
Chapter 400 - Reece - Mother’s Day (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 400 - Reece - Mother’s Day (VOLUME 3)




I don\'t really think that my Little Bunny was paying much attention to the date. She had been so focused on the stuff that had to do with her ancestors that I think she forgot what the date was.

I was getting up early and taking the babies down stairs so that I could make a special breakfast for my mate. I wanted to be part of it at least. I wanted to help Abigail with everything. I even had Peter helping out. He was keeping an eye on the babies while I prepared for everything.

I didn\'t want to ask Mom to help because the special breakfast was for her too. Today was mother\'s day. It was my wife\'s first Mother\'s Day ever, and it was my mom\'s first since becoming a grandmother. This was a special day for the two of them. I even had Reagan and Rika dressed in cute little outfits.

By the time that Trinity and Mom came down to breakfast, the food was ready, and Trinity was confused.

"Why didn\'t you wake me up?"

"What? I thought you deserved to sleep in, especially on your first ever Mother\'s Day." She gasped in surprise when she heard what I said.

"I..i..it\'s not Mother\'s Day. Is it?" She tilted her head in confusion.

"It is." Mom smiled at her. "Did you really not notice?"

"Oh my Goddess." My Little Bunny buried her face in her hands. "I completely spaced it all out. I didn\'t get anyone anything. Lila I am so sorry. And Mom too, I didn\'t get her anything. And Abigail, you\'re a mom and grandmother, and I didn\'t get you anything either. I missed Mother\'s Day for everyone last year because we were in France, and this year I was so stupid that I spaced it out. I am horrible."

"You\'re not horrible." Mom put her hands on Trinity\'s shoulders and spoke to her with a soft tone while she smiled. "Trinity honey, this is your first Mother\'s Day, you get the gifts not give them. Don\'t worry about it at all. I am sure that Eve will say the same thing."

"Mom\'s right. This is your day, baby. Don\'t fret over anything. I have a whole day planned for you and our moms. So don\'t worry about a thing." I leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Come on, I helped Abigail make breakfast today. I think it\'s best if we enjoy it while it\'s still warm."

We sat down and enjoyed the food then. I had helped with preparing bacon, sausage, pancakes, poached eggs, and lots of fruit to top it all off. They both enjoyed the food, and not to mention the freshly squeezed orange juice that we prepared for them.

Following breakfast, Eve and Wesley came over. They told Trinity the same thing Mom and I did; she didn\'t need to worry about the gifts at all. They brought stuff for her. There was a picture frame for putting a family photo in. There were chocolates, flowers, a teddy bear that said mom, a lot of things. I knew she would get all the cliched traditional stuff from them so I wanted to do something special.

We hadn\'t had a professionally-done family portrait since Christmas. We had gotten monthly pictures of the twins, but not family photos. I wanted to include more of the family than Trinity would usually expect. That\'s why shortly after Eve and Wesley, Samuel arrived and then so did the photographer.

We got pictures with just the four of us. Pictures of just Trinity and the babies and then just me and the babies. Of course just the babies themselves too. Next just Mom and the babies, Eve and Wesley with them, and of course Samuel with them. Then we got a collective Grandparent photo with all of them. And lastly we got a photo with all eight of us. I think it made the whole thing that much more special for my Little Bunny because I included our parents in the pictures.

After all the pictures were done, we took the babies into town with us and went out to eat. It was the first time that we had taken them to dinner with us. We hadn\'t really had the chance to go out all that often, but I thought it was a good idea to go now.

We went to a nicer restaurant, but I was confident that the babies would behave themselves. And when they tried to tell me that they didn\'t have a children\'s menu for them I told them that was fine; if they got hungry my wife would feed them. That also earned us a little bit of scorn, but then they happened to find out who we were and that put an end to the whole situation. We were seated immediately, and the manager came over to apologize for the inconsiderate host at the door.

The meal was wonderful, and Reagan and Rika had eaten just before we left so we didn\'t have to worry about feeding them while we were there. It was all just fine. I also think that Trinity enjoyed going out like this for the first time in a long time.

And true to what I thought, the babies really were calm the whole meal. All we had to do was give them each a toy, and they were content. Though I don\'t know if it was just my imagination or not, but I swear I saw Rika\'s toy float through the air for just a moment. I think I am going to need to talk to my Little Bunny about this soon. If Rika is already using magic, this could be disastrous in the future.

On another hand, my children really, truly were special. I just wonder what else they were going to do to surprise us. Whatever it is, I am sure it is going to be something really amazing, just like the two of them.

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