
Chapter 388 - Trinity - Anniversary (VOLUME3)

Chapter 388 - Trinity - Anniversary (VOLUME3)




I don\'t know how, but apparently time was passing so quickly that it was almost my anniversary with Reece now. I was talking about it at a playdate with all the other babies that had been born recently. Even Shawn and Dietrich were there even though their babies were just shy of a month old.

The two of them had come home about a week after valentine\'s day, which conveniently was the day that their babies, all four of them, were born. The both of them had gone into labor on the same day. Only those of us in the know knew about that though; the pack just thought that they had used a couple of surrogates in Germany, and that\'s why they were gone. They had two boys and two girls: Alexandria, Alyssa, Levi, and Luka. They were all so adorable. The girls were identical twins and so were the boys; however, they each carried one boy and one girl. I just love the way that magic works.

Also, you would never know that either of them were pregnant. The same went for all of us. Acacia had triplets and not a stretch mark or ounce of extra fat, all of us. The only ones who weren\'t here were Falena who had her baby two weeks ago, and Lana who was about ready to pop any time now. The only other baby that wasn\'t here yet was Jackson\'s, but his wife, a bear shifter named Melita, wasn\'t due until June.

A lot has happened over the last year. Counting Noah\'s baby, there were twenty-two babies either here or on the way, since Melita and Heather were both due around June. That will make them all born less than a year apart from each other. I had a feeling that the Goddess had a plan for us all, and that was why there were so many children on the way. It was funny, with the babies that were already here, and the ones still to come, there was an even split of how many boys and girls there were too. That was pretty funny if you asked me.

"So, Trinity, what are you doing for your anniversary?" Dietrich asked me as he held both of their sons in his arms at the same time.

"I don\'t even know. I hadn\'t thought about it at all." I could feel the dread settling in on me.

"You will figure something out. I\'m sure that Reece already has a plan for you, anyway." Juniper was being supportive for me as she gently rocked both of her babies in the bouncers in front of her.

"Yeah, you know Reece is going to have something figured out." Acacia added while she fed Ashle.

"Should I rely on that, though? I mean, what if he doesn\'t do anything?"

I was worrying about it a lot since it was the first anniversary. Plus, would I be able to really do anything? I mean, we have the babies that I have to be here for.

"Wait a minute, Lila gave us a card at Christmas that said something about a night away. It was for our anniversary."

"There you go."

"That\'s all set then."

"Lovely of her to think ahead."

"That\'s good news." Acacia, Juniper, Dietrich, and Shawn all answered successively.

At that, there was a knock at the door to the playroom we were using for the babies. I could already tell that it was Shane.

"Come in." I told him.

"Hello Trinity." He smiled at me. He had been in a good mood ever since his son was born. "Shawn, I see you\'re still taking time off of work. Are you ever going to get back to your responsibilities?"

Shawn looked down at the two little girls in his arms and the two boys in his mate\'s arms then looked at his brother.

"I thought I was taking care of my responsibilities. Besides, I may have my children here with me, but I am still able to defend the Luna. I would need to fend off an attacker to keep her or my children safe, anyway."

"Yeah, yeah." Shane laughed, he had been joking and we all knew it. "The kids are just as cute as ever. And it\'s funny, they look nothing like their surrogates whatsoever. All I see are you and Dietrich in them. That\'s wonderful." Shane grinned and laughed. "I\'m glad that our kids are so close in age. Kaiden will have lots of kids his own age to play with just from you and Dietrich."

"What did you need, Shane?" I asked him with a slightly stern look, I didn\'t want this to turn into a twin fight.

"Yes, sorry Trinity, Reece would like to talk to you soon. If you would like to head upstairs we can go see him now."

"Yeah, I can. I guess we\'ll call this playdate over for today. Maybe Falena will be here next time." I smiled at Shane, and he nodded.

"Definitely. She just wanted to wait until Kaiden was a little older.

I held both babies in my arms as I followed Shane from the room. They were not that easy to carry together since they wanted to move and do everything opposite of each other. They definitely were like those twins that were in sync with each other.

I followed Shane all the way to the office that I technically shared with Reece, even though I hadn\'t been in there in a long time. When we reached the door Shane just opened it and went right inside.

When I went into the room, I saw Reece sitting behind his desk doing some paperwork with a serious expression. The moment he looked up at me he smiled happily and stood up.

"Hey, honey." He came to me and kissed my cheek while taking Reagan from my arms. Reagan was bigger and therefore the heavier of the two.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I raised my brow at him.

"Yeah, come on, let\'s go upstairs to the nursery. I\'m going to guess that they need to eat soon." He was right, it was getting to be that time now.

Now I was following Reece up to the nursery where I was going to feed one baby while he used the bottle to feed the other. Once we were seated Reece got started on the conversation.

"Do you have plans for next week yet?" So this was about our anniversary.

"Not yet. I let it sneak up on me." I felt embarrassed. I was usually the one on top of this.

"Well, we have that trip that Mom gave us. I think we should go, like she said you can pump and leave them with enough milk. And if worse comes to worst they can use formula to supplement."

"But they\'ve never had formula." The idea seemed to be too much for me right now.

"I know, but I meant it as a last resort. I think they will have enough. You\'re pumping enough to keep a few days ahead right now. We can afford to have a night away."

"I..I know. I was just thinking about that earlier. I think we should go too." I smiled at him, and there was nothing but pure bliss in his eyes at my words. He was beyond happy to hear what I was saying. And I had to admit, it would be nice to be alone with Reece, just the two of us. But should I really be excited about this? I will be leaving the babies behind for the night; was that a good thing?

After the babies were fed and changed I pumped some more milk to start the extra storage supply for Lila to have on hand. I also made sure that I thought about all the good that would come out of a night away with Reece. Now that the babies were almost four months old they were able to do more things and could spend more time away from us. They were almost sitting up now, and they were enjoying their tummy time. And it wasn\'t like they were going to do something that I would miss. They weren\'t at the age for crawling, walking, or talking.

No, I had to stop debating this with myself. I needed to have this night away. I wasn\'t doing anything else for my anniversary because we were always too busy with having a family. I needed to show Reece some attention and not just the babies. I needed to put the same effort into this that I did for our honeymoon. I needed to be a good wife and a good mother.

With my resolve settled, I let myself start to get excited about the night out. I started planning what I would wear, and what we would do. The place that we were going said that it came with massages and other amenities that Lila paid extra for. I couldn\'t wait until we left now. I was starting to get excited.

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