
Chapter 716 - 133 Split Moving Through Damnation Part 5 (VOLUME 4)

That feeling that I thought would go away after having seen Solanum in her cell, the one that was telling me to move slowly through Damnation, it was gone. Whatever it was that wanted me to move slowly, it had been focused on my father. I wonder if I was just supposed to see how he had changed. To see what he was like now.

I don't know why I had to see Edmond. I have absolutely no idea why my father was so important at the current moment. It's not like I was going to save him while I was here. It's not like I was going to say that he deserved to be given another chance because he had repented. I mean, it definitely wasn't like I was going to advocate for him to be reborn because I thought his soul might be able to do better with parents that loved him. None of that was true at all. Nope, none of it.

Or at least I was telling myself that it wasn't true. The problem was, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. I knew that it was wrong to be thinking these thoughts, but I knew that he was a bad man that had done terrible things. But he was also changed. He was a soul that realized what he had done wrong. And if he were reborn, I am sure that he would be able to live a better life. He just needed to be given a chance.

As I thought about all of that, I started to move us along faster and faster. I had the wind platform, flying cloud, magic carpet, whatever it was that you wanted to call it, I had it zooming down the hall at a breakneck speed. I was in a hurry to get to Hekate. I needed to end all of this. I had lots of other work to do.

"Queen Trinity, what is wrong?" Rudy asked me, sliding forward on his knees as he clung to the platform as best as he could.

"Nothing. I just want to get to our destination." Subconsciously, I sped up. I didn't mean to do it. I truly just could not help it. I had started to move us so fast that Rudy stumbled and the boys behind me screamed out a little.

"Mommy! Mommy!"

"Ahh! Slow down, Mommy."

"Too fast! It's too fast Mommy."

"I do believe we should slow down." Alexio spoke firmly after the boys cried out. "The little ones are frightened."

Just then, I turned to look at the children, and consequently, Alexio and Rudy. I saw that the men were both nervous even though they tried to hide it. And all three of the boys were clinging to Alexio like he was their personal protection device or something.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to scare any of you." I hung my head. I had not intended to do anything that would upset them, and it really wasn't right of me to let my emotions affect them all like this.

"Something is bothering you." Alexio noted soothing my boys as best as he could.

"Was it that man? You told the children that he was your father, is that true? How would your father be in a cell in Damnation?" Rudy was like a curious little child right now. He was definitely not like a man I would have imagined when I thought of the word demon. He was innocent and curious, and often afraid. "Was there a mistake, Queen Trinity? Did someone put your father here incorrectly?"

"No, Rudy, it wasn't a mistake. He was a bad man. He did a lot of things wrong and he killed a lot of people. He is here because of that. And I was the one to kill him. I was the one that put an end to his tyranny. I did what I needed to do, that was all."

"Queen Trinity?" Rudy gasped in shock.

"I think that took a level of strength that not many people would be capable of." Alexio was a little wiser and a little more mature than Rudy was, it made me wonder how old each of them were.

"Thank you, Alexio." I gave him a forced smile and nodded at him to show him that I acknowledged what he had to say. I wasn't still upset about having killed my father. I don't think that I ever was. I did what I needed to do and that was all that mattered. Still, I wanted to stop people from suffering now, and he was the one suffering.

"That is what we are here for, is it not? We are here to help you. I have come to understand that already, why haven't you? I know that I was not so accepting at first, but I have had time to think. Something that I think we have all done since we started this journey in Damnation. This place makes you think a lot. It brings the thoughts to you whether you want them or not. There is no possible way for you to traverse the Hall of Damnation and not think about some of your darkest thoughts."


What sort of dark thoughts was that man, Alexio, talking about? What was it he was trying to say to my wife? He better not be having thoughts about her. I would find a way to kill him if he was.

Still. I should be thanking him. He was doing a lot of work while they flew through the hall. Mostly, he was protecting the boys, and that was what mattered the most. Trinity was busy with so many things that she wasn't able to focus on the children, so she had left that up to this man.

And I don't blame her for being so distracted. Seeing Solanum's nasty ass was bad enough, but did she really need to see her father? Really? And what was up with this changed man that Edmond seemed to be? Was that real? Could it be real?

I don't know anything about the underworld aside from what I have seen in these images, but I knew that the place was having a massive effect on my Little Bunny. She was seeing, hearing and experiencing things that she never would have if she wasn't there. These things that she was seeing were making her think and question more than she would have.

I mean, never in a million years would I have thought that my Little Bunny, or me for that reason, would think that Gannon Cornelius Edmond had reformed and deserved to have another chance at life. And I was thinking this without having seen what it was that she had. I was basing it off of what I had seen since this video started.

There was just so much going on. So much that was happening, and it was making us all think and question everything that we already knew. Or everything that we thought we knew. And I knew that when she got back from that world, she would need to talk all of this out with someone.

Based on the look in Juniper's eyes, she knew that too. Silently, just by nodding at each other, we agreed that we would both be there for her. She could talk to whichever of us she preferred. We would listen and not judge at all. That was the good thing about having a loving husband and a close friend available to her.. She never had to wonder if she could speak her mind to someone.

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