
Chapter 365 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 8 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 365 - Trinity - Bed Arrest Part 8 (VOLUME 3)




After that Reece agreed that he didn't have to be such a hovering worrywart so he had decided to go back to work the next day. He was still a worrywart though so he was working from home. He wouldn't leave me for very long periods of time, and he would make sure to have every meal with me. How did I get to be so damn lucky. I had the best husband in the world.

Yeah, sometimes his special brand of love and care got to be a little over the top and annoying, but I still loved every minute of it. Like right now, I had been on bed rest for the last four weeks, and I had been really good about staying off my feet like I was supposed to. My feet didn't hurt or anything, but for some reason my legs did. So what was my amazing and wonderful husband doing about it? He was massaging my legs and feet while I just laid on the bed and groaned so obscenely that it probably sounded like we were filming a porno in our bedroom.

"Oh Goddess!" I groaned and cried out repeatedly. "NGH! Yes, right there. AH! AH! That's the spot. Mmm!"

"Trinity?!" Reece just laughed and rolled his eyes at my over the top reaction to his magic fingers.

"Oh Goddess, Reece, you have no idea how amazing that feels!"

"I think I can imagine it with the way you're behaving, but alas I fear I will never know." He laughed again.

"I swear, when you're pregnant I will massage your feet." That made Reece laugh so hard that he let go of my feet and collapsed onto the bed, his hands braced on either side of me.

"I hope like fucking hell that never happens. Do you understand me? That had better be fucking impossible, you little witch."

"I don't make the rules of the universe. I mean, I don't plan on getting you pregnant so I don't truly plan on ever rubbing your feet like that, but if it were to somehow happen, then you know, I would be a supportive wife and be there for you however I could." I barely made it through my little speech with how much I was laughing at him. I'm sure he just didn't want to wind up like Shawn and Dietrich, but I didn't think that was ever going to happen to him.

"Now you have me super scared." He was glaring at me playfully. "What are you going to do about that?"

"I can snuggle you until you fall asleep. Or sing you a song. I need to get into the habit of taking care of a babies anyway." He pouted at my joke.

"So, I'm a baby now, am I?" He loomed over me, massive as he was he still seemed like a playful kid or a teenager sometimes.

"It all depends on your mood. Today you're very playful, tomorrow you might be grumpy like an old man. Who can ever tell how old you'll be on any given day?" I just shrugged my shoulders as I tried to shimmy my body out from under him. I gave that up quickly and let my frustration be known. "Haahhh." My sigh was longer and louder than I had intended it to be.

"What's wrong Little Bunny?" Reece asked me as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I can't even scoot across the bed anymore. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to be pregnant, and I can't wait to be a mother, but it is getting to be so uncomfortable." As I was telling him this I tried and failed to move into a sitting position. Reece laughed at that and took me by the left hand while also grasping my right elbow. Using his double grip on me he pulled me up slowly until I was able to sit comfortably next to him on the edge of the bed.

"It won't be much longer." Reece was trying to sooth me as he rubbed my back softly. He was right of course, it was already halfway through November. There were only about thirty-one days left until my actual due date, and Griffin said I would probably not make it to my due date at all.

I was just contemplating all of that when I felt the babies shift and stretch in my overly stretched stomach. It was amazing that the two of them were even able to fit in there. I felt like if they got any bigger at all my stomach would start to tear away from my body.

I laughed just for a second at that thought, at how growing them in a detachable stomach would be so much easier. I couldn't keep laughing though, the moment that it started a terrible pain ripped through me, and I screamed out, grabbing my stomach as if my thoughts had actually come true.

Reece, who was still sitting beside me rubbing my back when the pain hit me, just seemed to panic. He hadn't been prepared to watch my whole body tense up or for me to curl forward as I screamed.

"Trinity? What's wrong? Are you alright? Is it the babies?" I couldn't see him for a moment as I just squeezed my eyes shut to try and block the pain from my mind.

Just then I heard two sets of frantic footsteps coming down the hall. I knew who it was that was coming, the time of day was all I needed to figure it out. And sure enough, just seconds later there was a frantic knock on the door from Vincent as he and Griffin both yelled out to us.

"Trinity? Reece? Is everything OK, can we come in?"

"Trinity? What's going on? Tell me what's happening?"

I heard Reece sigh in relief as he moved to open the door. He must have locked it when he came in for lunch. He didn't do that often so it surprised me. I had just managed to open my eyes as Reece yanked the door open.

