
Chapter 445 - Trinity - Exploring The New Castle (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 445 - Trinity - Exploring The New Castle (VOLUME 3)




From the point we had stood to the front door of the castle was at least half a mile if not longer. What the hell were we thinking, making something so fucking grand. I was starting to feel nervous about what everyone was going to say about this place when they saw it. Still, it was time for the current staff as well as the actual residents of the castle to reacquaint ourselves with the place that we called home.

The main entrance of the castle went into a grand foyer. It was big enough to fit at least two hundred people comfortably, if not more. We explored the entire downstairs of the castle and showed the staff where to go. So far, everything had turned out just as we had wanted. And best of all, I didn't have to ship in new appliances. The ones from my imagination seemed to have been installed already. That was truly very convenient.

The maids were a little overwhelmed at first at the sheer size of the new residence but they didn't let it show all that much. I also reassured them that I would be hiring more staff to help around the castle.

"That is a relief, my lady." Roisin spoke with audible relief in her voice. "But if I may, my lady, I would prefer to be in charge of the royal residence tower."

Roisin had single-handedly managed the entire residence that we stayed in at the Fae compound. I knew that she was more than capable of handling a job of that magnitude. And this time, she wouldn't need to handle the cooking, that job would be left to Abigail.

"I think that would be just fine, Roisin. And Abigail, you will still be in charge of meals for our family personally. You will technically be the castle's head chef, which means you will be in charge of directing the kitchen staff and wait staff. Is that alright with you?" I smiled at the women as I spoke to them one after the other.

"That would be perfect, my Queen. I wouldn't have it any other way." Abigail smiled at me as she answered me.

"Julie, I am naming you head of housekeeping, and it will be up to you to guide and manage all the maids, current and future. Peter, you will be the personal butler for the royal residence; however, you will also be the head butler. I want you to manage all of the butlers in the castle so they do their jobs properly. I am counting on the three of you; you will be the central pillars for making sure that the castle runs smoothly."

"Yes, my Queen." The three of them, Peter, Julie, and Abigail, answered in unison.

After that was settled,we continued to explore the new lay of the land, so to speak. When we got to the royal tower, it was only Athair mór, Abigail, Peter, Roisin, Lila, Reece, the twins, and myself that entered.

"Now, one benefit is that the only people who can enter this tower are those with your permission. Each floor can also be designated with different levels of admittance so the privacy can be higher in other places." Athair mór explained as we entered the tower.

"So I will not have to worry about a certain someone interrupting us ever again?" I could see a grin on Reece's face as he thought about this. He had been interrupted on more than one occasion by Noah. I know he didn't appreciate that very much and would now like the fact that only those we allow would be permitted in our room.

In the royal tower, the first floor was a grouping of adjustable personal residences that the personal staff of the tower would live in, that was actually the fifth floor of that tower, considering the first three floors worth were taken up by just the height of the throne room and the fourth floor were the offices for me and Reece.

The sixth and seventh floors were the kitchen, dining, living room, and other 'common' areas of the tower. The eighth floor was all those adjustable personal residences for Lila and any other family that were to move to the castle with us. The ninth floor was going to be for the kids, current and future. And the top floor was all mine and Reece's. The nursery was directly connected to our room by a staircase that only went between the two. That had nothing to do with the main staircase that spiraled up the center of the tower. There was, of course, also an elevator that went up this tower as well.

The design scheme of the tower was much like that of the old house. The patterns and color schemes, even the furniture. That made things a lot easier to adjust to for us.

There was a lot of space to this tower; it alone was about as big as the old estate was. This whole castle life was going to take some getting used to. I wasn't worried about it though, I found the whole concept quite exciting, and I couldn't wait for it all to start coming together.

Reece and I went to the top floor by ourselves to check out the room for us. Lila and Athair mór watched Reagan and Rika while we went up alone. The moment that Reece and I went into the room, or onto that entire floor that was our massive bedroom, I heard him whistle.

"Holy shit, this is massive." He was laughing.

All of our stuff had been brought up here already, and there was a lot more furniture that there was to begin with; all of that furniture had been crafted with magic and imagination. Athair mór had told us that he had personally added some of the furnishings to our new room, one of which was the bed.

The new bed was literally massive. It had a giant intricately carved headboard that incorporated wolf motifs, magical elements, and Fae designs all in a beautiful layout; moons, paws, wolves, elements, vines, and more that was what was among the carvings.The footboard matched it but it wasn't as massive.

The bed itself was the largest thing that I had ever seen. It looked like it was at least twelve feet wide and no less than eight feet from headboard to footboard.

"I can't wait to try that one out." I heard Reece purr next to me. "Sounds like it will be fun, huh?" I just rolled my eyes at his words as I looked around our new space. There was a smaller version of the library in the room as well as different dressing stations for me and Reece, on opposite sides of the room of course. There were massive closets, way bigger than the ones we had before. And the bathroom, which was already huge, was now massive. The tub, if it is even possible, was bigger than the last one. There were also a lot of super awesome, relaxing looking jets on that tub so it was also like a super massive hot tub.

I couldn't believe this new room of ours, let alone this whole new castle.. It was surreal.

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