
Chapter 746 - Trinity – Home (VOLUME 4)

Chapter 746 - Trinity – Home (VOLUME 4)




I had been walking through that tunnel, the one connecting the two screens together. I was almost close enough to reach out and touch my mate, my Fido, my Reece. And then, the next thing I knew, everything went dark.

Things may have gone dark, but I could tell that I was still awake. I also couldn't move at all. I couldn't move my arms. I couldn't move my legs. I could barely turn my head at all. In truth, the only thing that I seemed capable of truly moving was my eyes and my mouth.

I could hear the things around me though. I could feel the bed that I was in. I could even smell things. There was a clean smell, like I was in a hospital. I could also smell people. There were a lot of scents, like several people were recently in this room but they weren't here right now.

There was also the smell of the people that were in the room still. I could smell Noah's earthy scent, Trevor's spiced honey, Valerian's scent of the ocean. And of course, I could smell Reece, I would never not notice that scent. It was burned into my memories. That scent that was filled with chocolate, coffee, cinnamon and the forest after the rain. It was sweet, spicy, and robust, and mixed with all of my favorite smells from the forest. That scent that I first thought was dangerous but couldn't get out of my head. I loved it so much, just like I loved Reece more than anything.

On top of the people that had been in this room, I could smell two other people that seemed new to me. There were two male scents that seemed to smell something like campfires. There was more to them than just that. One of them smelled like campfires with chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers. And the other one smelled like a campfire with scents, like hickory and pine. It was a scent that was strong and noticeable.

At first, I couldn't figure out who those people were but then, it hit me. That had to be Rudy and Alexio. They were the only people that I never noticed their scent before and that would be the new additions to the room.

And there was one last scent that was new. It was so different from anything else. I could tell the scent was coming from something that was alive, but it didn't seem like that to my nose. It was like my nose and my brain were conflicted about this thing. There was the unmistakable living smell to it, but other than that it smelled like cotton candy. What kind of living being smells like cotton candy, unless it wore perfume or something? And this was not an artificial smell. It was real.

The cause of that cotton candy smell hit me after a little bit as well. It was that strange dragon pixie thing. Angel. It was covered in fluffy pink fur. And well, I guess that fur smelled like cotton candy.

On top of the smells, I could hear so much around me as well. I could hear the beeping of machines. They were faint, as if they had been turned almost all the way down, but the sound was there, nonetheless. There was also the steady drip drip drip of an IV. And the breathing from everyone else that was in the room. Those were the only sounds until Reece broke the silence.

"Where is my Trinity? Where did she go? And the boys? Where are they? Where did they all go?" Reece was sounding frantic and scared as he wondered where me and the boys went.

"Calm down, King Reece. Queen Trinity returned with us. You know that." Rudy tried to calm him down, but it didn't work.

"Then, where is she? Where is my wife? What happened to her?" He was still sounding like a big baby.

"She came back. Just like she was supposed to do." Alexio also tried to calm him down.

"If she came back, then where is she? What did you do with her? Where is my Little Bunny?" OK, I needed to put an end to this. I cleared my throat quickly and then called out to him.

"Oh, shut up, Fido. Your barking is getting a little annoying." He would not only recognize the sound of my voice, but also the insult that I was sending his way.

Finally, after that, I was able to get Reece to settle down a little bit. He came over to the bed that I was laying in, which didn't seem to be the bed that Reece and I usually shared. When he was at my side, Reece threw his arms around me. I could instantly feel the warmth of his body spreading through me. I hadn't hugged him in I don't even know how long. This felt like the most intimate and special thing in the world to me right now.

And by the way, I didn't miss the way that Reece was holding his body over mine. It was like he was trying to avoid touching me too much. I didn't know the reason why yet, but I would figure it out later. All I wanted to do now was to have him hold me in his arms.

Well, him holding me would do for the time being. Soon though, I would need to have my children brought to me. I needed to see them. I needed to see that they were OK. And I needed them to see that I was OK. I missed them all so much. And they needed to meet their bro.. Oh, that's right, the boys were inside my belly. They weren't here right now.

Reece pulled away from me then and stared at my face. I could see tears of happiness in his eyes. He was happy to see me. He was glad that I was here with him again. He seemed so relieved and filled with joy that I could barely contain my emotions as well.

"I know you had to do what you did. I know that it was important and necessary. We all knew that, Trinity. And yet, we all missed you so much. They kids were having such a hard time." He was being honest with me. I knew that, but it was still hard to hear. He had just hit on the subject that I had been thinking about already.

"Speaking of kids, as you saw, we're having more." I laughed at him. "I didn't even know that I was pregnant. And the fact that we hadn't slept together since, well, just after your birthday, I would guess that I am like a third of the way through my pregnancy."

"Try more than halfway. And that's considering halfway for a normal pregnancy. Griffin is trying to figure out how long he can keep the babies inside so that you don't have them too early." Reece just blew my mind right there. What the heck was he saying to me? What did he mean that I was more than halfway through the pregnancy? Did that much time really pass? Was I really there for two months?

"Yeah, Trin, it's almost the end of October already. You're actually almost four months along, that would be two thirds of the way."

"WHAT!?" I screamed at the words that Noah had just told me. "What about Glory and Daci? They're still pregnant right? I didn't miss out on more of my family coming into this world, did I?" I was floored. How was any of this even possible? Almost three months in the underworld? That was crazy. It's insane.

"They're still pregnant. You didn't miss anything, Trinity." Athair mòr reassured me. "And I am so happy that you are home. We missed you, Trinity. All of us did. I am so glad to have you home."

"Thank you, Athair mòr. But, why are you here? Did something happen?"

"No, sweetheart. Reece called all of your family and friends here. Everyone that cares about you and was missing you. That way they would be here to welcome you home." I didn't think that Reece would bring them all here. It made my heart sing to know how much he was thinking about me and the family at this time.

"Yeah, and we're going to have to let them know that she woke up soon. I am glad she did too. The time stopped moving so fast now. It's back to normal." Noah was looking at his phone as he said this to no one in particular.

"Yeah, but we were still in that rapid time thing for like a week. It's even closer to the end of the month than I thought."

"Holy shit, we were in there for that long?" Reece gasped at Trevor's words.

"Yeah, but it only felt like about three hours to us. By my math, that would be like one minute was equal to one second. Time was literally moving at sixty times the speed."

"Holy shit, Trevor. You can do math?" Reece blurted out rather rudely. However, me and everyone else in the room had started to laugh at those words.

"Shut the fuck up FiFi. I'm smarter than you are, asshole. You're a dick, you know that? A fucking dick."

"I'm sorry. I just said it without thinking." I felt like some of the tension was leaving my body.. I still couldn't move, but I was feeling at least a little bit of relief now.

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