
Chapter 666 - 83- Reece- Contacting Trinity Part 3 (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 666 - 83- Reece- Contacting Trinity Part 3 (VOLUME 4)




"The next step, Alpha Trevor, would be for Chloe and I to combine our abilities so that we may try to locate Queen Trinity together."

"How far were you able to reach Charlie? Where was the last place that you felt her presence?" I don't know why, but I had to ask him that question. It was like a compulsion for me.

"The last place that I could feel Queen Trinity's presence was up in the mountains. That was where she met up with the three little children again. She first came into contact with them in the hall outside what appeared to be your throne room. After that, Queen Trinity moved all through the castle as if she were looking for something. She did indeed come back to this room where she came into contact with you, King Reece. Her presence, the spiritual one, is all over you. You are very lucky, King Reece. She loves you dearly."

"And I love her with all of my heart." I looked at my Little Bunny's face as she laid there, not moving at all. "I just can't stand to see her so lifeless. I need her."

"We will do all that we can, King Reece. I promise you that we will not rest until we have found where her soul is." Chloe seemed to be very determined and that gave me a little bit of peace.

"Also, King Reece, do you have any other clairvoyants in your castle? Anyone else that are conduits for spirits?" Charlie's words took me by surprise. I couldn't believe that he would ask me that. If I did, didn't he think that I would have been using them instead of calling these two in. Why would I have waited so long like that?

"No. No, I do not. Why do you ask? Did you sense someone? Has someone not told me about an ability that they have?" My heart was beating so fast right now, this was major news. And apparently, someone wanted to hide this news from me.

"I do not know how to explain it at all. I can sense another conduit, but I cannot see them when I reach out with my light. I do not think that their abilities are the same as mine and Chloe's, but I do believe that someone within your castle can either see or converse with souls."

Who? Who could it have been? And why didn't I know about it. And why the hell, aside from the Fae and the witches, did someone in my castle have magic. I mean it was one thing for my Little Bunny and the kids to have-…

The kids?!

Did one of my three children have an ability to converse with the spirits? Did one of them know something that the rest of us didn't? Did one of these-…


Tonight, at dinner, Talia said something about Trinity. She said that Mommy wasn't here. When Reagan and Rika started to look for Trinity after we heard her, Talia was the only one that wasn't fazed by it. She was the one that acted like she knew that Trinity wasn't actually back yet.

"C..could it be?" I was at a loss for words at the moment.

"What is it, Reece?" Trevor whispered to me, trying his best to hide his words from the twins that were looking at us.

"Talia. I think he is talking about Talia"

"Little Tally?" Trevor sounded as shocked as I was. "You think she is a conduit?"

"I don't know. I will need to talk to her later." I looked up then and saw the shock in Trevor's eyes.

"We will talk to her together. I think that you need someone by your side." He clapped me on the shoulder and did his best to calm me down.


I took a few deep breaths to settle myself. I tried to calm my racing heart and to push the thoughts about my little Talia out of my mind. I didn't want to focus on that if we were so close to figuring out the mystery of my Little Bunny.

"I am sorry about that." Once my voice was steady, I looked at the two bears that were standing across from me. "Please, continue with what you need to do. I am calmer now. Not perfect, but better at least."

"As you wish, King Reece." Charlie bowed his head to me.

"We will get to work again right away." Chloe did the same.

I watched on as the two of them walked over to where they set their clothes down and pulled out matching black markers. They just looked like normal sharpies and I didn't know what they needed them for.

After they had the markers, I saw that they started to draw a few things on their bodies. Well, Charlie was drawing it directly onto his hairless stomach and chest. Chloe on the other hand, was drawing the markings on her white bathing suit.

I saw marks that looked like eyes, some things that looked like opening and reaching. They were runes, and they each had different meanings. Unfortunately, I hadn't actually studied the magical runes with Trinity when we were in France. I knew of them, but I couldn't tell you what these ones were for.

Those sharpies that the twins were using, weren't actually sharpies. The stuff that came out of them was not ink. Instead of being black ink, they were writing in shining silver lines. I wanted to know what that stuff was, but I also didn't want to break their concentration and cause them to mess up.

'Do you know what those pens are made of?' I asked Trevor mentally.

'No fucking clue. But it looks cool as hell, doesn't it?' he laughed at me as we both watched the twins continuing. They were writing in unison, every stroke, every mark that they made, it happened at the same time on the other twin. It was like they were mystically linked or something like that.

By the time that they were done drawing those marks on their bodies, they seemed to be covered in dozens of runes. Some of them were repeated, some of them were mixed with another rune to create some sort of hybrid mark. And some of the marks were only there, either by themselves or mixed in with another. Those ones didn't appear more than just the one time.

"These marks are specialized spells. We use runes to cast our spells so that there is no way to mess them up. They only go into effect when we start the spell, and if something is written wrong, we just simply start again. These pens are filled with concentrated magical energy. The magic it expels can be taken back from the object it has been put into if there had been a mistake." I guess Charlie could tell that we were wondering what they were doing.

"These markings that we used are runes that will help to amplify our powers. With them, we should be able to locate the Luna Queen much easier. Now that we have a connection to her and her soul, we can search for her without issue.." Chloe added for our benefit.

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