
Chapter 587 - 4- Trinity – Visit Part 2 (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 587 - 4- Trinity – Visit Part 2 (VOLUME 4)




I have to figure out what is going on. I have to figure out what I am going to do about this. Am I actually losing my mind? That can\'t be right. But what was that voice that was whispering to me. Was someone trying to warn me about something?

That voice kept saying the word die. It was saying people were going to die. And it was saying that it was my fault. But why?

Was I messing up again? Was I making the wrong decision again? Was I going to do something horribly wrong and cause a lot of people to die? But, I wasn\'t planning any big decisions anytime soon. I was just taking a little bit of time off to spend with my family. Was that what was going to cause the problems? Is this what was going to lead to people dying?

Dammit! I can\'t be thinking about this. Tomorrow is Reece\'s birthday. I am supposed to be having a good time with him. I am supposed to have family time together with everyone. I need to get myself into a better mindset than this.

I was still laying in bed when Reece came into the room. I didn\'t think that I had fallen asleep, but I guess I must have since it was dark out now.

"Little Bunny?" Reece sounded like he didn\'t want to wake me up if I was sleeping in the darkened room. I hadn\'t turned on a light either.

"I\'m up." I said as I sat up in the bed.

"What happened? What\'s wrong?" He sat next to me on the bed and put his arm around me. "Gloriana and Daciana both said that you were acting as if you weren\'t feeling well. Is something wrong?" He was holding me against his side, trying to give me his support and figure out what was wrong with me at the same time.

"I just felt like I heard something, that is all." I didn\'t want to go into it with him right now. I didn\'t want him to think that I was crazy. It was bad enough that I thought that I was crazy. "I\'m sure I was just tired. I have been working so much and now with all the excitement of having Aunt Glory and all of the others come to visit with us. I think that I just got overwhelmed or something."

"Are you sure, babe? I don\'t want you to ignore something that might be wrong. Take it easy for a few days, please."

"I will, after tomorrow. I don\'t want to miss out on your birthday party."

"Alright, fine. But please don\'t overdo it at all." That was when he leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

The next day was Reece\'s birthday. The whole family, mine and his, and all of our friends came to spend the day with us. Reagan, Rika, and Talia had all made something special for Reece. Reagan, who had really gotten into sculpting since we added that class to the daycare, had made Reece a pretty large piece made with all natural items. He had walked all around the castle, in the woods and on the mountain. He found branches, rocks, leaves, and several other things. The resulting piece was in the shape of a beautiful wolf.

Rika, who was less into the actual art pieces, but loved music more than almost anything else, wrote her daddy a song. She has been playing music since she was three, when we started both of the twins with learning new things. Rika took to it like a fish to water. She progressed so quickly that she didn\'t even need her instructor\'s help to write the short song she was playing on the violin.

Talia, sweet, shy, soft spoken Talia, had painted her daddy a picture. She hadn\'t been painting long so I know she felt inferior to her brother and sister because of it, but it was still very pretty. She painted a very realistic looking image of Reece and herself as they sat together on the swing in the garden. I loved it, and so did Reece.

Others gave him gifts as well and we all had lunch together after that. There was a beautiful cake that Abigail made for us, the kids all helped Reece to blow out the candles. It was all perfect and delicious, and I should have been perfectly happy with everything.

The problem was that I kept hearing that voice again. That whisper that was so hard to hear, so soft that even my enhanced senses were having a hard time picking it up. The voice spoke to me almost all day long and I had to do my best to ignore its depressing words.

\'Everyone…your fault…dead…attack…your fault…they…ing to…die…stop it…go…run away…get out…die…your fault…\'

The effort of ignoring those words, of trying to keep a smile on my face while pretending that I didn\'t hear a voice telling me that the people I knew, the people I loved, the people that I was responsible for were going to die.

This was getting harder and harder with each passing hour. And by the time that the day was over, I had a massive headache. All I wanted to do was to soak in the tub and then go to bed.

I couldn\'t do that, though. I wanted to spend time with my family, with my children. I needed to do that so that the children didn\'t think that I didn\'t love them. I needed them to know that I love them more than anything else in the world.

That was why I stayed up. That was why I read to them, drank hot cocoa with them, and tucked them into bed. I would never make my children feel unwanted or unloved. I would never let them think that their mommy was too busy for them. Just the thought broke my heart.

Only after they were all put to bed and read to, did I finally go for my bath. That soak had been needed all day long. I stayed in there, letting the hot water relax my body, for over an hour. I was in there for so long that Reece came to check on me to make sure that I hadn\'t fallen asleep in the tub or something.

"The last thing that I need is for you to drown in that tub because it\'s so big. Maybe I should have it made smaller." He started to contemplate to himself.

"Do it and die, Fido." I glared at him. "Not to mention, I could just change it back whenever I wanted to. So don\'t even bother. Leave my tub alone." I pretended to snap at him angrily while I dried off.

"Alright, fine. I will leave the tub alone. But you have to promise to go on a date with me for my birthday this weekend." He was trying to coerce me.

"Your birthday is today." I reminded him.

"Yes, I know that. I am thirty-four now, ugh how time has flown." He shivered as if that was a major issue or not. He should stop with that right now. I mean, I was twenty-seven already. I was already feeling old even though I was immortal.

"Fine, Reece, I will go out with you this weekend." I smiled at him as I walked over and kissed his cheek. "But for now, I am going to bed."

"Naked?" He asked hopefully.


"Damn it."

I didn\'t feel up to what he wanted right now. I needed to rest.. That voice was driving me nuts.

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