
Chapter 357 - Trinity - The Bed Rest Already Begins (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 357 - Trinity - The Bed Rest Already Begins (VOLUME 3)




After receiving Griffin's warnings and another thorough examination I was allowed to leave the hospital. Griffin wouldn't even let me stand up to dress myself though, he had instructed Reece to help me if I needed it but I was to sit on the bed until the wheelchair came.

"But I need to use the bathroom." I called after him.

"Then have him carry you. If you don't like that then have a nurse get you a bedpan." He was at the door as he said these words firmly.

"I will not use a bedpan." I said the words with disgust as Reece bent to scoop me up into his arms.

"Then I guess I'll get to carry you." He sounded pleased with himself and happy about this whole situation.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" I glared at him as he pushed the door to my room's private bathroom open.

"Very much." He grinned. "I get to hold you in my arms even more. What's not to enjoy about this?" His smug face made me want to smack him.

"Stupid overgrown dog." I was joking of course, I knew that I needed to let him carry me because it was doctor's orders but I hadn't expected it to start while I was still in the hospital. Ugh, not even one last hurrah of freedom to roam about my room. This sucks.

"I already know you love me, you don't have to flirt so much, sheesh." He was laughing as he sat me down on the seat. "Want me to stay?"

"No!" I snapped at him. "I don't have anything to pull down anyway, I am naked under this damn gown." That was true, according to Reece they had cut away all of my clothes and they had even given me a catheter that kept me from having to go to the bathroom yesterday. It had been removed this morning. This was the first time that I would have been able to get up and out of the bed and I wasn't even able to do that.

"Fine. I will come back for you when you're done." He stepped out into the other room and shut the door.

This was going to be annoying. UGH! Well, I just had to go about my business for now. When that business was done and I had cleaned myself up I stood so that I could wash my hands. The toilet, however, was one of those automatically flushing ones so it alerted Reece to the fact that I was done. He immediately opened the door and bellowed at me.

"TRINITY GRAY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I hadn't expected him to shout like that so it actually startled me and I jumped in surprise.

"What the hell?" I yelled back at him, my wet soapy hands pressed against my chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Why are you up? You were supposed to call for me." Reece didn't look happy with me at all.

"I was only washing my hands Reece? Was I supposed to call you to wipe me and clean my hands up too?" I was being sarcastic, I really didn't think that was appropriate at all.

"You're not supposed to be on your feet at all. You need to call me to help you up and to carry you to the sink. Next time, follow the rules." He looked livid. This wasn't that much though. I didn't see how it was that bad for me to just wash my hands.

"Reece, seriously I took one step to the sink that was all."

"That doesn't matter." He stepped forward and picked me up. He stood there, hunched forward a little so that he held me low enough to finish washing the soap off of my hands. "When Griffin said you needed to stay off your feet he meant it. Don't get up again. If you do, I will get a bedpan for you to use at home."

"Do it and die Fido." I snapped at him. "I will not use a bedpan. I do not piss the bed in any way shape or form. Got it?" I felt the anger boiling inside of me.

"Then don't get up again." He grinned down at me. "Got it?"

"You're enjoying being in charge again. I can see it, you have this whole power complex going on right now." I guess he had not liked taking orders from me, huh.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He tried to deny it.

"Really? I can just give you an order." I wiggled my eyebrows at him to show that I could have some fun here.

"I would fight it. I would be denying you for a good cause. You need to stay off your feet so that you and our babies are safe and healthy. I am sure you can understand that if you just think about it. You were a good girl about it yesterday. What happened?" He looked slightly annoyed now.

"I'm not going against it. I just didn't think it would start while I was still at the hospital and getting the IV meds to keep my blood pressure under control. I thought my freedom would last until then." I crossed my arms now that my hands were cleaned and dry. Reece was walking us back into the room now so that he could help me get dressed.

"Well, get used to it, this will be the way life is for you until the babies are here. When they're out and you're back to normal you can run a fucking marathon while breastfeeding if you want. I don't give a shit as long as there are no nip slips. But until then you're on bed arrest."

"You mean bed rest." I tried to correct him since he had said it wrong.

"No, it would have been bed rest but you already violated parole and are not being remanded back to your cell. Just be glad you won't be in solitary confinement. You will still have visitors and the food will be great. You just can't get that pretty little ass of yours out of bed."

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes. "Sometimes you annoy me, McGruff. I hope you enjoy your time as the warden. As soon as I can I will get my revenge." He noticed my grin.

"Does that mean you're going to tie me up and hold me prisoner again? Ohh, I will look forward to that."

"Dammit, even my punishments are exciting for you." I laughed. It had been a joke, partially, but he had figured it out immediately.

After our little argument Reece helped me to get dressed while I was sitting on the edge of the bed. He actually helped me to do almost all of it. He slipped my panties over my feet and pulled them up to my thighs. I couldn't stand to pull them up so I laid back and pulled them up the best I could. I couldn't even see them past the massive belly that was in my way. Huh, I remember being so thin that I looked abnormal next to all the other she-wolves in the pack. Now this belly of mine was huge.

Anyway, after the panties were up and in place he took advantage of how I was sitting to slide the loose fitting yoga style pants onto my legs. I hated the feeling of having someone put clothes on me. It was nowhere near as exciting as when someone, (Reece), took them off of me.

After my bottom was dressed I tried to sit up but the belly didn't want to cooperate. Reece actually had to pull my hand to help pull me into a sitting position. This was getting to be ridiculous. Once I was sitting up though I snatched my bra out of Reece's hands, he was going to try and put it on me as well. I could still put that on myself. It would be quite easy I am sure.

OK, it was a little hard to get my body to maneuver around the belly to put it on while sitting as still as I could on the bed. That and I swear that my belly grew a lot in the last two days that I was in the hospital. Still, I managed to get the bra on and grabbed my loose fitting shirt. I slipped it on over my head and that was it.

When I tried to grab for my socks Reece pulled them away from me.

"Uh uh, you can't even see your feet. Do you think that I will even let you try to put these on right now?"

"What, are you going to put them on me all the time from now on?" I just rolled my eyes and held my hands out for them but he ignored me.

I watched as Reece unfolded the socks and prepared one of them to slip on over my foot. He bunched the sock up in his hands and pushed it onto my toes and then up past my heel. I felt the way his fingers teased a little at the back of my leg when he pulled them away when he was done.

OK, maybe I wouldn't mind him getting my socks on me all that much. That was kind of nice. I tried to hide the grin on my face while he did the other foot. When he was done with that he slid on a pair of black canvas sneakers and I was finished getting dressed to go.

Not long after that the wheelchair had arrived and it was time for us to go. It annoyed me that I needed to be lifted into the chair but at least it was Reece who did it and not this random guy who had brought us the wheelchair.

When it came time to leave the room the man tried to push my chair but Reece pulled a few crisp hundred dollar bills from his wallet and told the man to take a break. Reece wasn't going to let anyone push my chair but him. He truly was possessive, but I liked it in all honesty.

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