
Chapter 355 - Reece - Trinity Wakes Up (Volume 3)

Chapter 355 - Reece - Trinity Wakes Up (Volume 3)




About ten minutes after Griffin left the room Noah and Vincent came back in. They looked relieved so I could guess that he had told them that Trinity was out of the woods now. That was good, I wouldn\'t have to be the one to tell them. As it was I was going to have to tell my mom. Unless I could delegate that task to someone else.

"Did Griffin say how long she would be asleep for?" Noah asked me as soon as he stopped next to the bed. I watched as he tucked the stray hairs behind Trinity\'s ear. If he weren\'t her brother of sorts I would be furious, but he was so I didn\'t say anything about it.

"No, he didn\'t. I hope it won\'t be long but I also hope it is until the morning, she needs her rest." I was looking at her peaceful face as I spoke.

"Yeah, she does. She has been busy and this pregnancy is taking a lot out of her." Vincent was the one who responded which surprised me.

"It is? How do you know?" I think that my question was unexpected for him.

"I am the head of her security. I see her everyday. I have noticed that she has been looking more tired but I didn\'t think it was going to lead to this." He hung his head in shame. "I have failed her."

"No you haven\'t." I assured him. "None of us saw this coming. I should have noticed but I didn\'t, what does that say about me?" Yeah, we had all missed the warning signs.

"I think she didn\'t say anything about how bad she was truly feeling. She likes to keep things like that to herself." Noah knew a lot about her as well. Sometimes I forget just how much these two men knew about my wife. It might help me to talk to them about her more.

"Noah, can I trust you to tell your parents and brother what happened?" I didn\'t even want to think about the panic fit that Eve was going to have when she heard about this.

"Yeah, I will call her right now." He started to turn and head toward the hallway.

"Vincent, will you call my mother? She knows that Trinity is here already and she is probably going crazy with worry. Will you tell her what Griffin said?" There, I can delegate that to him.

"Sure thing, Reece." He turned and left the room as well.

Noah and Vincent had both come back to report the results of their calls. My mother had been relieved and promised to visit first thing in the morning since visiting hours were over for the night. Eve wanted to forgo the visiting hours and come up tonight but Noah said he told her to wait. He assured her that I was with Trinity and that she would be fine until the morning. That was good. We would be fine until the morning, just the two of us.

I refused to even leave Trinity\'s side though. Everytime that someone came in to take a reading from her heart monitor or her blood pressure throughout the night I refused to move. They had to work around me. I know they thought that I was being terribly inconvenient but I didn\'t care. I was not going to leave her at all.

The little bit of sleep that I did get was done with me sitting in a chair next to my Little Bunny\'s bed and resting my head on her legs. It was extremely uncomfortable but I would sleep like that for a year before I left her in this room without me. I was never going to leave her.

It was right before eight in the morning when I stood to stretch. I knew that Trinity hadn\'t woken up at all through the night and I didn\'t expect it anytime soon. I felt a crick in my neck and back that I stretched out with a groan then spoke with a tired sounding voice.

"Good morning, beautiful."

"Hey handsome." I hadn\'t expected her response so it literally made me jump.

When I turned my head to look at her I saw that she was just opening her eyes. There was a small smile on her face as she looked at me like she thought I was an idiot or something. I probably looked like one with the way my mouth was gaped open.

"Are you trying to catch flies or something with your mouth hanging open like that? Maybe I should nickname you Frogger instead of Fido." The smile on her face got a little wider.

"Trinity." I breathed her name and sank into the chair that I had slept in.

"Morning." She shifted a little like she was trying to sit up but gave up when all the wires got in the way. "I take it that I caused a big stir last night. I\'m sorry."

"Don\'t apologize." I took her hand and insisted that she stop. "You didn\'t do anything wrong. No one caused this, it just happened."

"What did happen?" She looked confused. "I don\'t remember anything after we were walking up the stairs. Did we even make it up the stairs?"

"Mostly. You collapsed when we were almost at the top. You seemed to sway and fell into my arms. When we called Griffin he told us to bring you here. Your blood pressure was high, your heart was beating too fast, and your body wasn\'t getting enough oxygen." I watched as the shock of what I was saying hit her.

"Oh my Goddess, the babies. Are the babies OK? Is anything wrong with them? Please Reece, tell me that they\'re alright?" She looked like she was about to have a panic attack and I could see that her blood pressure was going up again.

"Shhh. Shhh. Shhh. They\'re fine." I tried to sooth her as quickly as I could. "Shhh. Shhh. Calm down now. Shhh. Shhh." I was rubbing the side of her face gently trying to make sure that she didn\'t over excite herself. "You need to calm down. You can\'t get too excited."

"Why? What\'s wrong with me?" She still looked scared and afraid but at least it looked like the panic attack was over.

"Griffin said he didn\'t know what caused it but you have gestational hypertension. You need to keep calm and not let your blood pressure get too high. He also said you need to be on bed rest until the babies are born." I could see the shock on her face still. She was still scared, still nervous about all of this.

"Bed rest? That\'s all?" She didn\'t sound as upset as I originally thought. Then again, I did say that she probably wouldn\'t have a problem if it was for the babies. Looks like I was right.

"That and some medicine to keep your blood pressure down. Griffin will be coming to visit you at the house a lot so he can check you out. And we need someone to monitor you around the clock."

"Great, someone to wash me and take me to the bathroom." That didn\'t make her look too happy.

"Those can be my jobs if you like." I offered her.

"You think I want my husband to have to do that for me?" She looked indignant.

"It\'s not like I will have to wipe you, just carry you. I already carry you every chance I get anyway. Besides, we can just have a bath together every night. It will be fine. I can work from home and Mom or Eve can spend the day with you. I would say Juniper but she will be just as pregnant so I don\'t want to put that on her either." She seemed to be contemplating my ideas at least.

"I guess I have no choice. It\'ll have to be this way until the babies are here but then I can move around and do anything that I want again. Right?" She looked more like she was pleading with me than asking me a question.

"I believe so, yes. We can double check with Griffin when he comes back to check on you later." I smiled at her to show that it wasn\'t as bad as it could be.

"Alright, this is how it has to be I guess."

I watched then as Trinity put her hands to her belly. I knew that she was desperate to feel them moving so that she knew for a fact that they were safe. It was the same thing that I had done last night after going to my Little Bunny\'s side. She was so worried about them that she was not going to focus on anything except for them until she felt them move.

I was hoping that she wouldn\'t have to wait for long. I saw the worry start to build in her eyes and a grimace form on her lips. She wasn\'t feeling them. They weren\'t moving for her. She was losing hope.

All of a sudden her eyes lit up and she smiled. I could see how relieved and happy she looked. I knew that she had felt Reagan and Rika move. Thank you babies for not making her wait any longer. I hoped that this meant that they were going to be good kids when they grew up. However, knowing our luck, they would probably be little terrors. And Trinity would blame it all on me for being just a brat when we first met. Only I don\'t think she will use the word brat.

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