
Chapter 694 - 111- Reece – Wrath (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 694 - 111- Reece – Wrath (VOLUME 4)




I will admit that we were all getting used to life without Trinity around. Reluctantly of course, but we did what we had to do. The kids came to me with their issues so that we could talk them out. They were still upset but they were dealing with it in stride.

I was becoming a better dad because of this entire situation. Trinity would most likely say that I was maturing or something. That was stupid, though, since I was in my mid thirties, I was already mature. I mean, I have been married for many years, I have three children at home and three on the way. Who in the world would say that I was not mature?

Still, I guess you could say that I was growing and changing a little. I would never again say that Trinity didn't have things hard. Despite our staff, there was a lot that she did for the kids. And with her not being around right now, I was the one doing those things for the kids. Trinity had been so busy with work, but she was still a good mom. She was still an excellent family coordinator. I don't even know how she ever had the time to do it all. I guess she was just that amazing.

All in all, the kids and I were doing OK. We weren't happy, and we missed Trinity, but we would survive until she woke up. I knew that we would make it. Just like I knew that my Little Bunny was strong enough to make it through all of her ordeals, whatever they may be.

Not everyone was handling things as well as us though. And I think I might have been neglecting that group of people a little bit over the last few weeks. They were getting endlessly worried about my Little Bunny, beyond the point that I had even realized.

To be fair, I did tell them about what had happened and about the babies. I told them about what the twins had said, and even what Talia had said. Still, it didn't seem to be helping them that much. That was why someone was currently stomping toward my door.

'King Reece, he wouldn't wait for me to come up there. He sped right past me and is on his way up there right now.' Tenison, the main butler for the castle, not to be confused with Peter who was the butler for the tower, sent me a quick mental message as the thundering steps approached my office. 'I am sorry, King Reece. I did try to stop him.'

'It's fine, Tenison. I expected this sooner or later. He's not been all that happy and I have not been expressive enough for him. Is she with him?' I sent a message back to the man as the stomping grew louder and louder.

'Yes, my King.'

'Alright, I will handle this. You just get back to work. All is fine.'

'Yes, my King.'

As soon as the words were sent telepathically, the door to my office burst open and the man that had been barreling through my walls came charging in.

"Reece, tell me what is going on with Trinity right now."

"Hush and leave him alone, dear. He's working right now. You know he is busy."

"I don't care if he is busy. I want answers. This is my family we are talking about. I want to know what happened to my Trinity."

"Hahh." I sighed in exasperation. They hadn't even been in my office for thirty seconds, and I already had a headache. "Hello Mom. Hello Samuel. Please, come in and have a seat."

My Little Bunny's grandfather and my mother were now here to visit me. The fact that the two of them were now married made for a strange dynamic for me and my Little Bunny. My mom married her grandfather. Normally, when your parent marries someone else, they become your stepparent, even when you're an adult. For us though, my stepfather is also my grandfather in law. And for my Little Bunny, her mother-in-law is her step grandmother. That is very hard to process sometimes.

When Samuel got in moods like this one, where he was hyperactively protective of his granddaughter, it just made things feel super weird to me. I don't know why, it just did. He was so intense lately. And it all started to happen after the aging process reversed itself for him and Mom. Now that both he and my mother only looked to be about thirty-five to forty at the most, Samuel acted like a big kid. It was actually exhausting.

"Hello, sweetheart." Mom came around my desk as I went to get up and hugged me around my waist. She kissed my cheek as I leaned down toward her.

"Is there something that I can do for the two of you?" I knew what was coming, I knew what this was going to be about, but that didn't stop me from hoping I was wrong and therefore pretending like I didn't.

"Yeah, you can help me." Samuel snapped at me. "You can tell me why you're just sitting here on your ass while my granddaughter is in a damn coma. What are you doing to help her? How are you going to save her? When are you going to bring her back?" Samuel was so angry that he was hyperventilating.

"Honey, please, calm down. Reece has told you everything already. There is nothing for us to do now but wait. I know that you are upset but there is nothing else to do." Mom sounded like she was trying to handle a ticking time bomb with caution. He better not be taking his anger out on her. I would kill the bastard. Little Bunny's grandfather or not. That is my mother, and no one will hurt her.

"But Lila, Trinity is still in a coma. It's been six weeks now. For crying out loud, how long do we have to wait?"

"I already told you, Samuel. Trinity is in the underworld. Her soul left her body through a magic door that disappeared with her. No one can follow her. No one can bring her back. No one can do it because no one knows how to get to the underworld. There is nothing for us to do. If I could go there after her, I would do it in a heartbeat. I would have followed her the moment that I got home if I could. But there is nothing that I can do right now."

The pain, the heartache, the fear, all of it was visible on Samuel's face right now. I knew that he was hurting. He didn't understand what was going on. He didn't understand how to navigate this situation. It was the same for me, Reagan, Rika, and Talia at first.

However, the kids and I had each other and a lot of people that were there for us. My Little Bunny's family wasn't exactly that lucky. They didn't have the same support that I had had. They had been left to deal with this on their own, and that was my fault.

I think that I should have brought them all here. Not just when I told them what happened, but for the entire duration of this incident. For all of this. I think that I need to take better care of them.

"How about this, Samuel, all of you come to stay at the castle for now. You and Mom. Eve and Wesley. Carter and Emmalee. Even Gloriana, Trevor, Valerian, and Daciana. We will get everyone that is related to Trinity to come stay here and we will work this out ourselves."

"How in the hell does having a fucking family reunion help anything? What is that going to solve? This isn't a game, Reece. You need to be a man, to be an Alpha."

My blood boiled at his words. OK, I might have lied a little bit earlier when I said that I was doing good. It was more or less just me pretending like I wasn't wanting to scream every five seconds. This though, this pissed me off.

"I will pretend like you didn't just say that for the time being, Samuel. I know that you are upset and feeling stressed out. However, never speak to me like that again."

"Like hell I won't. You're supposed to be Trinity's husband. You're supposed to love her. Yet all you do is continue on in life like nothing happened at all. What the hell do you expect from me besides contempt." Samuel was not done trying to push me, and I was doing my best to remain as calm as possible.

"How dare you!" I snapped at him. "I have not been able to stop worrying about Trinity since the moment that I got the call to come home. I have been beside myself with guilt, filled with rage, and cried myself to sleep. But you want to know something else, Samuel? I have also been here for the kids. I have held myself together for them. I have to keep my emotions in check. I have to keep them going. So, excuse the fucking shit out of me if I haven't been searching the world for an entrance into hell. I have, however, kept the people close to me that can reach out to Trinity and let me know how she is doing in the underworld. I am doing all that I can. I am doing everything that is in my power to make sure that she is safe and that all six of the kids are healthy. Or did you fucking forget that Trinity is pregnant right now as well? I need to be here for all of my children. And when my wife comes back to me, when she wakes up again, I will do everything in my power to keep this from happening to her again. I will stay by her side every minute of every day if I have to. But I will not let you fucking tell me that I am not doing all that I can or that I am not a man or an Alpha. I am still your Alpha, and I can make you submit to me. So, if you don't want to see exactly what that is like, then I suggest you watch your fucking tongue. Got it?"

"I would love to see you fucking-." Samuel started to argue again before he was interrupted by a very scary, and very angry sounding voice.. It was a voice that was strong enough to rattle the windows with its loud boom as it cut through the space around us.

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