
Chapter 608 - 25- Split (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 608 - 25- Split (VOLUME 4)

Griffin - Running Tests




I wanted to be as thorough as I could with this testing. I knew that, both Vincent and Reece, would tell me to make sure that I didn't miss anything at all. Reece may not be here, but Vincent was, and he could be just as bad when it came to worrying about Trinity.

I could understand it though. I mean, she was the Goddess Queen, the Luna Queen, and his friend. Vincent has been Trinity's head of security since the very beginning, and it is literally his job to worry about her. This was nothing new to me, or anyone else for that matter.

Not to mention that I was starting to get worried. I mean, drawing blood from Trinity and her not even flinching, that was not something that I was expecting. And Vincent, having told me he had tried waking Trinity up by pressing a needle against her foot and she didn't respond, that wasn't normal at all.

I had ended up taking three vials of blood to start with, there were a few different tests that I could run with each one and if I couldn't find something wrong before exhausting all that I had. I needed to approach this differently.

I started by running a full panel as well as a pregnancy test. I didn't really expect anything but a negative from the latter of those two since both Trinity and Reece got overly excited whenever they were expecting kids so there was no way that they hadn't told someone yet. Well, unless they just found out or something. Still, I needed to run the test just to be certain. I had to follow all the steps that I would with a human patient.

I started a new page in Trinity's chart while I waited for the results of the bloodwork to come back, and I started to think of somethings that might have happened to her. She didn't appear to be sick or anything like that, but I guess appearances can be deceiving.

Trinity has had the most unusual medical history out of any other shifter that I have ever treated. One thing can definitely be said about treating her, it was never boring. Though, I am not quite sure if that was a good thing or not.

When the beep told me that the blood tests were done, I switched over to the computer where the results would be displayed. I pulled them up and started to look at everything as I went down the list.

"Hmm, red cells are within normal range for a shifter, so are the white cells. Platelets are normal as well. Everything on the panel looks normal, so I guess I will need to run more thorough tests." I sighed as I scrolled down and looked at the results from the other test that I ran. "What in the hell?"

I most definitely did not suspect this when I ran that test. I needed to call Vincent right away and get some equipment over to the royal tower as soon as I could.

Vincent – What We Know So Far




"I'm on my way back to run some more tests on Trinity." Griffin was already in his truck and on his way here from his office. I could tell because I heard the sound of the wind on his end of the line.

"What did you find out?" I demanded of him the moment that he said those words. I didn't care that it was after midnight or that almost everyone else in the castle was sleeping. I raised my voice and basically growled as I told him to answer me.

"Let us talk in person, I think that will be a lot better. I don't know how many people you have let know about Trinity so far, but I will be bringing some equipment with me. I assume that you would prefer for me to hide what it truly is right now."

"Yeah, I do not want to alarm the staff." Griffin had been right about that. I hadn't told anyone else about Trinity yet, not even Reece. I wanted to see if Griffin could find out what was wrong with her first. If he could do that then I wouldn't feel so bad when it came time for me to call Reece.

Dammit! This was not going very well. Reece was going to kill me. I let this happen to Trinity on my watch. WHY!_ Why did all of this bad stuff happen to my Trinity? Why was it that I was not able to protect her from this stuff?

As I wallowed in that despair, I had one quick thought. At least I only needed to get Griffin's equipment past the night guards. There were no maids or butlers that were awake right now, so it was less likely that anyone would see Griffin bringing in his equipment.

I will admit, I was outside, pacing back and forth, when Griffin arrived. I wasn't going to wait for him upstairs. I needed to make sure that he hurried and got this shit upstairs as soon as possible.

"Park in the garage!" I ordered him as I pointed toward the door that I had open and waiting for him. Thankfully he did as I told him to without me needing to tell him more than once.

I ran into the garage after him, shut the door, and then ran down the slanted drive until I got to the bottom. Griffin had parked as close to the elevator as he could without taking much time at all. Good, that was the perfect place.

I grabbed the pushcart that I had brought with me and ran to the back of his truck. He pressed the button to open the back door and was at my side before it had finished raising. That was good, he was taking this as seriously as I was now. The bad thing about that though, was that he thought that there was a reason to take this seriously and that meant that something was wrong with Trinity.

