
Chapter 819


I can’t believe my sister. She was standing there flirting with that German asshole. Was she really going to just jump at the first college guy that talked to her? Was she really going to be that shallow right here and now? I just couldn’t believe her. I mean, I wasn’t flirting with those girls. They were pretty. They were different. They had some nice accents. But I wasn’t fawning all over them. I wasn’t rushing to them and getting to know them.

And Rika wasn’t the only one either. I mean, I was looking at Alyssa and she was just staring at one of the German dudes too. What was their fascination with them? What were they seeing in them?

“Calm down, Reagan.” Luka came over to me and clapped me on the shoulder.

“Stop reading my mind.” I sighed at him. “That’s not fair.” Luka looked like his dad, Shawn. Well, one of his dads. Since he, Levi, Alyssa, and Alexa were all biologically born from their two dads. I didn’t know how it was possible, I just knew that it was what had happened to them. For Luka and his brother Levi, this meant that they had silver colored hair and eyes. They were tall, but not as tall as me. And they were strong but leaner than most people. The girls looked like their other dad, or Papa as they called him. They had black hair and very light blue eyes. These eyes almost looked white, that was how light they were.


They also had four more siblings too. All of them were adopted. Luther was just a few months younger than they were and would be graduating next year with their sister Fauna and my sister Talia. Then there was eleven year old Bret and nine year old Ember. They had a bigger family than I did, but only by one. There were eight kids in their family and seven in mine.

“You know that I am not trying to read your mind.” He sighed in defeat. “It’s just the way that I am.” His words were whispered so that no one else would hear them. We weren’t supposed to let the humans know about us.

“I know.” He wasn’t lying. He just couldn’t help it. He was a hybrid. I mean, I wasn’t a pure-blood either. I had wolf, Fae and warlock blood too. We were all unique. But he was literally half wolf and half vampire. He had different oddities than I did.

What was weird was that he and Alexa were both half and half, but Levi was a pure wolf and Alyssa was a pure vampire. It was like the genetic gods had wanted to make their family very diverse or something. Being a hybrid between those two species though, made for some really unique qualities for them. Still, Luka and Levi were my best friends. We had known each other our whole lives and we were always hanging out whenever we got the chance.

“Still, how can you tell me to calm down?” I asked him with exasperation. “Look at your sister. She is staring at that guy like he’s the only man in the world. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that he is her mate or something.” I was shaking my head. He couldn’t be. If he were her mate, then she would be all over him.

“Whether he is or not isn’t my concern. My sisters can make their own decisions. And on top of that, if the guy breaks her heart, she doesn’t need me and Levi to protect her. That guy would need our help to stop her.” We laughed together at the thought of Lyssa killing the guy.

“Yeah, Lyssa can protect herself. And I guess Rika can too. She’s a strong girl and I know that she’s smart. I..I guess I am just overly protective of my family.” I tried to shrug it off, but I couldn’t. It was just who I am.

“Yeah, who would have thought that the son of the Alpha would be an Alpha. That is just so surprising. I mean, none of us saw it coming at all.” Levi finally spoke up as he came to stand next to us as well.

To most people, Levi and Luka were identical. And Alyssa and Alexandria were identical. But that was only to people who didn’t know how to look at them. Or for people that hadn’t known them their entire lives. They had different ways of standing and walking. They were different people, and their friends and family could easily tell them apart. For people that didn’t know them though, they could just look for the red ring on the inside of Luka and Alexa’s eyes. That was the mark of their hybrid status. They were the only ones in their family that had that red part to their eyes.

“Hey, Reagan, you know something. These people aren’t from around here. They don’t know your family. They don’t know the reputation that surrounds you. It’s the chance to make some new friends that aren’t after your parents’ fame or your money. I think that we should be nice to them and hang out with them. It would be nice, in a way.”

“Hmm. You might be right.” I took in the words that Luka had just said. He wasn’t wrong. Most people that weren’t part of the inner circle just wanted to use me for money or notoriety. It had happened a lot when we were kids and all throughout high school. That was why I was glad that we had that large group of friends in our year at school. I always had someone there to hang out with, even if the leeches were there.

“Of course, he is right. It’s time for us to make more friends.”

“I think more friends would be good.” This was when my cousin Elias came over to join us. We had started to lag behind a little, so the group wasn’t exactly with us anymore. “But I also think that staying with everyone is also a good idea.” Elias was the oldest one in our group. Only by a few months but he acted like it was by years. He was, in every aspect of his character, a carbon copy of his dad. He was smart and efficient, fiercely protective of his siblings and cousins, and he even looked just like his dad with dark brown hair and eyes. He and my uncle Noah both gave off an air of someone that was a butler. Though they were nothing at all like Peter, the actual butler. It was just strange to me how much he and his dad were alike.

“Don’t worry, Elias. We’re on our way now.” Luka gripped my shoulder and started to push me in the direction of the group. “And when we get there, we’re going to make new friends. With the German students as well as the tour guides. We’re starting college next week, we have to be nice and make friends, that’s like a requirement or something.”

Luka didn’t stop pushing me until we made it to the rest of the group. My sister was standing with all the girls in a group now. She was getting them all to unite or something. That was understandable. I mean, she was pretty and popular. Everyone had always flocked to her.

I couldn’t be shown up though. She was my sister and we competed in just about everything that we could. That meant that I needed to make friends and unite the group the same as she was doing. Well, I didn’t have to, but I was going to do it anyway.

“Hey, nice to meet you all. Sorry I didn’t introduce myself earlier.” I was walking toward the group of guys that were new here. “My name is-.”

“Reagan, right?” The guy my sister was talking to interrupted me. “You are Rika’s twin brother. It is nice to meet you. I am Clovio. This, here, is Gunnar and Aloisius. The three of us along with Armina and Lovisa are from Germany. We grew up in an orphanage and were offered scholarships to study in America. We are glad to be here.” The guy seemed OK, so far at least.

“Nice to meet you.” Nodded at him and shook his hand. “And yes, my name is Reagan. These are my friends Levi and Luka, and this is my cousin Elias. Those over there are Alyssa and Alexandria, sisters to Levi and Luka, and the rest are-.”

“Rika introduced us already.” The guy named Aloisius interrupted me. These guys sure did like to be rude, didn’t they?

“Well, then I guess introductions are over.” I looked at Aloisius and saw that he was similar to Clovio. He had dark hair and green eyes. I guess they were related, or they were common colorations, either one. Gunnar on the other hand, had dark blond hair that was cut short and had light brown eyes. He hadn’t spoken yet, but I got the feeling that he just wasn’t a big talker.

“No, we can move on to being friends now.” Clovio smiled. “I would very much like to make some new friends here. We all would.”

Well, I decided that I should just play nice after that. We talked with the rest of the guys for the remainder of the tour and got to know a lot about them. They were nice and seemed pretty cool. I wasn’t about to invite him to my place, but we could still hang out when we were in the city or at school.

Rika and I even got the entire group talking, so the girls and the guys were all talking by the time that it was over. Armina and Lovisa were nice too. Armina had light blonde hair and blue eyes with a slight build and a pretty smile. Lovisa was a little taller with dark hair and hazel eyes. She seemed a lot more quiet and shy than the other girl did. Even the other three girls that were in the group were talking with us all. For some reason though, I couldn’t remember their names or even what they looked like. If my dad knew about that, he would laugh at me. It was not like an Alpha to forget what someone looked like. I needed to be attentive at all times. I needed to stay vigilant. If I was going to lead my pack, or any part of my kingdom when I got older, I needed to be giving this my all. I needed to make sure that I performed at my best at all times. I needed to be better than this.


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