Griffin didn't wait for permission or an invitation, the opened door was all he needed. He ran right to the side of the bed and knelt in front of me.

"What happened? Tell me everything that happened before this started." Griffin had obviously only been coming over for my blood pressure check, but that had been completely abandoned as he started to lay me back on the bed.

"Ah, ah." The change in position hurt a little, but I did my best.

"Reece was m..massaging my feet and legs." I was breathing through the pain and squeezing my eyes shut. "After that we were talking while sitting on the bed. The babies stretched, and then this pain just hit me out of nowhere." I could feel tears forming in the corners of my eyes as I spoke to him.

I forced my eyes open so I could look at the men that were in the room. Reece was hovering right behind Griffin and looked like he was about to pass out from his nerves and fear. Vincent was still by the door, he looked scared as well, but not quite as scared as Reece did. Griffin was doing his best to examine me.

Griffin was checking my pulse, my blood pressure (which he was there to do anyway), he was feeling the babies inside my belly. I couldn't keep up with everything that he was doing. I watched as his face relaxed a little even as my pain continued. Even Vincent didn't look as worried as I originally thought that he was. Why were they so calm? I wanted to ask them, but Vincent spoke first.

"Trinity, the pain you're feeling, does it go away when you move?"

"I don't know." I nearly snapped the words at him, but caught myself. "It had just started when you guys got here. I hadn't moved at all before Griffin had me lay down."

"I was about to ask the same thing that Vincent did." Griffin spoke softly. "Can you roll onto your left side for me."

With Griffin's encouragement and assistance, I moved onto my side. The pain was still pretty intense so it was hard for me to move at that moment, but we managed to get me there. Reece came over and helped to put a pillow under my head.

"It might be wise to put one between her knees as well." Griffin instructed. "It will alleviate some of the pressure on her hips."

For a few moments the three of them just stared at me while I was laying on my side. I was starting to feel a little nervous and uncomfortable with them watching me. It was weird having people just looking at me like that.

That was when it hit me. I was only feeling nervous. After a minute or so on my side, the pain in my abdomen had started to go away. It was almost like a miracle.

"It worked." I was so shocked I spoke without thinking. "The pain is almost completely gone."

"Oh thank the Goddess." Reece collapsed onto his knees next to me.

"That's good." Griffin was smiling now, and Vincent looked as if he were relieved.

"What was that?" Reece didn't stand up, he just grabbed my hand and looked up at Griffin.

"Braxton hicks contractions."

"Contractions?" Reece looked worried. "Like labor?"

"No, think of this like the body going through practice labor. It is likely that you will experience more of these episodes Trinity. Try to lay on your side or move around to different positions to alleviate the pain. Practice contractions will only affect the stomach and not the back. If they ever go all the way around or won't go away at all, or they get worse over time then you need to call me immediately. That will be a sign of true labor." I felt my heart speed up a little. It was a little scary but also exciting. It was becoming more and more real now, wasn't it?

"How much longer do you think we might have?" Reece asked the words that I was just about to ask myself. "Do you think the babies will be here soon?"

"I would say that it could be anytime now." Griffin looked as if he were contemplating what might be happening in my immediate future. "If you were to call me tomorrow and tell me that Trinity was in labor, I wouldn't be surprised; however it is probably going to be more like a week or two."

"I don't want to have them tomorrow." I could feel the nerves settling over me. "I will settle for a week or two from now." That made Vincent laugh, but he didn't say anything.

"Whenever they do come, I will make sure that Lana and I are ready for you." He was smiling at me.

"Thank you Griffin."

After that Griffin left. I had a lot I needed to process and think about now. Even Reece was having a hard time moving past what Griffin told us so he took the rest of the afternoon off and stayed with me. We didn't talk about it though, we just snuggled each other on the couch and watched a movie while thinking quietly to ourselves. I don't think either of us actually watched the movie. We just looked at it while seeing nothing but the thoughts inside our heads.

I can't believe I had just been complaining about how long this was taking and how uncomfortable I was. Yeah, I wanted to see the babies and all, but I was also nervous about labor and delivery. I mean, I knew women were built to have babies, we have been doing it since the dawn of time. That didn't make it any less scary though. Knowing that I was built for it didn't mean that I wasn't nervous and uncertain about how I was going to do it.

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