
Chapter 515 - Reece – Romantic Birthday Part 1 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 515 - Reece – Romantic Birthday Part 1 (VOLUME 3)




It had been a little over two weeks since we got home, and it was already approaching my Little Bunny's birthday. We had celebrated our late Christmas with everyone, but now I wanted to celebrate her birthday.

We hadn't been home to plan for a big party, or rather a ball, like last year, but that was fine. My Little Bunny didn't really want a big fussy party like that anyway. And we had been gone for so long that she didn't really want to go anywhere either.

No, we were staying in and I knew exactly what to do.

My Little Bunny's birthday was on a Monday this year, so I was going to be surprising her by having something special the Saturday before it. I had it all mapped out in my head, and there was nothing special that we needed to do except ask Mom or Eve to put the kids to bed, which of course they agreed to immediately.

I had asked Abigail to make a special dinner and have it delivered to our room. I lit candles and put them all over to set the mood in our room. There were rose petals on the bed, on the floor, and in the bath that I had drawn for us. That bath even had a magic Fae rock that I had gotten from Sterling back in the Fae city. He had told me that it would help to keep the water hot while it waited for us.

Now that the room and the ambiance were all set and perfectly ready for us, I went to find my adorable little wife in her office at the base of the tower.

"Reece?" She looked shocked when I pulled the documents out of her hands. "What are you doing?"

"It's the weekend, you need to take a break." I set aside the reports from Trinity Falls that she was pouring over "Come with me, Little Bunny."

"Reece, you know that I am busy. I have a lot of work to catch up on." She protested and tried to pull her hand away.

"Come on, Little Bunny, let's go and have dinner together." I smiled as I picked her up and held in my arms in a princess carry. She was my princess, even if she was a queen. Hell, she was even more than that. She was my everything. My mate, my wife, my princess, my queen, my goddess, whatever she needed to be, that was what she was.

"Alright, fine Reece. Dinner and that's it. Then I need to get back to work."

"Whatever you say." I smirked, knowing that I wouldn't be letting her get back to work at all.

I carried my Little Bunny to the elevator and pressed the button for our floor, bypassing everyone and everything else.

"Why are we going to our room? The dining room isn't up there." She laughed and shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. You will see when we get there."

"Reece, you're such a-." She didn't have a chance to tell me what I was, though, because the elevator doors opened up to our floor and she saw the soft flickering light from the candles and the petals all over the place. "Reece?" She was shocked once again. "What is this?"

"We're having dinner, what does it look like?" I chuckled as I carried her over to the table which had our dinner waiting for us.

"It looks like a romantic movie has thrown up in here." She was nervous and embarrassed, blushing as she tried to crack a joke about it.

"Movie scenario or not, I still wanted to plan this for you. Now sit down and enjoy your dinner with me."

"Alright." She finally gave me a soft, sweet, and loving smile as I sat in the chair across from her.

The meal that Abigail had made for us was one of my Little Bunny's favorites. It was one that we had from time to time, and she always loved to have. It was actually one that Abigail had learned after my Little Bunny started to live here. It was the honey garlic pork chops that Eve made for Little Bunny as she was growing up.

I had Abigail make this the way that my Little Bunny loved it, with her favorite sides as well. There were crispy pierogies and sweet carrots as well. It was good, and I was happy to see the smile on her face as she ate the meal.

We had talked about the kids and the future as we ate, and when I saw the tension leave her shoulders as she relaxed more and more made me sigh in relief. I knew that she had needed this night more than she would admit it to herself.

"Thank you, Reece. You're such a wonderful husband."

"I know." I think I was blushing with pride right now as she praised me.

"No, seriously, I don't know what I would do without you half of the time. Thank you, honestly. And I know you did this because of my birthday. You've never once forgotten it at all."

"How could I forget it, you're the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Stop it." She was blushing.

"Come on, there is more to this evening." I took her hand and started to feel the excitement bubbling up within me. I knew what was coming next even though she didn't.

I was going to show her so much love, so much sweet and tender passion that she didn't know what to do with herself when it was all done and over with. I was going to show her that no matter what happened, I was going to be here with her and loving her for the rest of time. She was my everything and I intended to give her all of me at every opportunity.. I would never let her think that she wasn't the number one in my heart ever again.

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