
Chapter 703 - 120 Reece Talias Plan (VOLUME 4)

Well, everyone was staying at the castle now. All of Trinity's family friends that were considered family, Riley, Trevor, everyone that we could think about. All of them were helping me with the kids and we were helping them too. I was just glad that it wasn't crowded at all.

With so many people here, none of us ever felt alone. Not to mention that if the one person that bound us all together were to finally wake up, everyone that she would want to see were already here. We were going to make sure that when my Little Bunny finally woke up, she would see how much she was loved and needed by all of the people around her. Maybe the next time she was in a crisis like this she would tell us, or at least me. Maybe then she wouldn't wind up like this ever again.

I was, once again, in my office working when there was a knock on my door. I was surprised by the scents that were there though. I hadn't expected two of them to ever come and see me. And then there was the fact that none of them had an escort. It was just the three of them and no one else.

"Come in." I called out in confusion before Talia, Charlie and Chloe came into the room.

"Hi, Daddy." My little girl ran up to me and jumped into my arms as I pushed away from my desk.

"Hey, sweetheart. What is up? I didn't expect to see you here today." I stared at her for a moment and saw the smile that seemed to be permanently etched onto her face. Even the bear twins, Charlie and Chloe, were smiling. They had been smiling a lot lately though. Ever since my little Talia had given them human forms. In truth, they had three forms now: human, bear, and in between.

"Good afternoon, King Reece." Charlie spoke as he and his sister bowed their heads. In their human forms, their eyes were the same as they had been, and so were the hair colors, white and black, but other than that they looked like regular people.

"Good afternoon." I nodded at the two of them in turn. "What can I do for you today?"

"Well, King Reece, Princess Talia had an idea that we wanted to run by you." Chloe spoke next. She has been a lot more confident lately.

"What is your idea, Talia?" I asked her, sitting her on the edge of my desk and looking into her eyes.

"Well Daddy, I know that everyone is really sad that Mommy isn't awake yet. And I know that they are all really worried about her. I wanted to do something for them. Something that would help them to not be so sad anymore."

Ever since Talia had spoken to the twins and blessed them with their new forms, she spent a lot of time with them. She counted them to be among her, and I am quoting this using her terms, 'bestest beastest friends ever'. Yes, she said bestest which isn't a word and beastest which isn't a word. I am assuming that it was a joke with them since the twins had thought they were hideous beasts at one point in time. Now though, my little Talia has gotten them to open up and enjoy life. She was truly remarkable.

"What is your plan?" I gave her a calm smile as I asked her the question.

"Well, Daddy, I wanted to let people see Mommy, to see what she is doing and where she is. I think that might help them to not be so scared. But this needs to be something that would last and stay even without me and CharChar or ChloChlo doing anything after it is opened." I was used to the nicknames that she had given to her new friends.

"I am afraid I am not following you, sweetheart. What are you trying to tell me?"

"I want to make a magic TV so that people can see Mommy. I want people to watch where she is and what she is doing. Can we make one in your room?"

What was she saying? A magic TV? Was that even possible? Could I really see my Little Bunny? Could I watch what she was doing? Well, if it was possible, then I would definitely want it.

"Well, sweetheart, I don't know if that thing is possible, but I would love for you to try. Even if no one else looks at it, I would. I want to see Mommy more than anything."

"YAY!" She sounded so excited as I gave her permission. "Can we go now, Daddy? I want to make the Magic Mommy TV for you to see Mommy. And I want Reagan and Rika to see Mommy too. They miss her so much. I want to make sure that everyone is able to rest easily."

My little girl was so thoughtful and loving. She was thinking about me and her siblings, along with everyone else that wanted to see my Little Bunny. She was such a good girl.

"Yes, sweetheart, let's go right now." I lifted her from my desk and carried her in my arms as I led the twins up to my room.

On our way up the tower, we ran into a few other people. Some people who were so curious upon seeing us that they insisted on asking what we were doing.

"Reece? What are you doing?" Noah asked me first as he was just inside the door. It appeared that he was on his way out.

"I am going to work with CharChar and ChloChlo to make a magic TV to see Mommy." Talia answered for me.

"Really?" Noah's eyes went wide as saucers as he heard those words. "Then I am coming with you." He immediately turned around and started to lead the way.

"Hey, Reece's Pieces, where are you going?" Juniper asked.

"I am going to work with CharChar and ChloChlo to make a magic TV to see Mommy." Talia repeated the same words from before.

"Heck yeah, Tally girl, I want to see that." She, too, followed us along with her mate Paul.

The next person we came to was Trevor who was sitting in the hall waiting on Gloriana. Valerian was there too.

"Where are you all going together?" He narrowed his eyes and I once again let Talia answer. Of course, he, Valerian and Gloriana all came with us.

In the course of moving through the tower and up to my room, we came across Samuel, Mom, Wesley, Eve, and Carter. Thankfully there were no others that were joining us at the moment, because this was already a way bigger party than I thought we were going to have for the initial attempt.

I didn't have the heart to tell the people that came with us that this whole process might not work. It was just an idea that Talia had and none of us knew whether or not it was going to work.. However, like the others, I was going to have faith in it and hope that it allowed me to see my Little Bunny for the first time in forever.

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