
Chapter 531 - Trinity – The History Of Valerian And Solanum Part 3 (VOLUME 3)

Chapter 531 - Trinity – The History Of Valerian And Solanum Part 3 (VOLUME 3)




"What do you mean that they never accepted that? Who never accepted what?" Trevor spoke up for the first time since the meeting started.

"Solanum's family." Aunt Glory turned to answer her mate's question. "After Solanum left, she took over her family and turned them all against her son."

"How did that all happen though. I mean, I am trying to follow along here, and I get that she somehow escaped when you were rounding up all the dark Fae, but how did she manage to take over her family?" Trevor wanted further explanations about the past that only Aunt Glory and Athair mòr could give us.

"Well, for starters, when I locked Solanum away in the dungeon for all of her crimes, I divorced her. I could hardly be a prince to my people while married to a criminal. However, the divorce had caused tensions to arise, and her family became angry. They didn't blame me though, they blamed her. At the time there were a lot of families that rebelled and wanted to stick to their murderous ways, but her family wasn't one of them. They just wanted to stay off my radar because of the issues that their kin had caused for the royal family." Athair mòr explained so that Trevor could understand it all a little bit more.

"So, basically, they abandoned her?" Trevor almost sounded like he was sympathetic for a moment.

"Precisely." Aunt Glory nodded her head as she spoke. "At the time, we were all very? busy trying to stop the battle from truly turning into an all out war. It was during those tense times that Solanum's family had sided with us instead of the others of their species. Even though they stayed out of the actual fight they still spoke in support of the peace that the royal family wanted. Though, there were those in her family that didn't approve of the way her father was running things. They believed that the things that Solanum was doing were right. There was basically a civil war that was taking place inside their family as well as one among the people of Fae."

"How did they end up being led by Solanum?" I asked, but I thought I could already guess what had happened.

"When Solanum escaped, she went straight to her family. That was to be expected, she had always loved her family. However, the first thing that she did was murder her father and take over the family. All those that didn't want to live under that type of life anymore fled the family home and joined the city. The others took up arms against the Queen." Athair mòr's voice was somber and sad as he explained what had happened to his former father in-law.

I had basically already suspected that the psycho bitch had killed her father to gain control of her family. If she was killing innocent people and hated becoming a mother that badly, then that was a? step she would likely take on her journey to the top.

"Alright, so she escaped and killed her father then, what, led the army of evil and dark Fae against the city?" Trevor was still a little unsure of the exact sequence of events. I was a little curious about them myself too.

"That didn't happen immediately. That was what had eventually happened down the line. She had to convince them all that her son was just as much of an enemy to them as I was. And remember, she went to prison when Rhinum was only a year old. She spent a hundred years in her cell before she was freed and took over her family. Even the ones who sided with her had a hard time thinking of Rhinum as an enemy. They had watched him grow up. They had known him only as their kin and son of the prince. That was likely the hardest part of the entire mission that she had to accomplish." Aunt Glory continued to explain.

"Did it delay things all that much?" Reece asked her.

"It did, yes. There had been a battle that broke out when she escaped but, after that, things moved slowly. I admit that back then we were a lot more relaxed on rules and regulations than we are now." Athair mòr sounded like he wasn't the happiest about that.

"I'd say that, even though you've likely come a long way, you're still a little too laxed at times." I didn't mince words or hold anything back on that one. They needed to know what I thought about that.

"You're probably right." Aunt Glory agreed. "But we will work on that later. For now, we need to focus on the current situation."

"Agreed." Athair mòr nodded.

"OK, so as far as I can gather, Valerian's ex was a crazy murderous psychopath that killed humans and was punished. That led to the arrest and capture of many more evil and dark Fae and several battles. She broke out of prison, killed her father because: what's one more murder, then turned the entire family against her son. And to top things off she basically admitted to doing a happy dance when her only son was killed. Is that about all of it?" Trevor asked for clarification.

"Yeah, pretty much." That was the most nonchalant answer that I had ever heard Athair mòr give to someone before.

"Well, isn't that just great?" Trevor grinned. "I feel so much better about all of this now." Trevor's sarcasm was probably due to him being angered by what had happened in the past.

"Knowing the history may not be a pleasant feeling, Trevor, but it is important. Now that we know what happened in the past, we can try to save the future." I gave him a firm look that basically told him to stop being a baby about this.. "Now that Athair mòr and Aunt Glory have filled us in on the whole situation, I think it is time for us to figure out what we're going to do about this declaration of war."

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