
Chapter 379 - Trinity - Heading Home As A Family (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 379 - Trinity - Heading Home As A Family (VOLUME 3)




After another night of having Reece help me feed our babies in two hour intervals, I was a little sleepy but I was still pretty confident that I could manage at home as a mother. Griffin had told us that we could go home just after breakfast, which he had delivered for us again.

I had heard one of the other patients in the room next to mine complaining about the fact that we were getting our food specially delivered, and they weren't. The nurse in the room at the time was trying to explain in a whispered voice that she understood how it seemed unfair; then the nurse went on to explain just who I was and who my husband was. That had been enough. That other patient had been star struck and was calling her family and telling everyone she knew about the fact that THE Reece Gray and his wife were in the room next to hers in the Labor and Delivery department.

Sometimes I would forget how famous and newsworthy we could be. It didn't make sense to me honestly. I mean, Reece is really only famous because of his money. His family started his company four generations ago, and he was still running it now, and like his predecessors he was continuing to improve upon the previous business models. If it hadn't been for his family's money, and the success of the company under Reece's control, then he wouldn't be in the spotlight.

I know he didn't like the spotlight at all though; he would rather be a regular person. That wasn't possible though, considering that he was an Alpha and a celebrity. I could guess now he would want to be in the limelight even less with our children here. He would want to protect them from all of that, and so would I.

After we finished eating, I got dressed in fresh clothes for the day. This time I was going home and not just sitting around the hospital room so I was going to be putting on some real clothes. It was December, and most people would be wearing warmer clothes right now. I didn't get cold anymore, not since I had gotten the ability to use ice magic. OK, that's not true; I do get cold, but it takes a lot to make me cold. Still, to keep up human appearances, we all dressed like humans.

So, to look like a freshly human mom, you know a human woman who had just given birth less than forty-eight hours ago, I wore warm clothes. Those warm clothes consisted of a pair of comfortable and soft knit pants that were a dark gray, paired with a loose fitting top so that nothing would press down on me too much. I wasn't in pain anymore, but I knew that a human woman would be. I also slid on a pair of loose boots, these ones meant for actually walking outside. And of course I topped it all off with a designer coat that Reece had ordered me from Italy; it was cream colored and super soft. Reece slid a soft chocolate color hat over my head and down over my ears before I was allowed to say that I was finished. I just giggled at him and rolled my eyes.

He had insisted on getting Reagan and Rika while I got dressed, and since he is their daddy, I had no problem with it at all. When I was done getting dressed, I saw that he had accomplished his task. The babies had been changed and were wearing their new outfits. They were simple since they were so little but they were adorable nonetheless.

He had started them with their onesies, a soft yellow for Rika and a pastel green for Reagan. They had a hat, plus little booties and gloves over that matched the onesies they were wearing. Rika had a cute little frilly, lilac-colored jacket-like top that went over her onesie and buttoned just at the top. To cover her legs was a pair of tiny little pants that matched the top. Reagan was wearing a jacket as well; his buttoned all the way, though Reece had left it partially undone, and there were no frills on his. It was plain but still adorable with its light gray color next to the soft green. The pants that Reagan wore were a solid black, and the finished look made my new little boy seem like a young gentleman already. I could tell he was going to be handsome when he grew up.

I was amazed that Reece had gotten them ready so well; I was so proud of him. However, that was when I noticed that the nurses were watching on with big grins, he had obviously had their help and not a one of them was going to say a word. That was fine, he was new to this and still learning just the same as I was. We would learn together.

We got them secured into their car seats after that. We needed to have them inspected by the nurses as well, to make sure that we knew how to put them in their seats properly before we left. Once we were cleared to leave,and we had my discharge papers, we were on our way.

I had to be taken down in a wheelchair apparently; according to Griffin it was hospital policy. I didn't mind though, it allowed me to hold both of the car seats on my lap while Reece pushed the chair. It was a little hard to balance them at first, but we managed to figure it out.

Lila was waiting out front for us, having taken our car home the night the babies were born. She had also brought along fresh clothes for Reece to change into when she visited me, since we had planned for me, but not him.

I watched as Lila nearly bounced off the ground in excitement as we got closer to her. Her grin was so bright that I thought it might rival the sun and be reported on the news as some sort of astronomical anomaly. She really was a happy and proud grandmother.

"Oh, come on, hurry up Reece, we need to get them in the car. Now!" She was impatient.

"They'll be fine, Mom." Reece chuckled softly as he whispered to her. "They're witch and wolf, they're not going to freeze to death after thirty seconds outside. Geez." I couldn't help it, I giggled at his words.

Reece and Lila each took a car seat off of my lap and went to open one of the doors in the large SUV. They placed the seats in the bases that had already been securely installed in the back seat. I climbed in after them and sat between my two little bundles of joy. I wanted to be able to see their sweet faces all the way home. After loading our bags in the back, Reece got in behind the wheel, and Lila got into the passenger seat. It was time for us to go home.

Reece usually liked to drive fast. He would weave in and out of traffic expertly and make maneuvers that would even scare an experienced stunt driver. He had his wolf senses to help him with this type of driving so it was usually fine. I never had a problem with it before. I had gone on those drives with him and enjoyed the speed and the danger of it all. I would never admit it to Reece, but I did like it when he let me drive the Ferrari. There was just something really exciting about it.

That wasn't how he was driving right now though. He was barely doing the speed limit, and he was being so cautious that several people were going around him. He would make sure that he had such a large and clear opening for his turn, waiting for the perfect timing, and several people were blaring their horns at him before he actually turned the SUV onto the needed road.

Reece was changing lanes slowly and cautiously. He was watching everything with intense scrutiny, and if there wasn't fifty feet or more between cars, he didn't merge. I thought it was funny. In all honesty, it was really adorable. Reece, my Reece used to be a little speed demon, though he was not so little anywhere at all, but now it was like he was afraid of speed.

I know what caused it. I know what made Reece go from "Fast and the Furious" to "Driving Miss Daisy" - Reagan and Rika of course. He was driving safe and slow to protect them. He was already such a good father. Though he was doubling our drive time back home. Oh well, that was just more time I got to stare at the tiny little faces on either side of me.

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