
Chapter 569 - Trinity – Stripping Of Powers

Chapter 569 - Trinity – Stripping Of Powers




"Queen Trinity, will you not give us another chance?" A voice from near the back of the room spoke up. "Many of us had no other choice but to fight. It was either death or fight. That is all that many of us have ever known." The man who spoke was hidden in the shadows so I could not see him properly. If I had to guess his age based on appearance, I would say he looked sixteen. That didn't mean anything though, since he was Fae. However, it was possible that he was born in the dark realm after the lands had been closed. What kind of life would that be for someone like him?

"This is not the end for any of you." I tried to assure him as best as I could. "I will be coming back to see how you have all changed after a term of your sentence is over."

"Why? What purpose would that serve?" Digitaria asked with scorn and anger filling his voice.

"Why not, Digitaria? Is it not smart to try and reform the people who have done wrong? I am punishing you, yes, but there may come a time when you can live among the others again." Why didn't he believe me? Why did he think that I was just going to leave them in there forever?

"You're going to abandon us all, just like they did!" He pointed at Aunt Glory and Athair mòr, answering my questions without me even needing to ask them.

I turned to look at the two people that he had indicated, the two people who had been in charge here for so long. I knew that they were the ones that had locked them away. I knew that they were the ones that had essentially abandoned them there to die. However, I knew that they had done it as a means to keep the peace among the rest of the Fae.

"What if I promise you, Digitaria, that I will not abandon you? What if I make a vow to come back and check on you all to see if you have truly repented for your crimes? Will that make things easier for you?"

"Like I can trust you?" He threw my sincere promise away and glared at me, he simply would not accept that I didn't intend to leave him and the others trapped out in the dark realm forever.

I wasn't going to get anywhere with this. It was hopeless and I knew it. Right now, all I could do was finish the task that I had come down here to complete. It was time to move on from this pointlessness.

I held my hands up before them and started to speak in a firm, loud voice.

"Powers that give and powers that take, I call thee to me."

"What is this? What are you doing?" I ignored the voices that started to scream around me.

"Take the magic, the power that was given to the ungrateful shall be taken away."

"NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" The word wasn't repeated that many times by the same person but it was said so many times in quick succession that it basically sounded like the same person was saying it repeatedly.

"NO! Queen Trinity, don't do this." They were sobbing and pleading with me not to take their magic.

"The magic shall be returned to the lands until the time that they are worthy of it once more."

There had been a light radiating from my hands as I spoke. The closer that the spell came to an end the brighter that it got. And when I said the final words, it seemed to shoot out of my hands and pierce through each and every dark Fae that was present.

The light didn't hurt any of them. The beams of golden magic just passed right through them like they weren't even there. However, I knew that the magic had been effective. With each person the magic passed through, I felt the power that was taken from them.

"No! My magic."

"My power is gone."

"What have you done to me?"

"I'll die without my magic."

"Please, give it back."

They were pleading with me, begging for me to somehow give them their magic back and let them continue as they were. However, the magic was already shooting up into the air near the ceiling before it spun around, turned toward the floor of the dungeon and dove straight into the ground.

The magic was not seen again after that. It disappeared into the ground and was gone. That was what I had said would happen. It would return to the lands until they were worthy of it again. The magic would help to run the ley lines for the time being.

"It's gone." This time it was Digitaria that spoke. "It really is gone. You took it from me." He looked up at me with pleading eyes. "Please, give it back to me. Please."

I walked closer to the cell that Digitaria was in. Close enough that I could look at him and see what it was that I wanted to, but far enough away so that he couldn't reach me, still, the others followed me to protect me.

"I will give it back, Digitaria. I promise that if you can reform yourself, prove that you have changed your ways, then I will give you back your magic. All those that have truly reformed will have their magic reformed. I don't wish for the world to be divided."

"D..d..do you promise?" I could see tears in his eyes, and I knew right then that my voice would be thick with emotions if I answered him, so all I could manage was a smile and a nod. "Then, I await your return. Please, don't forget about us, Queen Trinity."

"I won't, Digitaria.. I promise you that I won't."

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