
Chapter 723 - 140 Reece What Trinity Must Face (VOLUME 4)

I watched as my Little Bunny approached the cell at the end of the hall. I watched as the massive door came into focus and Hekate was finally visible. And I must say, Thoth was a saint for finding that woman beautiful. She was not at all what I would consider pretty. Yet, for some reason, that man had fallen head over heels in love with her and that was what had led us to this issue.

Granted, without both Hekate and Thoth, there would be no witches and warlocks. And Trinity wouldn't be the person that she was today. I knew that. I understood it well enough. But that didn't mean that I had to accept it fully.

Actually, what should have happened, was that Thoth should have just killed this psycho goddess three thousand years ago when he found out how crazy and evil she was. He should have just put an end to her and made it so that no one ever had to worry about her again.

But no. He didn't do that. Not at all. Instead, he put her in a luxury prison cell in hell. A prison cell that wasn't even locked. And she had a screen that could monitor the outside world. She had probably used that screen to wreak havoc on her descendants. She had probably driven them insane. She had probably been the leading cause behind so many of the warlocks and witches that went bad over the last few millennia. I wouldn't put it past her. Honestly, she was probably to blame for Edmond, and that was saying something. Not that I was ready to forgive that man. I never would. I never wanted to see him again. No part of him except for my wife and kids that were descended from him. That was all that I was willing to put up with from him.

Still, I could understand that he might have been manipulated by this sick and sadistic goddess. I could see if now, she got to him and corrupted him. That would make sense to me. That would make sense to anyone that saw Hekate with their own two eyes.

"I never would have imagined." Noah was on his feet now, staring at the screen before us.

"That is one, uhm, unique looking goddess." Valerian tried to sound pleasant but it was obviously difficult for him.

"What in the fucking hell is the matter with her? Why does she look like that?" Trevor was being a little less sensitive about the issue.

"I don't know. But I can tell you right now, I do not like her. Not one bit." I shook my head as I watched the crazy goddess bitch approach my Little Bunny.

"I would call you stupid if you did like her." Noah snapped at me. "That bitch is after my sister though, and I just want to hurt her."

"You and me both, Noah." I was gripping the arm of the couch tightly, fighting had to keep myself from being pulled off of it with sheer rage alone.

While we watched, the fight started. Trinity seemed to have the upper hand and was clearly a lot stronger than the fallen goddess.

"YEAH TRINITY! SHOW HER WHO'S THE BOSS!" Noah laughed as he pumped his fist into the air.

"THAT'S OUR TRINITY! YOU SHOW THAT BITCH!" Trevor was cheering her on as well.


"YES! GO TRINITY! THAT'S MY GIRL! HA HA!" Valerian wasn't going to be left out. He cheered on my Little Bunny as she flung the dark goddess across the hall.

"SHE'S TOTALLY WINNING ALREADY! THIS IS AWESOME!" Trevor was laughing like a lunatic as we all watched on in excitement.

"Yeah, my Little Bunny is awesome. I never had any doubt."

After that though, Hekate started to laugh even crazier than Trevor had been laughing.

"HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" She laughed over and over again as my Little Bunny told her to stop it.

"What the hell is the matter with you?" My Little Bunny backed away a little as if she were unsettled by the goddess.

"HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" Hekate laughed again and again.

"Stop it, Hekate! Stop with that damn laughing." Trinity wasn't the only one that wanted Hekate to stop. All of us were covering our ears and blocking out the sounds that were coming from the screen.

"HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!" That laughter came again, and again, until Hekate finally started to speak.

This crazy ass woman told Trinity that she was not affected by the ice of the sword. She quite enjoyed it in fact. And not only that, but soon after making that declaration she started to glow and grow. Her entire body was changing in a way that I don't think anyone expected at all.

Hekate ended up being more than twice as tall as she had started at. She was now about fifteen feet. Oh, and she was covered in black scales. The scales were because she had just become a giant three headed dragon.



"I have only ever heard rumors about dragons. I didn't think that they were real at all. This is unbelievable. Unbelievable and so not the right time for this. What is Trinity going to do?" Valerian was looking between the dragon on the screen and me. He was definitely at a loss for what to do.

"I don't know. But I am not going to let this slide. I need to help her. I need to stop that dragon. I need to protect my mate." I could feel the rage boiling within me. It was time for me to do something.

"We all need to do something." Noah agreed, nodding.

"I concur." Valerian rose to his feet.

"Hell yeah." Trevor was in with me too.

I didn't think twice about it then. I just took off running toward the screen, intent on moving to the other side. I needed to help my Little Bunny, my mate, my wife. I needed to help her fight this dragon. I just ran headlong into the screen, trying to get to her.

And I bounced right off, landing on my ass.

"OUCH!" I rubbed my head where it had hit the screen first. "That fucking hurt."

"Better you than us, man." Trevor laughed. "That was funny."

"And it could have been you too, dumbass. You were running with me." They all had been running, but I had been in the lead, so I was the one that had been hit by the barrier. "I can't stand this. I need to help her. I need to help my Little Bunny."

"Well, it looks like we're stuck on this side. We're not going to be able to make it across there. Just relax Reece, I am sure that Trinity can handle it." Valerian tried to sound wise and full of his know it all attitude, but I could see that he was just as pissed off about not being able to get to the other side as I was. We all wanted to help my Little Bunny. We all wanted to fight that dragon with her. We all wanted to prove that we were able to protect her. And yet, here we were stuck on this side and out of the fight once again.

"DAMMIT!" I roared that one word into the room as loud as I could. "DAMMIT, LITTLE BUNNY! HURRY THIS UP AND COME HOME ALREADY!"

"I imagine that she will be home when she can be, Reece. There is no use shouting at nothing over it." Valerian put his hand on my shoulder as he said those words. "Come on, calm down and let us watch the rest of the fight."

"I don't want to. I want to protect my wife. I want to prove that I am an Alpha, that I am her mate. I want to protect her. Dammit! Why can't I protect her at all?"

"Don't worry Reece, we would all be in that same boat. This is the role that you were meant to play in all of this. Let's watch the fight now, Trinity isn't going to wait for us." Valerian was right.. I needed to at least watch it, that way I knew what she had been capable of this whole time.

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