
Chapter 437 - Trinity - Water Show (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 437 - Trinity - Water Show (VOLUME 3)




On the last night of the water festivities there was a water show. This, like Aunt Glory's light show, was Athair mór's contribution. The two of them always put on a show, but apparently Sorrel's children and grandchildren performed his show for the end of the Nature days.

The two special shows prior had been amazing. Mazus and Lotus had been in charge of the Nature show this year, and they had made flowers sprout up everywhere with large blooms flying all over the place. The blooms would even pick people up and take them for a ride. It was a hit with all the children in attendance, including ours.

This time though, I was going to see what Athair mór had planned for the show. It was, once again, in the large amphitheater that we had been in for the other shows. Once the show was due to start, I watched Athair mór throw his hands into the air, and the entire inner part of the amphitheater became water. It was like looking at an ocean that had been teleported. It seemed to go on forever even though I knew it didn't.

Athair mór was now hovering on a stationary wave as he looked at everyone who was gathered.

"Welcome people of Fae." His voice was bright and cheery as he spoke. "I have a special show planned for all of you today. As you all know, there have been many new additions to my family, but with that came the knowledge of what happened to my son and the son he fathered."

There was a murmur that started to spread throughout the crowd that was gathered.

"The truth is, that my son whom I long thought was upset that I sent him to war, was never upset about it at all. I have learned that during that last war he was in, he met and found his mate. She was a wolf."

As Athair mór spoke, different figures started to appear in the water beside him. They were images of Rhinum and a beautiful woman. The story was forming on the water as if it were a stage.

"He asked that woman to marry him, and they completed their mating; this all happened just days before he was murdered by the enemy. However, I learned that he died to protect the woman he loved. A noble death if there ever was one. He died in the arms of his lover."

The story was moving along as Athair mór spoke, and I was captivated by the level of detail he was putting into the water characters. I know that he was using his imagination for the way that it all played out, but he did have the sequence of events from Ellyria's journals.

"Overtaken by grief and rage after her lover was lost to her, my son's mate, Ellyria, took revenge for him. Ellyria was the hero that we all know for ending the Fae land wars."

The water puppets were showing a fierce battle where Ellyria used her sword to take down the multiple foes while in a berserker-like state. That had actually been how I had imagined it as well.

"We thought that Ellyria skipped out on the banquet for her bravery because she didn't like the Fae; however, I have learned that it was because she was crushed under the weight of her heartache and loss."

The images now showed a sad woman walking away from the battlefields all alone.

"It wasn't long after the death of my son that she found out about the baby. She had him in secret since most places viewed her as a pariah for being with child and still unwed. After my grandson, Fynn, was born she fled to England where she raised him under multiple different names. She and the boy continued to live on for hundreds of years."

The water showed all of this with such detail that I couldn't? stop the tears that spread across my cheeks. He continued with the story through the end of Ellyria, and then when Fynn mated with his wife. He told them of how the ring continued to pass along the family until it made its way to me even though his grandson had died just the same way his son had, while fighting in a war.

"I want us all to remember the bravery of my son and grandson. And to remember that without them, I wouldn't have the family here with me that I do now."

There were cheers and applause all throughout the crowd and I saw Athair mór grin broadly. I could tell that whatever was happening, he wasn't done.

"Now, let me get on with my show."

With those words, Athair mór dove into the wave he was standing on and the water puppets were now gone. I could see him, just barely, as he moved through the water. When he leapt out of the water as if he had jumped off of something, he was chased by a giant dragon made of water.

A moment later he landed on the dragon's back and started to ride it around the theater. The next thing I saw was him leaping back into the water while the dragon continued to fly through the air. The next minute he was back out of the water on the back of another dragon.

When the first dragon reared back like it was going to roar or blast or something, I found out what the dragon could do. There was a beautiful arc of water that went from one side of the theater to the other and rained tiny droplets of water down on everyone. The two dragons started to send that arcs one after the other, soon a rainbow had formed in the reflection of the light from below.

"Trinity! Reece! Noah! Nikki! Carter! Emmalee! Wesley! Eve! Samuel! Lila! Come up here." Athair mór yelled as he got closer to us all. Excitedly we all stood up with the babies in our arms.

The dragon seemed to grow a lot of extra arms so that it could pick us up, the only ones that seemed scared were Grandfather and Noah, they both screamed for a moment before the dragon sat us on its back and flew through the air. This was the best, and the moment that we were on the dragon's back the water gripped our feet. We were as secure as we could be.

The fear set in for several of the others when we dove straight toward the water, but we broke the surface with a giant bubble of air surrounding us. When we came above the water, we were standing on the water like Athair mór had been.

"I show you all once again, my family."

This time the applause that followed Athair mór's words was a lot louder and filled with excitement. I couldn't believe what had just happened to us all.

"That was wonderful." Emmalee exclaimed loudly.

"Truly, I loved it, Athair mór." Nikki shouted.

"Very exciting." Carter grinned.

"A little scary." Noah was panting but he was also smiling.

"I think you did amazing." I grinned at him.

"I am glad that you all loved it.." Athair mór looked happier than I had ever seen him and that was saying something since he was happy most of the time.

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