We didn't speak, we just loaded the boxes that he had put all the equipment into on the cart and started for the royal tower. This was fine with me, I just wanted to know what was wrong and to know if Reece was going to kill me. I also wanted to know what was wrong with Trinity and how I could help her.

Dammit! This was breaking my heart and my soul. Why did this have to keep happening to her? Trinity was such a nice person.

In no time at all, we were exiting the elevator directly into Trinity's room. She was still laying there, motionless and unchanged, on her bed.

"Over here. Let's set it all up right next to her bed." Griffin was starting to steer the cart into position.

I helped him unload the boxes that we had stacked up on the cart but after that he was on his own. I didn't know how to work that shit so all I could do was get him a power strip and an extension cord so that he could plug it all up where he needed it.

I did recognize a lot of the stuff that he had brought with him. There was a cardiac monitor, an IV pole and pump, an ultrasound, and a couple other things that I didn't know the name or function of just yet.

I watched as he started to pull the blankets away from Trinity and cut away her shirt.

"HEY!" I yelled at him.

"What?" He jumped and took a step away from her.

"Why the hell did you cut her shirt open? We could have removed it normally."

"Well, I'm a doctor, that is normal for me to do." He acted like there was nothing wrong with what he had done.

"Well, you're not at the hospital, and those were the Goddess Queen's clothes you just destroyed. Next time, we will remove them without cutting them up." I just glared at him and went to remove the scraps of the shirt away from Trinity.

"Fine." He shrugged and just started to hook up the cardiac monitor to Trinity.

After that, he grabbed the ultrasound machine and pulled it closer to the bed.

"Why do you need an ultrasound? Do you think that she got injured somehow?"

"So, even you don't know?" He looked at me in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" I was even more confused now.

"Trinity is pregnant." He said it so matter-of-factly that I was too shocked to even deny it for a moment. It was only when he started to put the blue gel on her belly that I found my voice.

"No, that's impossible. She can't be. We would know. Reece would know. All of us that are with her every single day would know." He had to be wrong.

"Well, I don't know what to tell you, but the blood work tells a different tale. It tells me that she is indeed pregnant, and not just recently either."

Griffin stopped looking at me or even speaking to me. He just flipped the ultrasound screen toward him and pressed the wand to Trinity's belly. I did not expect him to find something. I did not expect to see anything on that screen. And I definitely did not expect to hear the heartbeats that were coming from the ultrasound.

Yes, I said heartbeats. It sounded like there was more than one. I couldn't help myself. Being that I had been through this situation with Heather four times now, once with twins, I was drawn to the monitor to see what was going on.

"Just as I suspected." I looked at him and then a little closer to Trinity. I hadn't noticed at all, but her belly was already starting to change. Actually, it had changed a lot. How had none of us noticed that she was pregnant? How did Reece not know it?

I think that lies in the fact that Trinity has been so tired that she only smelled like exhaustion, and she's been so tired that she's just been losing weight like crazy. Her clothes were getting looser on her so the belly was hidden. This is insane.

"Wh..what do you see?" I asked Griffin as I walked right up behind him. "H..h..how far along is she?"

"My initial guess right now is about seven to eight weeks since conception."

"Damn. That actually lines up with Reece's date night after his birthday." I shook my head. So, sh..she's about a third of the way done?" I knew from plenty of experience that the average shifter pregnancy was about twenty-six to twenty-seven weeks long. None of them were really set in stone, but that was the average length.

"I don't think she will get anywhere close to her due date, which I am going to tentatively put somewhere between January the fifth and January the twelfth."

"Why won't she make it to the due date?" Uh oh, did I need to start worrying already? What was going to happen to Trinity? What was going to happen to the baby?

"She's carrying multiples, so she will undoubtedly deliver early. I think it's about time you called Reece. I have some more work to do, but it's time that he comes home and finds out what is going on."

I knew this moment was coming. I knew that I had to call him. But I wasn't looking forward to it. I wanted to put it off for just another moment or two. I needed to ask Griffin just one more question. He had been a little too evasive a moment ago.

"Griffin? How many babies is Trinity carrying at the moment?"


Holy shit! Reece is going to blow a fucking gasket when he hears that.. He is going to rush home and will insist on being as overly protective as he was the last two times.

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