are you going to yell at me like Noah would?" I was momentarily scared of her doing just that.

"Nope, I'm happy. I can't wait to see what you can do." After a brief pause she spoke again. "Now go shower, you stink." She was so sweet, wasn't she? Little Devil Bunny.

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