
Chapter 361 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 4 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 361 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 4 (VOLUME 3)




Once we were finished with our bath Reece made sure that I was set to rest and relax in the bedroom. I didn't want to sit in the bed all day if Reece was with me. I would be able to move about the room, just not on my own. Reece would carry me anywhere in the house that I wanted him to. Hell he would probably carry me anywhere in the whole damn country. It would mean that he got to carry more which he apparently loved to do.

What I didn't like, or really what I didn't want, was Reece hovering over me nonstop while I sat on the sofa in our bedroom and was trying to read a book for one of the classes I was supposed to be doing online.

Every single time that I so much as shifted my weight or adjusted myself Reece would run over to me and start fussing.

"Are you alright? Do you need something? Is something wrong? Are the babies OK? Are you OK?" He fluttered around me looking for whatever it was that had caused me to move that tiny little bit.

"I'm fine Reece." I sighed in exasperation when this happened for the third time this morning. "I just adjusted myself a little, that is all."

"I just want to make sure."

I know he was just trying to show me how much he cared and how much I was truly loved. And I felt it, I really did. But when he went from being seemingly absorbed by whatever he had been doing to fussing over me in less than half a second it kind of gave a girl whiplash.

I was spared having to have this whole conversation with Reece again, going over the same things that I had already said earlier in the morning, when Griffin was escorted to the room by Gabriel.

"Excuse me, Trinity, you have a visitor." He knocked on the door and I welcomed the intrusion happily.

"Come in Gabriel."

When the door opened Gabriel walked in with Griffin right behind him.

"Good morning Trinity." Griffin smiled at me. "You're looking well this morning. I can see that your first night at home went well."

"It was a little overwhelming to be honest, but I managed. I took the medication that you gave me and I am doing fine right now. I'm just doing some studying at the moment."

"That's good. I just want to check your vitals and make sure that all is truly going according to plan."

"By all means, go right ahead."

I indicated the spot on the sofa next to me and encouraged Griffin to have a seat. Once Griffin was sitting next to me he pulled out the all too familiar blood pressure cuff and a stethoscope. There was also a battery powered pulse oximeter that he slid onto my finger that gathered its data while he manually checked my blood pressure.

"All seems fine for right now. Your blood pressure is a little higher than I would like to see, comparing it to previous visits you've had at my office. However, it is well within the normal range." I watched as he made a note in his chart and checked my histories. "Your heart is pumping enough oxygen throughout your body as well so we don't need to worry about that." He noted as he pulled the device off my finger.

"Question Griffin," I grinned as I looked at Reece who was hovering just behind the couch, "would it make my blood pressure higher if someone fussed over me too much?"

"Only if it truly aggravated you that the person was there and fussing about. Is that the case?" Griffin raised an eyebrow at me as if daring me to say that I was aggravated that Reece was being so attentive to me.

"I wouldn't say aggravated really, no. Annoyed sometimes when he rushes over if I do something as simple as shift my weight for a fraction of a second." Griffin laughed at the defeated tone in my voice.

"Yeah, I can see why that might be bothering you. And to be honest that could potentially raise your pressure as well. You're not going to break if he leaves you alone to study, but I don't think we can convince him of that."

"You do realize I am standing right here and can hear the two of you talking, right?" Neither of us paid any attention to Reece, effectively acting as if he wasn't in the room. I really did enjoy it when I got to play these little games. It was fun and Reece pouted so adorably when it was all over with.

"From what I can tell things should go just fine from here on out. Just stay off your feet and don't attempt anything strenuous."

I noticed the tone to his voice and I was pretty much able to guess what it was he was trying to say. I wasn't going to say anything though. I didn't want Griffin yelling at me the day after I got home from the hospital.

"Strenuous?" Reece asked him with a clear question in his inquisitive tone. "What do you mean by strenuous?"

"I am sure you can figure that out Reece. Anything that gets the heart rate going faster, possibly making one or more persons sweaty. Physical activity that does not necessarily involve walking." He was emphasizing this for Reece because he probably thought Reece was the one who had needed the warning and not me.

To be fair, I pretty much already knew that Griffin wouldn't have approved of what we did this morning. That was why I hadn't mentioned it at all. But, dammit, I wanted to be with my husband. Was that so bad?

"Oh, so you're saying we shouldn't be having sex at all until after the babies are born." Reece was playing it off like he was just finally understanding what was being said. "I hear you loud and clear." I watched as the evil grin spread across Reece's face. "I figured that all along but Trinity apparently didn't get that when we left the hospital. She insisted on a little bit of light physical activity this morning."

"Light physical activity?" Griffin looked intrigued. "Does such a thing truly exist?"

"It does. And I swear it was gently done. I don't know how it affected her heart rate, I was a little preoccupied, but I think the water helped to facilitate a calmer environment." Reece looked as if he were truly contemplating something at that moment.

"I truly do not need to hear the details Reece. That is not something I need to be privy to." Griffin glared at Reece firmly then turned to level the same glare at me. "I do, however, recommend that you refrain from doing anything else of the sort until after the babies are born. And might I suggest a little while after they are born. You will be hyper fertile after the delivery and you do not want them to be too close together now, do you?"

"Absolutely not." Reece and I both answered in a hurried and panicked rush.

"Good, I will take my leave now. Trinity, no more 'exercises' please." I blushed at that last warning of his before he walked out of the room.

I was thoroughly mortified, especially considering that Gabriel had been in the room for that entire conversation. He was, after all, my personal assistant. He was expected to wait with me while I did most things during the day.

I had a sudden thought as I remembered Gabriel and his competent ways. He could 'monitor' me while Reece took care of other things. That way I would be able to study in peace and I didn't need to worry about Reece rushing over if I moved my arm from one place to another or shifted a tiny bit to fart or whatever. Dammit, I didn't care what it was that I needed to do, I just didn't want to have Reece fussing over me with every little thing.

Not to mention, I think both Reece and I were feeling quite a bit of embarrassment after what had just happened with Griffin. I truly think it would be best if we just spent a few minutes apart from each other. Partially because, scolding from Griffin or not, Reece was my super sexy and hot as hell husband that I wanted more than anything else in the world right now.

Honestly, how damn horny did these pregnancy hormones have to make me? All I had to do was think about Reece and I wanted him. Seeing him just made it that much worse. I needed to get him out of the room for the time being so I could calm my raging hormones. I didn't need to be known as an uncontrollably sex fiend by the only doctor that I ever saw regularly. That would just be embarrassing.

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