
Chapter 787


“Really?” I couldn’t stop the word from escaping past my lips and made the others, all except for Griffin, turn to look at me.

“Yes, Reece, really. Here is the first little triplet. He looks good so far.” With that, Griffin gave a big tug and I heard something soft and squishy slide through the liquid. It was a little odd really, since I knew that it was the sound of my baby moving through my Little Bunny’s belly full of amniotic fluid, blood, and various other wet and gloopy things. “Baby A is here at twelve twenty-three in the morning on January the first two thousand and thirty. Congratulations.

The first thing that Griffin did when the baby was out, umbilical cord still attached and everything, was hold him up above the screen for me and my Little Bunny to see him. He was squirming and little and I heard him make a strangled sounding cry.

“Is he alright?” I asked as Griffin lowered the boy back down and started to work on him or something. Dammit, I couldn’t see. But I still didn’t want to look on the other side of the screen. That was not something that I should be seeing right now. This was a time of joy and birth, not blood and gore.


“He is fine, Reece. He was just born and has to have his lungs cleared of fluids.” Griffin was busy as he spoke and after I heard the sound of something being cut, I knew that he had just cut the baby’s cord. He was officially not part of my Little Bunny anymore. He was not connected to her with that lifeline. “Here you are, Jan.” Griffin had just handed my baby boy off to a nurse that was waiting next to him with a soft looking blanket draped over her arms.

I knew what this woman was going to be doing. It was her job to clean up the baby boy and clear out his lungs. She was also going to weigh him, see how long he was, and then wrap him up so that he was ready for us to hold later. All of that was going to be happening in another room though, since this was an operating room and not a normal delivery room. They were going to be taking him down to the nursery to do all of the work that they needed to. They would make sure that he was safe and healthy, I knew that, but I still didn’t want him to leave.

“Baby!” I called out to him. “Zachary!” I let the nurse know which one he was. She turned to me then and smiled as she started to push the heated baby bassinet through the door. She would make sure that she made a note of his name.

“Alright, who is going to be ready for the next little boy.” Griffin called out to the whole room. He was truly enjoying this right now. I wonder if this was a happier sort of experience for him since he was delivering the babies for his friends. I didn’t know if that was the case, but I was happy to see that he was doing just fine with all that was happening.

“Well, I guess that I am going to be the next one up.” Another woman walked close to Griffin with a blanket draped over her arms. She was ready to take the baby when he was pulled free of Trinity’s body.

“That’s good. Be ready. I am about to pull the next one out.” I tried to imagine the way that it all must look. Granted, I was trying to make it all look pretty with no blood and gore all over my wife as it was happening.

Once again, I heard the sound of that baby moving through my wife’s body. It was an eerie sound, but I didn’t hate it. I knew what it meant. It meant new life and joy for us. This was the sound of the baby being pulled out of the womb, and it was necessary.

I wouldn’t say it was a beautiful sound. Not at all. It was disconcerting and kind of disgusting. However, I couldn’t bring myself to hate the sound. It was full of life.

“Alright Reece and Trinity, here is your second little triplet boy.” With that, Griffin pulled the baby free of the womb and I heard him instantly start to fuss, even before Griffin held him up and showed him to us. “Another perfect little boy that has been brought into this world by the two of you. Baby B was brought into this world at twelve twenty-six in the morning on the first day of January two thousand and thirty.” Griffin made it like it was an announcement. I believe it was so that someone that was in the room could record the time for the birth records. I didn’t care, I was just overjoyed with what was happening.

After showing us the baby and then laying him down on Trinity’s belly, he started to clamp and cut the cord before handing him off to the nurse.

“Thank you, Reba.” The woman wrapped my little baby boy protectively in the blanket and then turned to look at me with a confident smile.

“King Reece, Sir, what is the name of Baby B? I would like to mark his chart for you.” The nurse, Reba, smiled at me before she walked away. She had noticed that I told the other nurse his name.

I looked at the baby in her arms for just a second before I answered her. I was marveling at his beauty and heard my Little Bunny speak before I could.

“Zander. His name is Zander Ian Gray. And Zachary Aaron Gray was the first baby.” She was smiling at the baby with tears of joy coming from her eyes. I hadn’t even noticed that she was crying. I was being so neglectful. We both had been focusing on the babies so much that I had neglected to pay attention to my wife. I was a horrible husband.

“Thank you, Queen Trinity.” The nurse bowed a little and hurried away just as I leaned down to kiss my wife’s cheek. It was salty from the tears, but I didn’t care at all.

“You’re doing great, Trinity. So great. And the boys are so beautiful. Thank you. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world.” I felt the tears stinging the back of my eyes as I said those words to my wife. “I couldn’t ask for a better life, Trinity. You’re the one that did this for me. You’re the reason that I have everything that I want in the world.”

“Reece” She cried a little harder as she turned to face me. I knew they were happy tears though, so I wasn’t worried or upset about them at all. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Little Bunny. I love you so much.” I was kissing her again. I kissed her lips and her nose. I kissed her cheeks and her forehead. I kissed her over and over again to show her how much I loved her, no matter the situation. She would know that I wasn’t afraid to let the entire world know that she was the best woman in the entire world.

“You two are so sweet.” I heard one of the surrounding nurses call out to us. “I am happy that my king and queen are so in love with each other. It gives hope to normal people like us.” She was grinning at us, but I could sense a little bit of melancholy in her.

“You will find love soon too, May.” Trinity assured her with a calm voice. I knew she was right too. People that didn’t have a mate usually found one when they were around my wife. It was a gift of hers. She just naturally brought people together.

“Alright everyone, it is almost time for the last baby.” Griffin called out, bringing the entire focus of the room back to him. “Is everyone ready for the third and final baby?” I could feel the excitement and tension growing in the room. It was like everyone wanted to say that yes, they were ready. They wanted to show that this was something truly special and amazing for us all. They probably even wanted to jump for joy and to shout out just how happy they were at the moment. However, none of them said anything at all. None of them wanted to break the tension that was mounting between us all.

“I am ready, Dr. White.” The man that had been standing with the other two nurses walked up. He was a brave man to have spoken up during that tense time. He too, had a blanket draped over his arms and was ready to receive the baby.

This was it. In just a moment or two, my third and final baby of the night was going to be born. I was going to have triplet boys. Three identical little babies that I got to take home and spoil the crap out of. I was so excited and happy, not to mention nervous and scared as well. This was going to be hard on me and my Little Bunny. We were about to be busier than we had ever been before. Three times the babies meant three times the work. However, it also meant three times the love and three times the snuggles. It was going to be worth it. I just knew it.


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